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She's with the Band

von Georgia Clark

Reihen: Girlfriend Fiction (3)

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For Mia Mannix, life has never been this tough, or this interesting ""Life never starts when you think it will. When I turned 15, I figured I'd be tossed the keys to the city, make out with a hottie, and have a modest parade thrown in my honour. But all that happened was that I got out of doing the washing up. The day we moved to Sydney was supposed to be the start of the new Mia Mannix--confident, charming, taller. But so far, it sucked."""" Mia Mannix has made a deal: in return for moving from the social backwater of the Snowy Mountains to life in the fast lane in Sydney, she's promised her dad she'd give up music and concentrate on real art. But that was before she discovered new friends, a cool record store, and a ridiculously hot rock star. This story is for every girl who has ever wanted to start a band, had a crush on the wrong boy, or made a promise she couldn't keep.… (mehr)
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For Mia Mannix, life has never been this tough, or this interesting ""Life never starts when you think it will. When I turned 15, I figured I'd be tossed the keys to the city, make out with a hottie, and have a modest parade thrown in my honour. But all that happened was that I got out of doing the washing up. The day we moved to Sydney was supposed to be the start of the new Mia Mannix--confident, charming, taller. But so far, it sucked."""" Mia Mannix has made a deal: in return for moving from the social backwater of the Snowy Mountains to life in the fast lane in Sydney, she's promised her dad she'd give up music and concentrate on real art. But that was before she discovered new friends, a cool record store, and a ridiculously hot rock star. This story is for every girl who has ever wanted to start a band, had a crush on the wrong boy, or made a promise she couldn't keep.

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