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Robotech: The Macross Saga, Vols. 1-3…
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Robotech: The Macross Saga, Vols. 1-3 (Genesis / Battle Cry / Homecoming) (1994. Auflage)

von Jack McKinney

Reihen: Robotech (Omnibus 1)

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2001140,749 (3.69)Keine
Here you'll find three ROBETCH novels for the price of one. Collected for the first time in one volume, you'll find GENESIS, BATTLE CRY, and HOMECOMING--three electrifying futuristic adventures that let loose the Robotech Defense Force against the most fearsome conquerers in the universe.
Titel:Robotech: The Macross Saga, Vols. 1-3 (Genesis / Battle Cry / Homecoming)
Autoren:Jack McKinney
Info:Del Rey (1994), Edition: 1ST, Mass Market Paperback, 488 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Robotech: The Macross Saga: Battlecry (Robotech 3-In-1) von Jack McKinney

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The Robotech books are interesting in that they are based on a television show which is based on three other television shows. However good or bad any of those shows are is irrelevant, as the writing duo known as Jack McKinney have greatly expanded and fleshed out the world of Robotech.

This particular omnibus contains the first three volumes of the Robotech universe - Genesis, Battle Cry, and Homecoming. The three volumes recount the alien spaceship that has crash-landed on Earth with amazing technology slowly being learned by humans. A decade later, an alien race of humanoids roughly 50 feet tall or higher, called the Zentraedi, have come to take back their ship. The SuperDimensional Fortress 1, or the SDF-1, performed a space fold maneuver during the attack, but accidentally arrived near Pluto. The journey back to Earth, with remarkable battles, takes place and is filled with a wonderful cast of characters.

In terms of sheer entertainment, Robotech is hard to beat. It is a fun science-fiction adventure that runs the gamut of human emotions. It is easy to enjoy a character one moment, but then be completely frustrated at his/her actions - the characters are very real, in that sense. There are plenty of humorous scenes, enough to make most readers literally laugh out loud at the events unfolding. For example, the two completely different races don't know what to make of each other. The giant Zentraedi witness transmissions of a swimsuit competition and can only guess at what they are seeing - are they seeing some sort of new battle uniform? New armor? Some sort of secret weapon? Another example is when they obtain human hostages and during interrogation learn of "kissing", and one of the battle-thirsty Zentraedi yell, "Demonstrate this kissing or I will crush all of you!"

The universe has also been greatly fleshed out in the novelization. Similar to Dune, each chapter contains an epigraph of some future publication. Whether it be the collected sayings of a specific character, or a history of the Robotech Wars, or any number of various media. This not only fills the reader in on smaller aspects of the overall story, but makes the universe more complete and realistic.

All in all, this is a fun read for any science-fiction fan and should not be missed. ( )
1 abstimmen deslni01 | Sep 2, 2009 |
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Robotech: The Macross Saga: Battlecry (Robotech 3-In-1) (ISBN 034538900X) is not the same book as Robotech: Battle Cry (ISBN 0345341341). Please do not combine them.
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Here you'll find three ROBETCH novels for the price of one. Collected for the first time in one volume, you'll find GENESIS, BATTLE CRY, and HOMECOMING--three electrifying futuristic adventures that let loose the Robotech Defense Force against the most fearsome conquerers in the universe.

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