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The smoke thief von Shana Abé
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The smoke thief (2005. Auflage)

von Shana Abé

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,2214916,709 (3.67)37
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:For centuries theyve lived in secret among northern Englands green and misted hills. Creatures of extraordinary beauty, power, and sensuality, they possess the ability to shape-shift from human to dragon and back again. Now their secretand their survivalis threatened by a temptation that will break every boundary. . . .

Dubbed the Smoke Thief, a daring jewel thief is confounding the London police. His wealthy victims claim the master burglar can walk through walls and vanish into thin air. But Christoff, the charismatic Marquess of Langford, knows the truth: the thief is no ordinary human but a runner whos fled Darkfrith without permission. As Alpha leader of the drakon, its Kits duty to capture the fugitive before the secrets of the tribe are revealed to mortals. But not even Kit suspects that the Smoke Thief could be a woman.

Clarissa Rue Hawthorne knew her dangerous exploits would attract the attention of the drakon. But she didnt expect Christoff himself to come to London, dangling the tribes most valuable jewelthe Langford Diamondas bait. For as long as she could remember, Rue had lived the life of a halflinghalf drakon, half mortaland an outcast in both worlds. Shed always loved the handsome and willful Kit from the only place it was safe: from afar. But now she was no longer the shy, timid girl shed once been. She was the first woman capable of making the Turn in four generations. So why did she still feel the same dizzying sense of vulnerability whenever he was near?

From the moment he saw her, Kit knew that the alluring and powerful beauty was every bit his Alpha equal and destined to be his bride. And by the harsh laws of the drakon, Rue knew that she was the property of the marquess. But they will risk banishment and worse for a chance at something greater. For now Rue is his prisoner, the diamond has disappeared, and shes made the kind of dangerous proposition a man like Kit cannot resist. . . .

In this bewitching novel, Shana Ab transports us into a world of exhilarating romance and magic.
… (mehr)
Titel:The smoke thief
Autoren:Shana Abé
Info:New York : Bantam Books, 2006, c2005.
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Feuermagie. Der träumende Diamant 1 von Shana Abé

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Enjoyed the story and the little twists. Can't wait to read the other 2 I have ( )
  Scaulkins | Jan 27, 2022 |
I expected to like this book when I read the blurbs in my Sci-fi/Fantasy book club pamphlet. But then I read the prologue, and I wasn’t sure. The style of the prologue is nice, but a bit omniscient for my tastes. And then I read the first chapter. And I was hooked.

I guess it makes sense that the prologue is more omniscient than I generally like, since it’s giving the rather long background of a mythical people. These people, the drakon, are magical beings. (And I feel really stupid for not reading it aloud and realizing early on in the book that “drakon” = “dragon”. I thought they were just similar.) The drakon are very good at adapting to avoid persecution, and when the story starts their rulers are concerned that they have gotten *too* good at it. None of the females can Turn. (From human to dragon. They have both forms, as well as an in-between one: smoke.)

(The book is set in 18th century England, in a world that has magic without realizing it. The drakon value their secrecy, and the average Londoner has no clue the dragons exist. For a casual observer - me - it all stands up nicely to reality. For a history major, who knows?)

Over the course of the book, we follow the hero, Kit, and the heroine, Rue. They both have to learn how to deal with another Alpha - Kit, as the ruler of the drakon, is the Alpha male; Rue, as the only female who can Turn, by default becomes the Alpha female. Some of the happenings in the book (like the identity of the Smoke Thief and the happy ending) come as no surprise. However, the wonderful voice that Shana uses to tell the story makes the obvious parts of the plot very enjoyable, and there are still twists that have the potential to confuse.

I’m very glad there’s a sequel. I can’t wait to read more. ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | May 18, 2020 |
Dragon Shifters
Interesting take on dragons, but some things were vague or skipped causing puzzlement. Characters were interesting. Will continue reading the series. ( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
More a 2.5 than a 3 star review. I liked the background story of Drakons. I liked the Rue that striked out on her own, in defiance of her people's laws. But I have reservations about the book :
- the story is supposedly set in the 18th century. I say supposedly because it felt as if it could have happened indifferently in the 18th or the 19th Century (that the old History student speaking here)
- the romance: the heroin was "Oh, I don't want to love you but I have always loved you and I will let you marry me." And the sex scenes were very average
- the Drakons: they're supposed to be beastly in spite of being able to look (and have children with) humans. But I didn't felt that beastly side of their being. Kelley Armstrong did a much better job of that with her werewolves for example.

All in all, those promising premises left me hungry. I'm not sure I'll read all the books in the series.
( )
  Sept | May 21, 2019 |
This book surprised me. I was intrigued by the idea of dragons and historical romance.

Abe handles it all beautifully and creates really awesome characters in the process, a society of dragons and reasoning behind much of their actions.

Enjoyed delving into a world that was felt well developed and featured great romance. ( )
  rabidgummibear | Nov 28, 2018 |
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Shana AbéHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Youll, StephenUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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For Mom and Dad, always and ever.

A book is just a dream, without pushing and prodding and heaps of encouragement; Wendy McCurdy, Annelise Robey, and Andrea Cirillo deserve full kudos for helping me make this dream real. Thank you!

A very special umboogwa to Stacey, for using up all her minutes on me. Ditto to Mandy!

And of course, domo, danke, and gracias to Darren, who understood all that.
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Imagine a place so ripe and thick with the promise of magic that the very air breathes in plumes of pearl and gray and smoky blue; that the trees bow with the weight of their heavy branches, dipping low to the ground, dropping needles and leaves into beds of perfume.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:For centuries theyve lived in secret among northern Englands green and misted hills. Creatures of extraordinary beauty, power, and sensuality, they possess the ability to shape-shift from human to dragon and back again. Now their secretand their survivalis threatened by a temptation that will break every boundary. . . .

Dubbed the Smoke Thief, a daring jewel thief is confounding the London police. His wealthy victims claim the master burglar can walk through walls and vanish into thin air. But Christoff, the charismatic Marquess of Langford, knows the truth: the thief is no ordinary human but a runner whos fled Darkfrith without permission. As Alpha leader of the drakon, its Kits duty to capture the fugitive before the secrets of the tribe are revealed to mortals. But not even Kit suspects that the Smoke Thief could be a woman.

Clarissa Rue Hawthorne knew her dangerous exploits would attract the attention of the drakon. But she didnt expect Christoff himself to come to London, dangling the tribes most valuable jewelthe Langford Diamondas bait. For as long as she could remember, Rue had lived the life of a halflinghalf drakon, half mortaland an outcast in both worlds. Shed always loved the handsome and willful Kit from the only place it was safe: from afar. But now she was no longer the shy, timid girl shed once been. She was the first woman capable of making the Turn in four generations. So why did she still feel the same dizzying sense of vulnerability whenever he was near?

From the moment he saw her, Kit knew that the alluring and powerful beauty was every bit his Alpha equal and destined to be his bride. And by the harsh laws of the drakon, Rue knew that she was the property of the marquess. But they will risk banishment and worse for a chance at something greater. For now Rue is his prisoner, the diamond has disappeared, and shes made the kind of dangerous proposition a man like Kit cannot resist. . . .

In this bewitching novel, Shana Ab transports us into a world of exhilarating romance and magic.

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