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Menu Dating: Taste-Test Your Way to the Main Course

von Tristan Coopersmith

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Order up...a delicious new dating attitude! Whether you're convinced all the good guys are taken, sick of kissing frogs, or simply feeling cursed by Cupid, Tristan and Todd, irrepressible best friends and dating aficionados, will teach you how to rock a stellar new outlook on hooking up, dating and finding your "main course," while filling your calendar (and plate) with loads of tantalizing men. Menu Dating includes innovative new strategies for: *Cleansing your palette by throwing out your stale dating philosophies and flirting phobias *Adopting the laidback, positive attitude of someone who knowsthere's no such thing as a bad date-- just a veritable tapas bar of flavorful experiences and lessons. *Collecting and taste testing tons of different man candidates (mandidates!)...even the ones you thought you'd never date *Sexcapading, booty calling and practicing the art of the one-night stand (and yes, every girl should have at least one) *Avoiding the pitfalls and pratfalls of dating multiple men at the same time Menu Dating will show you how dating a rotating roster of different menwithout a fixation on settling down is actually the secret to finding the relationship you deserve. You'll discern your wants from your needs, your nice-to-haves from your dealbreakers...not to mention, have some seriously delicious fun along the way to meeting your "main course" man.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt voneandino2012, TrailOfLeaves

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Order up...a delicious new dating attitude! Whether you're convinced all the good guys are taken, sick of kissing frogs, or simply feeling cursed by Cupid, Tristan and Todd, irrepressible best friends and dating aficionados, will teach you how to rock a stellar new outlook on hooking up, dating and finding your "main course," while filling your calendar (and plate) with loads of tantalizing men. Menu Dating includes innovative new strategies for: *Cleansing your palette by throwing out your stale dating philosophies and flirting phobias *Adopting the laidback, positive attitude of someone who knowsthere's no such thing as a bad date-- just a veritable tapas bar of flavorful experiences and lessons. *Collecting and taste testing tons of different man candidates (mandidates!)...even the ones you thought you'd never date *Sexcapading, booty calling and practicing the art of the one-night stand (and yes, every girl should have at least one) *Avoiding the pitfalls and pratfalls of dating multiple men at the same time Menu Dating will show you how dating a rotating roster of different menwithout a fixation on settling down is actually the secret to finding the relationship you deserve. You'll discern your wants from your needs, your nice-to-haves from your dealbreakers...not to mention, have some seriously delicious fun along the way to meeting your "main course" man.

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