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The Order of Things

von Norbert Schoerner

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Presented in a highly innovative and original circular binding, The Order of Thingsis a collection of new and previously unseen work from photographer Norbert Schoerner. He is one of the most proficient and talented fashion photographers at work today, who consistently redefines the parameters of fashion as we perceive it. His recent advertising projects for both Prada and Miu Miu have been recognized as masterpieces of their genre. Incorporating images from Japan and London, alongside a series of portraits and personal photographic stories, this is a book that transforms itself into a surrealistic style game without beginning or end. The book is bound so that the pages fan out into a circle, creating a continuous flow of images. Throughout, stories and images blend into one another to form a bizarre narrative and kaleidoscopic journey that defines Schoerner's unique photographic style. A photographic tour de force, an object of art in itself, a book unlike any other, The Order of Thingsis incomparable in any dimension to any other book.… (mehr)
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Presented in a highly innovative and original circular binding, The Order of Thingsis a collection of new and previously unseen work from photographer Norbert Schoerner. He is one of the most proficient and talented fashion photographers at work today, who consistently redefines the parameters of fashion as we perceive it. His recent advertising projects for both Prada and Miu Miu have been recognized as masterpieces of their genre. Incorporating images from Japan and London, alongside a series of portraits and personal photographic stories, this is a book that transforms itself into a surrealistic style game without beginning or end. The book is bound so that the pages fan out into a circle, creating a continuous flow of images. Throughout, stories and images blend into one another to form a bizarre narrative and kaleidoscopic journey that defines Schoerner's unique photographic style. A photographic tour de force, an object of art in itself, a book unlike any other, The Order of Thingsis incomparable in any dimension to any other book.

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