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X-Men Noir (X-Men (Marvel Hardcover)) von…
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X-Men Noir (X-Men (Marvel Hardcover)) (2009. Auflage)

von Fred Van Lente, Dennis Calero (Illustrator)

Reihen: X-Men Noir (1-4), Marvel Noir

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1145247,557 (3.21)Keine
"The coroner's men flipped the redheaded corpse over so Dukes and Magnus from Homicide could get a better look at her. 'Better' being a relative term in this case, with the claw marks that slashed her face into a featureless, bloody mask and turned her guts into a butcher shop explosion. "But the tattoo - the simple, encircled 'X' above the left shoulder blade - remained intact, and Dukes pointed it out with the toe of his wingtip once Peter the rookie was done heaving up lunch. "'See this ink?' he said. 'Means she did time at this reform school upstate, run by this shrink, Xavier...'" Collects X-Men Noir #1-4.… (mehr)
Titel:X-Men Noir (X-Men (Marvel Hardcover))
Autoren:Fred Van Lente
Weitere Autoren:Dennis Calero (Illustrator)
Info:Marvel (2009), Edition: First Printing, Hardcover, 120 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Marvel Noir: X-Men von Fred Van Lente (Author)

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I read this amazing graphic novel and it's pretty incredible how the noir genre is taken serious. The theme, the drawings, all put together to form a masterpiece. You'll find some of the characters from the X-Men beginning through a whole new point of view. It all starts when the police finds the body of a red haired women... You gotta read this! ( )
  Glaucialm | Feb 18, 2016 |
Come il già recensito Spiderman Noir, ci troviamo qui una rivisitazione Marvel di alcuni personaggi chiave in salsa Noir (in effetti Spiderman era più Pulp che Noir, qui ci siamo più vicini, come tropos).
L'idea di fondo è molto interessante: mentre nei mondi "normali" Xavier lavora per proteggere e guidare l'Homo Superior, vale a dire i mutanti - visti come prossimo gradino dell'evoluzione umana, in questa miniserie il Professore teorizza che il prossimo gradino sia costituito dai sociopatici, una forma di "Predatore Puro".
La sua scuola per giovani dotati è quindi una sorta di accademia del crimine (e d'altro canto i suoi protetti non hanno superpoteri, sono solo malati di mente).

La premessa mi pare molto più accattivante di quella di Spiderman, ma il voto rimane basso comunque. Non conosco le premesse delle decisioni editoriali che hanno fatto nascere questo esperimento, ma sospetto che agli autori fosse stato imposto un numero limitato di numeri per vedere "come va". Peccato che nel caso degli X-Men, dove ci sono mezza dozzina di "protagonisti" e decine di comprimari (molti reintrodotti qui o almeno citati - come versioni non superpowered di Shawn, Juggernaut, Magneto, Unus etc. etc.) ci vuole un po' di respiro e di calma per permetterci di (ri)scoprire i personaggi e studiarne le dinamiche.

Dato che il tutto si sviluppa in 4 albi per un totale di un centinaio di pagine il risultato è duplice: quasi tutti sono delle comparse di sè stessi (la Bestia non so se la si vede in più di 6 vignette) e per la fine della storia il body count è piuttosto elevato - non saprei se in omaggio al genere o solo per fare un po' di spazio in caso di seguiti.

Per cui, per dirla col Bardo Immortale: "molto rumore per nulla". L'idea per quanto suggestiva nasce praticamente già morta, e non so se mi farò gabbare anche da Daredevil Noir e Wolverine Noir (certo, abbiamo un Logan anche in questa storia, ma visto che ormai la Marvel lo tratta come se fosse il personaggio più importante della sua storia, figuratevi se non lo trattavano anche "a parte"). ( )
  pamar | Aug 25, 2014 |
A difficult to follow tale of pulpish noir with beautiful art. The noir take on the X men has a more real slant than some of the other Noir titles, which makes it interesting. My only issue with he whole arc of this, is that they have tried to shovel in as many noir issues as possible into the plot line, in consequence, at times, it's difficult to follow. Interesting, but if you have other things to do can be avoided without too much loss. ( )
  aadyer | Sep 14, 2013 |
I have to agree with Schatzi, this isn't bad but you really would have to know the characters very well to get what the point of some of the comments and situations are. Also the artwork is very dark, and sometimes almost unreadable and I'm not sure what the text story is trying to say. Not something that I'd buy, or really hunt up, I may read more if they cross my path but I'm not sold on the entire concept, could have been very cool but really it failed for me. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Dec 7, 2011 |
I'm not really a big fan of Marvel's new Noir line. The art is predictably dark, but sometimes it's literally so dark that I have a difficult time discerning what is going on or the differences between characters. I am also disliking the way the books are being printed; the paper feels weird and the books are of a smaller size (more similar to the manga digests than the comic trade paperbacks).

In this collection, Magneto is a high-ranking police detective. His son, Peter (Pietro), joins the force, while his daughter, Wanda, is a socialite with a gambling problem. Big surprise - Magneto is a dirty cop and at odds with Professor X. Other characters who make an appearance include: Sean Cassidy, Black Tom Cassidy, Rogue, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Iceman, and Gambit.

Personally, I felt that the story was relatively weak. The characters are familiar enough to recognize them, but not familiar enough to really engross yourself in the story. What the "mutants" really were was kind of weird, to be honest. And the ending was rather lame. All in all, I'm not sold on the Noir line, and I'm not sure that I'll read any more from it. ( )
  schatzi | Nov 4, 2009 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Van Lente, FredAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Calero, DennisIllustratorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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"The coroner's men flipped the redheaded corpse over so Dukes and Magnus from Homicide could get a better look at her. 'Better' being a relative term in this case, with the claw marks that slashed her face into a featureless, bloody mask and turned her guts into a butcher shop explosion. "But the tattoo - the simple, encircled 'X' above the left shoulder blade - remained intact, and Dukes pointed it out with the toe of his wingtip once Peter the rookie was done heaving up lunch. "'See this ink?' he said. 'Means she did time at this reform school upstate, run by this shrink, Xavier...'" Collects X-Men Noir #1-4.

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