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Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration - How…
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Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration - How Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work And Your Life (2005. Auflage)

von Marc Lesser

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332753,992 (3.5)1
Business. Nonfiction. HTML:

Entrepreneur Marc Lesser built his company, Brush Dance, from a tiny recycled-paper venture operated out of his garage into a multimillion-dollar publisher of greeting cards and calendars. Armed with an MBA, this founder and CEO grappled with the usual challenges of running a company: meeting payroll and balancing cashflow, hiring and firing employees, and maintaining relationships with vendors and customers. Informing every decision was Lesser's commitment to Zen practice. As an ordained Zen priest, he has practiced and studied Zen for thirty years. In Z.B.A. he follows the great spiritual tradition of teaching stories to beautifully describe the delicate path of living a working life as a spiritual practice.

.… (mehr)
Titel:Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration - How Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work And Your Life
Autoren:Marc Lesser
Info:New World Library (2005), Paperback, 256 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Saybrook - Org Systems


Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration - How Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work And Your Life von Marc Lesser

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This is a pretty good book on combining the spiritual practice of Zen with daily work. You don't have to be Buddhist to follow the advice of this book, but it may make you wish to explore Zen further. Some of the stuff, I will say, seemed a bit common sense, then again, Zen has that quality of making the complex seem not so complex (or viceversa at times). I found a lot of things to think about in this book, some very applicable to my profession as a librarian. I think a few of the passages would be beneficial to library managers and directors who could probably get some benefit of learning things like awareness and compassion when it comes to directing their workplaces. This is the kind of book I would slide under the door of one or two bosses I have known.

Overall, if you want to make your work life a bit more spiritual, or just be more mindful in your daily life, this is a good book for you. A strength of the book are the questions for daily practice at the end of each chapter as they give you something to reflect and work from, thus helping to make the practice more practical and immediate. This is one I recommend. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
This is a collection of short vignettes by a Zen practitioner who is also the founder and CEO of a successful company. Each vignette frames a different aspect of Zen practice and connects it to an aspect of running a business. The idea is to bring the concepts of Zen into the business world, to help the reader become more adept at dealing with the daily challenges of work, while integrating the spiritual into the business realm, where it is not usually welcomed. I connect with these ideas and could imagine how useful this book would be on the bookshelf next to my desk, to consult when I face a new challenge or stress while I am working. Each vignette could bear multiple readings and reveal something new every time, in light of the context in which it is read. I particularly appreciated the Nine Practices for being more in connection with yourself while at work and the Z.B.A. Manifesto at the back of the book, and plan to consult both regularly. ( )
  sturlington | Feb 24, 2012 |
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Business. Nonfiction. HTML:

Entrepreneur Marc Lesser built his company, Brush Dance, from a tiny recycled-paper venture operated out of his garage into a multimillion-dollar publisher of greeting cards and calendars. Armed with an MBA, this founder and CEO grappled with the usual challenges of running a company: meeting payroll and balancing cashflow, hiring and firing employees, and maintaining relationships with vendors and customers. Informing every decision was Lesser's commitment to Zen practice. As an ordained Zen priest, he has practiced and studied Zen for thirty years. In Z.B.A. he follows the great spiritual tradition of teaching stories to beautifully describe the delicate path of living a working life as a spiritual practice.


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