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Bones: Skeletons and How They Work von Steve…
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Bones: Skeletons and How They Work (2010. Auflage)

von Steve Jenkins (Autor)

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5463746,031 (4.36)5
A guide to human and animal skeletons provides informative comparisons while sharing such facts as the number of bones in the human body and the ways that skeletal structures work.
Titel:Bones: Skeletons and How They Work
Autoren:Steve Jenkins (Autor)
Info:Scholastic Reference (2010), Edition: Illustrated, 48 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade


Bones: Skeletons and How They Work von Steve Jenkins

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Mostly illustration, some text. Comparative skeletal anatomy. Some foldouts. Some actual size. All enjoyable. ( )
  themulhern | Mar 19, 2022 |
This book is about skeletons and the bones we have. Not only human bones, but also animal bones. It also gives brief details of the function of bones and the importance of them. It is a really good book to use in mathematics to compare bones measurements. Students can measure the bones in the book and to the animal bones and explain the difference between them. It is very informational as well, where teachers can use it in Science class to learn about the skeletal system. I would not necessarily use it as an read-aloud, but would read portions of it and have students look at the pictures. Steve Jenkins never fails to amaze me! ( )
  Stephh1323 | Oct 27, 2021 |
This book was very cool. The pictures were very cool and showed great examples of different animals bones. The information was very interesting and gave good information about animal bones and human bones. ( )
  jessminson | Sep 9, 2018 |
Bones by Steve Jenkins is a children's book about bones. Children will learn about the importance of bones, their function, and how they repair themselves.

This book isn't just about human bones. It also compares and contrasts human bones to animal bones. It's full of interesting illustrations of the bones and includes some "actual size" photos.

This is a great book for kid's to learn about skeletons, why we must have them, and how they work to support the body everyday. It's great for schools, libraries, and for home reading.

4**** ( )
  Mischenko | Nov 30, 2017 |
An informational book about bones and what they are used for in different animals. It features fold out pages throughout the book that gives a better example of scale in some of the images or gives the reader more information. ( )
  alan.greenwald | Sep 8, 2017 |
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A guide to human and animal skeletons provides informative comparisons while sharing such facts as the number of bones in the human body and the ways that skeletal structures work.

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