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Talk Dirty

von Matthias Schultheiss

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A man, a woman, alone in a deserted shipyard sometime in the future. Theystart playing their sexual games - but suddenly things take a turn for theserious. "Talk Dirty is hardcore filth. True smut, total porn. It isvery powerful stuff... Talk Dirty works best when it examines the differentways in which men and women express sexual aggression. Sexual fires - andfantasties - ignite when there's war between the sexes." -Futuresex Night. Somewhere, somewhen. the man and the woman circle oneanother, like jungle cats. A weighted word here, a furtive touch there - anymoment now, one of them might go too far. They have no past. They have nofuture. They have no names - at least as far as this game is concerned. Because if their names were revealed, they would break the rules of the game. Then that rule gets broken. And the other rules follow... Internationally acclaimed German cartoonist Matthias Schultheiss (creator ofthe science fiction series Bell's Theorem and the futuristic super-hero comicPropellerman) brings his dark, brooding vision to the world of X-rated comicswith Talk Dirty, a story of obsession and fulfillment. In the end, thequestions multiply: Which one is the predator? Which one is the victim? Andwhat role will the third player take? Talk Dirty is a hardcore psychodrama thatwill leave the hardiest reader emotionally drained. BONUS: This edition ofTalk Dirty presents, for the first time anywhere, a selection of full-colorpages from Schultheiss's earliest draft of the book.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonLex_the_Third, Lex-II, AmanteLibros, joneshiro, Synda, notwas, omf
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A man, a woman, alone in a deserted shipyard sometime in the future. Theystart playing their sexual games - but suddenly things take a turn for theserious. "Talk Dirty is hardcore filth. True smut, total porn. It isvery powerful stuff... Talk Dirty works best when it examines the differentways in which men and women express sexual aggression. Sexual fires - andfantasties - ignite when there's war between the sexes." -Futuresex Night. Somewhere, somewhen. the man and the woman circle oneanother, like jungle cats. A weighted word here, a furtive touch there - anymoment now, one of them might go too far. They have no past. They have nofuture. They have no names - at least as far as this game is concerned. Because if their names were revealed, they would break the rules of the game. Then that rule gets broken. And the other rules follow... Internationally acclaimed German cartoonist Matthias Schultheiss (creator ofthe science fiction series Bell's Theorem and the futuristic super-hero comicPropellerman) brings his dark, brooding vision to the world of X-rated comicswith Talk Dirty, a story of obsession and fulfillment. In the end, thequestions multiply: Which one is the predator? Which one is the victim? Andwhat role will the third player take? Talk Dirty is a hardcore psychodrama thatwill leave the hardiest reader emotionally drained. BONUS: This edition ofTalk Dirty presents, for the first time anywhere, a selection of full-colorpages from Schultheiss's earliest draft of the book.

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