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Love and Summer: A Novel von William Trevor
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Love and Summer: A Novel (2009. Auflage)

von William Trevor

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9315323,696 (3.75)132
Living an unfulfilling existence at the side of a tragic husband, shy orphan Ellie Dillahan begins an affair that forces her to choose between an uncertain future with the man she loves and the desolate life she has built for herself.
Titel:Love and Summer: A Novel
Autoren:William Trevor
Info:Viking Adult (2009), Hardcover, 224 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Liebe und Sommer: Roman von William Trevor

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The Farmer Takes a Wife

Media: Audio
Read by: Jim Norton
Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

It’s summer in a small town in Ireland. There’s a chance meeting between a local lass and a young man on a bike. We know that these two, Ella and Florian have clicked. And then?

William Trevor builds up the cast chapter by chapter. We learn about the players, the farmer, the guesthouse proprietor and her husband, the salesman, the ex-librarian who has lost his mind. We learn about the town’s recent history and scandals. The farmer accidentally killed his first wife and child; the local cinema burned down, the guesthouse proprietor was forced by her father to have an abortion.

There are more chance encounters between Ella and Florian. These are fleeting until, amongst the ruins of an old manor house that is overrun with the sweet peas, peonies and lavender, a love blossoms.

Sounds clichéd at best, at worst a cheap Victorian “penny dreadful”. But it’s not. Trevor manages to weave a tale that brings to mind Thomas Hardy rather than Mills and Boon. Scenes are described in minute detail, so we can see every movement of the characters as they interact with each other and go about their daily tasks. From the farmer repairing a tyre tube to Ella folding her clothes ready for the next day, mundane details bring to life a world we are experiencing as we read on. A Vermeer in words.

I tottered between a 3.5 and a 4 for rating, as the book is slight in content and in length. Not an important book. Not a seminal Trevor work, so perhaps a 3.5? I gave it a 4. Love and Summer epitomizes everything that is exquisite about William Trevor’s books. He brings to life moments in time and builds up a world that we can enter, lavender and all. ( )
  kjuliff | Feb 29, 2024 |
In a small Irish town in the 1960s/70s, Ellie Dillahan and Florian Kilderry meet. Ellie is an orphan who was raised by nuns, sent out to be a housekeeper when she came of age, and ends up marrying the man she was keeping house for. Her husband has a tragic past, having lost his wife and child in a gruesome accident. Ellie is shy and quiet and simple. Florian Kilderry is selling his parents' house, who have both died, and trying to get over a lost love. Over a summer, the two begin spending time together and they grow close, complicated by Ellie's marriage and Florian's imminent departure.

[[William Trevor]] is a master at telling a reader what is happening without ever saying it. This book is incredibly subtle - almost nothing is said straight out, but somehow everything is clear. Using only tiny bits of dialogue and tiny moments of interior thought, Ellie, her husband, and Florian all become complete characters. I'm not sure how he did it.

I will say it's a little disorienting to read a book like this. There isn't a lot of description, isn't a lot of dialogue, isn't a lot of characters' thoughts. What is there? It's hard to describe how Trevor gets the plot across to the reader. All I know is I really liked it. ( )
  japaul22 | Jul 1, 2023 |
El destino parece haber dictado que Ellie y Dillahan se hayan convertido en marido y mujer. Criada en un orfanato, la joven Ellie es enviada a servir a la granja de Dillahan, donde se encuentra a un hombre que arrastra el sufrimiento de haber perdido a su esposa y a su hijo recién nacido en un extraño accidente. No obstante, ya sea fruto del azar o la necesidad, la vida de la pareja transcurre ordenada y tranquila hasta que, un día de verano, la aparición de Florian, un veinteañero melancólico que está ultimando la venta de la casa de sus padres, despierta las emociones dormidas de Ellie. La pasión, repentina e irrefrenable, empuja a la joven Ellie hacia una turbadora relación con Florian, que afectará incluso a algunos habitantes del pueblo hasta desembocar en un desenlace sorprendente.
La prosa sobria y luminosa de Trevor retrata con precisión fotográfica los detalles más reveladores de la vida cotidiana de unos personajes indefectiblemente ligados al entorno y al momento histórico que les ha tocado vivir, creando una historia de amor acorde con los más altos cánones de excelencia literaria y estética.
  Natt90 | Mar 24, 2023 |
Een nostalgisch verhaal, een zomer lang, twee eenzame mensen lopen ontmoeten mekaar in de alledaagse gebeurtenissen van een Iers dorp, en vinden mekaar. Omringd door andere eenzame zielen. Met warmte geschreven. Trevor lezen is met mondjesmaat genieten. ( )
  Baukis | Mar 10, 2022 |
Good story of Tipperary in perhaps the 1960s. Love story, almost tragedy but hints that life was able to continue. Trevor is a master of the details of daily life which bring you into the society of the time.
  jgoodwll | Feb 24, 2021 |
This new novel, except for the accidents that took Mrs. Connulty’s husband and Dillahan’s first wife, is a delicate sort of drama — there is no corpse in the basement, no bomb lies hidden in any drawer — but even so, a reader will have his heart in his mouth for the last 50 pages. And when that heart settles back down, it will be broken and satisfied.
hinzugefügt von jlelliott | bearbeitenThe New York Times, Thomas Mallon (Sep 18, 2009)
Love and Summer is a short novel that comes as close to perfection as may be possible. The publishers have priced it high, sensibly judging that good readers will need no financial inducement – no stickers blazoning "£4 off", no "3 for 2" nonsense – to be persuaded to buy the book.

The setting is characteristic Trevor: a small town somewhere in the Irish Midlands, one in which so little unusual happens that the appearance of a stranger with a camera and a bicycle provokes comment and speculation. Florian Kilderry is "the sole relic of an Italian mother and an Anglo-Irish father, a couple whose devotion to one another had illuminated a marriage in which their foibles were indulged and their creditors charmed as part of everyday life."
hinzugefügt von kidzdoc | bearbeitenThe Scotsman, Allan Massie (Aug 22, 2009)
There is a touch of JD Salinger about William Trevor - except, of course, that Trevor publishes faithfully every few years: novels and collections of stories. He is 81 years old. His last short-story collection, Cheating at Canasta, began, as Roy Foster pointed out, with a masterpiece. "How does Trevor do it?" was Foster's marvelling question. How does he do it? Mysteriously. This vexed, misused and secret word also applies to his new novel, Love and Summer (a title that sings back to an earlier book, Death in Summer). His new work is all about life, and if there are dampers and de-accelerants on that life, it is nevertheless a fabulously benign book - almost, I might say, a work of sympathetic magic, as if to describe a troubled utopia might be to instate it.
hinzugefügt von kidzdoc | bearbeitenThe Guardian, Sebastian Barry (Aug 22, 2009)
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On a June evening some years after the middle of the last century Mrs Eileen Connulty passed through the town of Rathmoye: from Number 4 The Square to Magennis Street, into Hurley Lane, along Irish Street, across Cloughjordan Road to the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer. Her night was spent there.
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Living an unfulfilling existence at the side of a tragic husband, shy orphan Ellie Dillahan begins an affair that forces her to choose between an uncertain future with the man she loves and the desolate life she has built for herself.

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