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Manhunt von Janet Evanovich
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Manhunt (Original 1988; 2005. Auflage)

von Janet Evanovich

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,2812415,664 (3.35)23
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

A woman with a talent for numbers, Alexandra Scott wanted to escape the rat race and go someplace where the men outnumber the women. Trading in her Wall Street job and fancy condo for a rundown cabin in the woods. She's now Alaskan Wilderness Woman. It isn't long before she finds exactly what she's looking for: one sexy pilot named Michael Casey. But this confirmed bachelor has no intentions of getting caught in any woman's crosshairsespecially a hunter as appealing as Alex. It'll take skill, determination, and a little romantic persuasion for this big-game hunter to bag her prey.

.… (mehr)
Autoren:Janet Evanovich
Info:HarperTorch (2005), Mass Market Paperback, 256 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Manhunt von Janet Evanovich (1988)

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reread. ( )
  lbrychic | Sep 9, 2023 |
Cheesy quick romance. Love evanovich so jumped in for a quick read. Not as funny as the others of hers but enjoyable. 3stars as was too predictable no twists ( )
  Asauer72 | Jul 3, 2023 |
Synopsis: 'Alexandra Scott: Wilderness Woman. It had a terrific ring to it, but Alex felt a sudden twinge of terror. She’d traded in her Wall Street job and fancy condo for a cabin in the Alaska woods, and there was no turning back! She’d wanted to escape the rat race, to go husband-hunting where men outnumbered women four to one, but now she was here… and full of doubts. Then she spotted Michael Casey — and the dizzyingly attractive pilot made her want to keep house, tuck him into bed… and crawl in after him! Self-sufficient, spirited, and undaunted by disaster, Alex was a delicious temptation for Casey, but he had no intention of giving up his precious bachelorhood, even for this impudent, challenging female who made his heart race and his temperature rise! When fierce attraction led to sizzling seduction, Alex had to be shameless. Casey was the adventure she’d come to Alaska seeking — but could she capture the heart of the man she loved?'
Review: The descriptions of Alaska are very good. The story is rather as expected. ( )
  DrLed | Nov 5, 2020 |

I Picked Up This Book Because: I’m actually shocked I haven’t already read this. I adore these early books from Ms Evanovich

The Characters:

Alexandra “Alex” Scott:
Michael Casey: Goes by Casey
Bruno (Rottweiler)

The Story:

Alex is tired of her life and gives it all up to live in the Alaskan wilderness. Part of her new life includes the hunt for a husband, which should be easy, right? Men outnumber women by quite a lot in Alaska. After trading her Jersey condo for a cabin and hardware store Ales is off on her adventure with her deceased grandfather’s dog, Bruno. Casey spots Alex before she even arrives in her new little town and immediately has to save her and Bruno from drowning in frigid waters after a bribe gone wrong. For his troubles he gets a broken nose, what a meet cute. Hilarity ensues with Casey to the rescue, fighting his growing feelings every day.

I really enjoyed this book. It was like watching a delightful rom com.

The Random Thoughts:

The Score Card:

4 Stars
( )
  bookjunkie57 | Jul 29, 2019 |
Truly awful, yes it was. But I wanted a quick easy read, and it took two hours. ( )
  JudyGibson | Jul 17, 2016 |
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If you took Alexandra Scott apart, piece by piece, you would reach the conclusion that she was not Miss America.
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

A woman with a talent for numbers, Alexandra Scott wanted to escape the rat race and go someplace where the men outnumber the women. Trading in her Wall Street job and fancy condo for a rundown cabin in the woods. She's now Alaskan Wilderness Woman. It isn't long before she finds exactly what she's looking for: one sexy pilot named Michael Casey. But this confirmed bachelor has no intentions of getting caught in any woman's crosshairsespecially a hunter as appealing as Alex. It'll take skill, determination, and a little romantic persuasion for this big-game hunter to bag her prey.


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Durchschnitt: (3.35)
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4 66
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