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Lädt ... Shakespeare (1970)von Anthony Burgess
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Melde dich bei LibraryThing an um herauszufinden, ob du dieses Buch mögen würdest. Keine aktuelle Diskussion zu diesem Buch. Burgess's foreword tells readers exactly what to expect from this biography of Shakespeare: This is not a book about Shakespeare's plays and poems. It is yet another attempt—the nth—to set down the main facts about the life and society from which the poems and plays arose. If I discuss the content or technique of what Shakespeare and other men wrote, it is not with a view to providing literary history or literary criticism; it is because the people in this book are mostly professional writers, and what they attempted in their art often relates closely to what they did with their lives... What I claim here is the right of every Shakespeare-lover who has ever lived to paint his own portrait of the man. Burgess combines the scant documentary evidence for Shakespeare's life with his knowledge of Shakespeare's works, the works of Shakespeare's contemporaries, Elizabethan theater, and Elizabethan and Jacobean society to produce a lively biography. Burgess's Shakespeare isn't a “dead white man” - he's a man, not just of his time, but of all times. This is a biography meant for lovers of Shakespeare, not for academics. Burgess provides no footnotes or bibliography. However, academics shouldn't dismiss Burgess's Shakespeare as irrelevant. It's the equivalent of classroom lectures delivered by a charismatic teacher, and his passion for his subject may continue to inspire new generations of readers to experience Shakespeare for themselves. Lively and entertaining account of Shakespeare's life and the astonishing transformation of English drama in the last 10 years of Elizabeth I's reign. Burgess's pace never flags and while much of it may not be strictly true (as he himself points out at relevant points), like the plays, it has the ring of truth. Burgess never lets his undoubted scholarship get in the way of his hugely enjoyable narrative. Especially recommended for the hundreds of illustrations of Shakespeare's contemporaries and scenes of Elizabethan life. The Penguin edition is also really nicely typeset (in Plantin). keine Rezensionen | Rezension hinzufügen
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Among Shakespear's many biographers none brings to his subject more passion and feeling for the creative act than Anthony Burgess. He breathes life into Shakespear the man and invigorates his times. His portrait of the age builds upon an almost personal tenderness for Shakespear and his contemporaries (especially Ben Jonson), and on a profound sense of literary and theatrical history. Anthony Burgess's well-known delight in language infuses his own writing about Shakespear's works. And in the verve of his biography he conveys the energy of the Elizabethan age. Keine Bibliotheksbeschreibungen gefunden. |
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Google Books — Lädt ... GenresMelvil Decimal System (DDC)822.33Literature English English drama Elizabethan 1558-1625 Shakespeare, William 1564–1616Klassifikation der Library of Congress [LCC] (USA)BewertungDurchschnitt:
Nevertheless, the way that Burgess writes makes this book easily worthwhile. Taking just the facts that we know about the Bard (or, knew, in 1976), he strings a story of Shakespeare's life that is full of reasonable assumptions and some more fantastic but equally beautiful surprises. A vivid and enjoyable read. ( )