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Too Late to Say Goodbye: A True Story of…
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Too Late to Say Goodbye: A True Story of Murder and Betrayal (Original 2007; 2007. Auflage)

von Ann Rule (Autor)

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7662430,402 (3.67)8
Jenn Corbin appeared to have it all: two dear little boys, a posh home in an upscale suburb of Atlanta, expensive cars, a plush houseboat, and a husband--Dr. Bart Corbin, a successful dentist--who was tall, handsome, and brilliant. But gradually their life together began to crumble. There was talk of seeing a marriage counselor. Bart was distraught; Jenn seemed disenchanted. Then Jenn was found dead with a bullet in her head, a revolver beside her. From the position of the body her death appeared to be a suicide. But the detective was not totally convinced, nor was Jenn's family. And was this death related to another apparent suicide fourteen years earlier--that of a student who had dated Bart Corbin in dental school? Or was the answer to be found in a secret--even dangerous--relationship Jenn Corbin was having outside her marriage?--From publisher description.… (mehr)
Titel:Too Late to Say Goodbye: A True Story of Murder and Betrayal
Autoren:Ann Rule (Autor)
Info:Gallery Books (2007), 454 pages


Too Late to Say Goodbye: A True Story of Murder and Betrayal von Ann Rule (2007)

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True Crime
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Riveting! Even after all this time. ( )
  Dianekeenoy | Oct 25, 2021 |
I enjoyed the way this book, a crime story, was written. In some books, the crime, and the perpetrator, are described from the start. In this book, the reader comes upon the crime much like the investigating detective might see it. Rule describes the victim, the scene, and the possible criminal, but you're left to find out who actually committed the crime as the book develops, keeping things interesting. ( )
  rsutto22 | Jul 15, 2021 |
Engrossing and a relatively quick read. This is the first book I've read by Rule, and her style reminded me of watching old episodes Unsolved Mysteries. ( )
  bookbrig | Aug 5, 2020 |
The cases depicted in this book also showed up on Forensic File and Murderous Affairs. Apparently those shows just look for true crime thrillers to show.

This one didn't quite work for me just because I think that Rule had a huge reach about some things (she claimed one woman had to be brainwashed) and her back and forth to two different time periods didn't work all that well. The ending just kind of happens and I felt like there was more missing.

"Too Late to Say Goodbye" is a true crime book about Jenn Corbin and Dolly Hearn. Jenn Corbin is found dead one morning with a gunshot wound. Initially thought as probable suicide, things about Jenn's marriage come to light which leads to questions about what could her husband, Doctor Bart Corbin (a dentist) have to possibly do with her death. When the manner of Jenn's death is investigated, it comes up that a woman that Bart dated during dentistry school also committed suicide found with a gunshot to her head. When the police start digging, it starts to look like Bart Corbin may have played a role in both women's death.

I thought Rule did a good job showing us Jenn and Dolly in her book. Rule better than anyone I think in true crime books is able to make the person(s) that are lost feel like living/breathing people that you mourn when they are gone.

I just think she missed the mark a bit with Jenn and Dolly. I don't think she meant to, but I thought she pretty much lays things at Dolly's feet with her not being forceful enough to not see Bart anymore after the number of accidents/minor crimes occurred. I just don't get how the police didn't do more when the guy was breaking into her apartment and poured hairspray into her contact lens solution. That right there was assault to me.

Same problem with Jenn who goes looking for some comfort outside of her marriage via an online game. She at times seems to blame Jenn for getting catfished (that's a term now, not anymore) and says she thinks that the person in question brainwashed her. I wish that Rule had stuck with the story in this one and not had tried to psychoanalyze these women.

The writing was okay, but honestly, parts of the book read as filler. I think Rule wanted to stretch it out because the eventual trials end up being non-starters.

The ending didn't work for me either since it felt like a lot of things were left unsaid. ( )
  ObsidianBlue | Jul 1, 2020 |
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To All Women Who Are Living in Fear of Recrimination and Stalking, in a Kind of Captivity, At the Hands of Men They Once Loved and Trusted In the Hope That They Will Find a Safe Way Out And To Domestic Violence Groups Who Are Doing Their Best to Help
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The shriek of sirens piercing the chill December morning on Bogan Gates Drive was almost as alien as the thackety-thackety of helicopters overhead would be.
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Jenn Corbin appeared to have it all: two dear little boys, a posh home in an upscale suburb of Atlanta, expensive cars, a plush houseboat, and a husband--Dr. Bart Corbin, a successful dentist--who was tall, handsome, and brilliant. But gradually their life together began to crumble. There was talk of seeing a marriage counselor. Bart was distraught; Jenn seemed disenchanted. Then Jenn was found dead with a bullet in her head, a revolver beside her. From the position of the body her death appeared to be a suicide. But the detective was not totally convinced, nor was Jenn's family. And was this death related to another apparent suicide fourteen years earlier--that of a student who had dated Bart Corbin in dental school? Or was the answer to be found in a secret--even dangerous--relationship Jenn Corbin was having outside her marriage?--From publisher description.

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