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Jeanne of Clairmonde von Joyce Moore
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Jeanne of Clairmonde (2009. Auflage)

von Joyce Moore

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As France prepares for the Hundred Years War, the king sends Squire Nicholas to relocate the occupants of Clairmonde. The estate is in a strategic location and will house troops for the duration of the war. This is not the first time that Jeanne, heiress of Clairmonde, has been uprooted. She vows to petition the king for exemption, but to reach Paris, she must join forces with her evictor. Undeterred by Squire Nicholas' wrath and warnings, she joins his troops as they make their way to Paris. A growing attraction develops between Jeanne and her squire, but each of them is burdened by a past that keeps them apart. As they travel snow-covered roads to the capital city, they are stalked by the enemy and the Black Prince himself. Can their love endure imprisonment, ambush, and hardships? And will false accusations at the French court ruin Jeanne's dream of regaining her land?… (mehr)
Titel:Jeanne of Clairmonde
Autoren:Joyce Moore
Info:The Wild Rose Press (2009), Paperback, 292 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Jeanne Of Clairmonde von Joyce Moore

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJMreader, emmytuck, shieldwall, ktr675, TiffanyAK
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My full review is up at YouGottaRead Reviews, but this is a very good historical romance with a strong female lead character. It's well-written and I really enjoyed it a lot. It was fun to read about a medieval age woman standing up for herself and even teaching the men a thing or two. Jeanne's adventures were exciting and interesting, and the story as a whole was very well thought out and vividly told. Definitely worth reading. ( )
  TiffanyAK | Jul 6, 2009 |
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As France prepares for the Hundred Years War, the king sends Squire Nicholas to relocate the occupants of Clairmonde. The estate is in a strategic location and will house troops for the duration of the war. This is not the first time that Jeanne, heiress of Clairmonde, has been uprooted. She vows to petition the king for exemption, but to reach Paris, she must join forces with her evictor. Undeterred by Squire Nicholas' wrath and warnings, she joins his troops as they make their way to Paris. A growing attraction develops between Jeanne and her squire, but each of them is burdened by a past that keeps them apart. As they travel snow-covered roads to the capital city, they are stalked by the enemy and the Black Prince himself. Can their love endure imprisonment, ambush, and hardships? And will false accusations at the French court ruin Jeanne's dream of regaining her land?

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