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The Whistling Hunters: Field Studies of the Asiatic Wild Dog (Cuon Alpinus)

von Michael W. Fox

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The whistling dog, or dhole, of India is a little-known, distant cousin of our domestic dog. Highly intelligent, wary of man, and elusive as a jungle predator, this rare and beautiful creature is one of the most difficult animals to study. Its very nature defies the patience and skill of the most dedicated naturalist. Yet knowledge about its habits and a more widespread understanding and appreciation of this species are essential for its protection and continued survival. For, like so much of the world's wildlife today, the dhole is a species threatened with extinction. The first in-depth field study of the whistling dog, The Whistling Hunters examines the dhole in the animal's environment. The book is based on the author's field studies and the observations of other naturalists. It presents all the facts currently known about the species, as it makes a passionate plea for conservation and the reevaluation of our land-use patterns. The book is also an attempt to understand the essence of wilderness since it, too, like the whistling dog, is an endangered species.… (mehr)
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The whistling dog, or dhole, of India is a little-known, distant cousin of our domestic dog. Highly intelligent, wary of man, and elusive as a jungle predator, this rare and beautiful creature is one of the most difficult animals to study. Its very nature defies the patience and skill of the most dedicated naturalist. Yet knowledge about its habits and a more widespread understanding and appreciation of this species are essential for its protection and continued survival. For, like so much of the world's wildlife today, the dhole is a species threatened with extinction. The first in-depth field study of the whistling dog, The Whistling Hunters examines the dhole in the animal's environment. The book is based on the author's field studies and the observations of other naturalists. It presents all the facts currently known about the species, as it makes a passionate plea for conservation and the reevaluation of our land-use patterns. The book is also an attempt to understand the essence of wilderness since it, too, like the whistling dog, is an endangered species.

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