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The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake,…
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The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake, Book 8) (2010. Auflage)

von Kerrelyn Sparks

Reihen: Love at Stake (8)

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6242539,090 (3.88)5
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Olivia's packing list:

1. Sunscreen
2. Bathing suit
3. Flip-flops

FBI psychologist Olivia Sotiris was looking for a cool ocean breeze, sand between her toes, and a break from her crazy, chaotic, and sometimes all-too-dangerous life. But when she escaped to the small Greek island of Patmos, all she got were meddling grandmothers trying to marry her off. Can't they see that none of the men around interests her—except Robby MacKay?

Robby's packing list:

1. Synthetic blood
2. More synthetic blood
3. Jogging clothes
(even vamps have to stay in shape!)

Robby needs to cool off, too, since all he can think about is revenge on the Malcontent bloodsuckers who once held him captive—but then he meets Olivia, the beauty with wild curls and a tempting smile. When a deadly criminal from a case back home tracks her down, Robby will have to save her life—along with giving her a first time she'll never forget . . .

… (mehr)
Titel:The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake, Book 8)
Autoren:Kerrelyn Sparks
Info:Avon (2010), Edition: Original, Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Vampire and the Virgin von Kerrelyn Sparks

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Terrible name...excellent book! :) First of her books I read, and I will read more. ( )
  Tambaloosa25 | Jun 19, 2023 |
Terrible name...excellent book! :) First of her books I read, and I will read more. ( )
  Tambaloosa25 | Jun 19, 2023 |
This was good. One of my favorites in the series. Probably just 3 1/2 stars, but rounded up to 4 stars. I liked the couple, even though Olivia annoyed me more than I liked. But it was interesting to learn of more shifters. I like those guys. I hope to see more of them. ( )
  NickyM96 | Nov 21, 2022 |
4.75 Stars

Funny and exciting.
The writing flows smoothly and reads so effortlessly that you'll find yourself at the end craving another slice of the 'Love at Stake' series.
The suspense/action is upped even more in this one. The Malcontents and Vamp war escalating with some surprising twist.
The relationship between Olivia & Robby is often humorous, always romantic and filled with passion. ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
Now this was a romance worth reading! I had on my mental cheerleader’s outfit, routing for this couple all the way through the book.
Robby MacKay is on a forced vacation from work so that he can cool down after he was tortured by Casimir, the leader of the Malcontents who are the evil vampires who feed off and torture humans. Robby is a good vampire or Vamp as they call themselves and after his torture, revenge is the only thing on his mind. He refused therapy so he has been sent to the Greek Island, Patmos to relax and to clear his head. His plan is to exercise and get in prime condition to fight and kill Casimir. He also wants to leave the island to search for Casimir but his friends and coworkers conveniently keep showing up for their vacations so he never gets a chance to be alone to leave the island.
Olivia Sotiris is also on a forced vacation visiting her grandmother on the island of Patmos because she is getting away from a psychopath who is obsesses with her. She works for the FBI and uses her special skills of being an empath and she has the ability to know when anyone is telling a lie. Her stalker is in prison for raping and murdering at least thirteen women but he still manages to somehow find her wherever she goes. He sends her six apples to let her know he has found her. She hopes that he won’t find her on the island since very few people know she is there.

Olivia sees Robby from the terrace of her grandmother’s house one night while he is jogging on the beach. She looks through the telescope to get a better view of him and then realizes that he has stopped running and is looking at her. Yep, it’s pretty embarrassing to be caught ogling someone through a telescope. The next morning, her grandmother gives her a single red rose that was left on the steps leading up from the beach and knows that the mystery jogger left it for her. I thought that was so romantic.

Robby thinks he has seen an angel or Greek goddess when he sees Olivia looking at him through the telescope. He decides he has to meet her to make sure she is real. When they meet, they are instantly attracted to each other. Robby is the first person that Olivia cannot read with her empathy skills. She is leery of him because she cannot tell if he is telling her the truth or not. At one point, Robby thinks that his Grandfather who is also his employer has sent Olivia to council him since she is a psychologist but then she convinces him that she has no clue what he is talking about. They start to fall in love.

One day, Olivia finds a box of six apples on her grandmother’s table. Her stalker has found her. She immediately gets herself and her grandmother off the island. She leaves Robby a note to contact her at her FBI office in Kansas City. They proceed with a long distance romance over the next six months. Olivia is trying to find out who is helping her stalker send her apples. Robby is helping the Vamps try to find Casimir. Olivia and Robby get to know a lot about each other except of course, he still hasn’t told her that he is a vampire. He knows he has to but is afraid she will reject him.

Things with their enemies get intense but I don’t want to spoil the ending for anyone.
A lot of the characters from the other books in the series make appearances and we meet some new characters who may end up having significant roles in future books. I keep hoping that the next romance will be about Connor because I have a little crush on him and I want to see what caused him to be so bitter against love.

I’ve peeked at the next book but Connor isn’t the lead male character. Carlos is. I love Carlos. I can’t wait to read his story. ( )
  dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Kerrelyn SparksHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Buzzard, MadelynErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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With all my love to my hero at home, my husband and best friend, Don.
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Robby MacKay had murder on his mind as he approached the rendezvous site in Central Park.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Olivia's packing list:

1. Sunscreen
2. Bathing suit
3. Flip-flops

FBI psychologist Olivia Sotiris was looking for a cool ocean breeze, sand between her toes, and a break from her crazy, chaotic, and sometimes all-too-dangerous life. But when she escaped to the small Greek island of Patmos, all she got were meddling grandmothers trying to marry her off. Can't they see that none of the men around interests her—except Robby MacKay?

Robby's packing list:

1. Synthetic blood
2. More synthetic blood
3. Jogging clothes
(even vamps have to stay in shape!)

Robby needs to cool off, too, since all he can think about is revenge on the Malcontent bloodsuckers who once held him captive—but then he meets Olivia, the beauty with wild curls and a tempting smile. When a deadly criminal from a case back home tracks her down, Robby will have to save her life—along with giving her a first time she'll never forget . . .


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2 7
3 34
3.5 8
4 48
4.5 1
5 43

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