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You and the Pirates von Jocelyne Allen
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You and the Pirates (2009. Auflage)

von Jocelyne Allen

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1211,660,891 (4)4
An army of cats joins a crew of marooned pirates to save you from explosions and knife attacks and to stop Up from becoming Down. But before the cats, before the pirates, you are standing outside the metro in rush-hour Tokyo when the building across the street from you explodes. Seconds later, you're yanked off your feet by a salaryman who plans to use you to change the directions themselves. And you're not sure if you're hallucinating, but sometimes your feet are on the ceiling rather than the floor where they should be. Ancient texts, midnight visits from a girl with pink hair and red claws and all your worldly possessions shooting out into the street in a giant fireball eventually drive you to a temple on the Japanese coast where you hope Kannon, the goddess of mercy, can tell you which way is Up.… (mehr)
Titel:You and the Pirates
Autoren:Jocelyne Allen
Info:The Workhorsery (2009), Edition: First, Perfect Paperback, 397 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


You and the Pirates von Jocelyne Allen

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You and the Pirates draws you in from the very first page. As a reader I felt as though I was right there next to the main character the entire book. It was almost as if being in a dream. The main premise of the book was fantastic! The unexpectedness of the whole thing is what really drew me in. I couldnt' stop reading it. Thank you for the opportunity!! ( )
  Chaser22 | Apr 6, 2010 |
The first part of the book is told in the second person ("She smiles at you, gently, like you'd expect a lady in a kimono to."). I know Allen is not the first person to employ this perspective, but you have to admit, it's pretty rare, especially with Canadian novels. Allen pulled it off masterfully. My reservations that I could slip into the mind of a young female in Japan were gone by page 3.
hinzugefügt von jaybeee | bearbeitenThe Book Mine Set, John Mutford (Mar 25, 2010)
How can you not love a novel with a gang of delightful and righteous killer cats? And, it's narrated partly in the second person—like one of those old “choose-your-own-adventure” novels. Narration using “you” usually seems like such a gimmick, a forced smart pose. But here, the chapters feel natural; the second person tone is relaxed and just contributes a slight edge—to let us know this novel will be unpredictable, difficult to pin down. “You’re scared, but you want this to happen,” writes Allen. “You want something to happen. You want this to be over so you can go back to your regular life of being annoyed by Boy.”
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An army of cats joins a crew of marooned pirates to save you from explosions and knife attacks and to stop Up from becoming Down. But before the cats, before the pirates, you are standing outside the metro in rush-hour Tokyo when the building across the street from you explodes. Seconds later, you're yanked off your feet by a salaryman who plans to use you to change the directions themselves. And you're not sure if you're hallucinating, but sometimes your feet are on the ceiling rather than the floor where they should be. Ancient texts, midnight visits from a girl with pink hair and red claws and all your worldly possessions shooting out into the street in a giant fireball eventually drive you to a temple on the Japanese coast where you hope Kannon, the goddess of mercy, can tell you which way is Up.

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