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Out-of-Body Experiences: A Handbook

von Janet Lee Mitchell

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Providing the most current information on this fascinating topic, Out-of-Body-Experiences presents observations and opinions based on actual experimentation and thorough research of the literature. Dr. Mitchell believes that the anecdotal evidence alone throughout history and across cultures indicates that OBES are important human experiences sometimes interpreted as mental illness. Recent research suggests that OBES may answer some of our most basic questions about personal existence such as, Is survival of bodily death a possibility?In addition to historical and laboratory evidence we are confronted with the personal accounts of many who claim to have left their physical bodies. The philosophical, psychological and ethical considerations and implications of such experiences are discussed in a dispassionate, objective manner. The author also explores the relationship of OBES to dreams and examines techniques for originating and recognizing OBES.… (mehr)
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Providing the most current information on this fascinating topic, Out-of-Body-Experiences presents observations and opinions based on actual experimentation and thorough research of the literature. Dr. Mitchell believes that the anecdotal evidence alone throughout history and across cultures indicates that OBES are important human experiences sometimes interpreted as mental illness. Recent research suggests that OBES may answer some of our most basic questions about personal existence such as, Is survival of bodily death a possibility?In addition to historical and laboratory evidence we are confronted with the personal accounts of many who claim to have left their physical bodies. The philosophical, psychological and ethical considerations and implications of such experiences are discussed in a dispassionate, objective manner. The author also explores the relationship of OBES to dreams and examines techniques for originating and recognizing OBES.

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