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Discover What You're Best At von Linda Gale
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Discover What You're Best At (1998. Auflage)

von Linda Gale

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2022139,264 (2.5)Keine
The bestselling career guide that has helped more than half a million people discover their true talents and make successful career choices, now completely revised for the digital age. Learn how to identify your talents and harness your potential skills and start making money doing what you love. Now revised for the digital age, Lina Gale's bestselling Discover What You're Best At will teach you how to set realistic and rewarding goals, save money, and learn about new areas of the job market where you could begin a fulfilling career. Complete with job listings and comprehensive tests to help you evaluate your talents and aptitude, Discover What You're Best At is the only career guide you'll ever need.… (mehr)
Titel:Discover What You're Best At
Autoren:Linda Gale
Info:Fireside (1998), Edition: Rev Sub, Paperback
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Discover What You're Best At von Linda Gale

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very good book, step by step to find out what you are best at, really help me ( )
  lizvero | Apr 5, 2007 |
I wish it had actually helped.
  Poemblaze | Aug 14, 2006 |
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The bestselling career guide that has helped more than half a million people discover their true talents and make successful career choices, now completely revised for the digital age. Learn how to identify your talents and harness your potential skills and start making money doing what you love. Now revised for the digital age, Lina Gale's bestselling Discover What You're Best At will teach you how to set realistic and rewarding goals, save money, and learn about new areas of the job market where you could begin a fulfilling career. Complete with job listings and comprehensive tests to help you evaluate your talents and aptitude, Discover What You're Best At is the only career guide you'll ever need.

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