
John BunyanRezensionen

Autor von Die Pilgerreise

622+ Werke 33,015 Mitglieder 259 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 30 Lesern


Part 1 and Part 2 provide an interesting contrast.

I am often amazed to find major works written from a prison cell.
bread2u | 172 weitere Rezensionen | May 15, 2024 |
This is an allegory and just a retelling of the Bible. Unfortunately it is boring and does not hold your attention. I liked Pilgrim's Progress but I did not like this one. The holy war is the war of good and evil, God and Satan and man against the forces of good and evil.
Kristelh | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2024 |
This was rewritten for children so it isn’t exactly like the original, but the vocabulary and the writing style was still a bit complex for kids. It’s a beautiful story and the illustrations were beautiful too, but I did have to slow down and explain quite a bit along the way because of how it was written.
jbrownleo | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 27, 2024 |
I first read this book many years ago, only because it was mentioned in Little Women - and I didn't like it at all. I thought that maybe I was too young for it and I didn't understand it, so I decided to read it again - and I still didn't like it. I think it was the last time I tried reading this book.
Donderowicz | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 12, 2024 |
This book is about a quest for virtue and the Path to Glory. An interesting read because this was one of the first novels in world history. The story is probably not very compelling to the average modern reader, but this is, given that it is an allegory on virtuous christian life, hardly surprising.
The storyline consist mainly of an enumeration of various trials, obstacles and people Christian, the main character, meets on his way to The Celestial City / Heaven / Eternal life / God. It quickly becomes boring, but since I was interested in the development of the European Novel through the centuries, I decided to keep on reading.
jd7h | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 18, 2024 |
This Combines two of Bunyans works:
"Praying in the Spirit". 1662 &. "The Throne of Grace". 1692
rbcarver | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2024 |
To think that The Pilgrim's Progress was first published in 1678 and it’s still around speaks to its enduring relevancy. The level of sophistication is significant. Each character, location, and event in the story symbolizes spiritual truths and moral lessons. The book explores themes such as the nature of faith, the trials and tribulations of the Christian life, and the ultimate reward awaiting the faithful. Overall, it’s a profound allegorical representation of the Christian journey in simple and straightforward words, which makes it accessible to us modern readers and relevant for readers interested in spiritual and moral reflections.
1 abstimmen
Andrew.Lafleche | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 31, 2024 |
Simplesmente, fantástico. Encantador. Nos remete o tempo todo a passagens e imagens bíblicas muito vivas por meio das alegorias criadas por Bunyan. Especial demais... Todo cristão deveria ler esta jóia.
wilsonportejr | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 30, 2023 |
Clearly dated, but still very relevant if not a bit simplistic
BrettElliott | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2023 |
I'm sorry, I couldn't read on after the first four "Headings". The Puritan theology made me uncomfortable, as does today's fundamentalist evangelicalism. Heathen I may be, and I have probably missed meeting everyday life as described further into the book, but I won't be picking it up again another time. As with all the other volumes in the "Kings Treasuries" series, I love and treasure the physical book. It will remain in my library.
gmillar | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 12, 2023 |
The story of the author's life and religious experience. He was born in 1628 and died in 1688.
MenoraChurch | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 5, 2023 |
Part 1 of this allegory was published in 1678 and part 2 in1685. This edition with 8 original illustrations.
MenoraChurch | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 5, 2023 |
John Bunyan escreveu um dos tratados mais instrutivos sobre a doutrina bíblica da justificação de um pecador diante Deus. O autor mostra que a única maneira de um pecador ser justificado é por meio da imputação da justiça do Senhor Jesus Cristo. As Escrituras nos revelam que somos livres da maldição da lei e justificados diante de Deus somente através da “imputação da justiça de Jesus Cristo, em quem temos a fé que opera pelo amor”. Além de expor o ensino positivo da Escritura sobre a doutrina que é o coração do Evangelho, Bunyan empreende uma refutação genial, vigorosa, completamente baseada em textos bíblicos e, portanto, bem-sucedida daqueles que defendem que alguém pode ser justificado através das obras da lei ou que precisamos nos tornar pessoalmente justos antes de sermos finalmente justificados perante Deus. Não há uma verdade bíblica que não seja atacada diariamente por Satanás e pelos servos dele, mas em nossos dias isso é especialmente verdadeiro no que diz respeito à doutrina da justificação pela imputação da justiça de Cristo pela fé, à parte das obras da lei.
Rawderson_Rangel | Nov 2, 2023 |
O Peregrino tem sido reimpresso, lido e traduzido com mais freqüência do que qualquer outro livro, exceto a Bíblia. Pessoas de todas as idades têm encontrando deleite nesta história simples e sincera de Cristão. Os acontecimentos assemelham-se a vida, sucedem-se, com rapidez e consistência. Esta nova edição traz elementos que estimularão a leitura: o texto integral da obra, notas explicativas das alegorias de Bunyan, referências bíblicas, os personagens e assuntos em foco, breve sentenças à margem do texto chamando a atenção ao conteúdo dos parágrafos, desenhos ilustrativos, 23 capítulos especificando os assuntos da obra e a visualização fácil do conteúdo da página, de modo que o leitor escolha o que deseja ler- somente o texto original ou somente as notas explicativas, ou somente as breves sentenças, Todos estes elementos tornarão a leitura ainda mais agradável.
Rawderson_Rangel | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 2, 2023 |
This retelling follows Christian as he leaves his home in the City of Destruction and begins a long journey to the Celestial City. His adventure is full of encounters with interesting people, such as Faithful, Hopeful, and Ignorance. Traveling through places such as Vanity Fair and the Valley of the Shadow of Death, he reaches his heavenly home but learns rich lessons during the journey. The story has immediate application to everyday life.

Later on, Christian's wife, Christiana, decides to join her husband in the Celestial City. As she travels, Christiana comes upon a different set of people, such as Greatheart, Mercy, and Honesty. Her story illustrates how Christians follow different paths but with the same destination: eternity with Jesus.
PlumfieldCH | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 14, 2023 |
CCCClibrary | Sep 16, 2023 |
it was a very good book
laiba123 | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 22, 2023 |
A classic, worth reading, but after some years I don't recall enough to discuss it.
mykl-s | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 12, 2023 |
Original printing 1852 this has been rebound
Danny.Best | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 29, 2023 |
good Condition . $25 value on Etsy. Some out there for much more.
susangeib | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 27, 2023 |
Good condition worth $17. Also author of the Pilgrim's Progress and the Holy War.
susangeib | Jun 27, 2023 |
Pilgrim's Progress is a Christian allegory, meaning that it has two levels of significance. On the surface, the story follows a man named Christian as he leaves the City of Destruction and journeys to a place called the Celestial City, encountering all sorts of roadblocks and fearsome creatures along the way.
phoovermt | 172 weitere Rezensionen | May 10, 2023 |
This book will draw you to the joys of heaven and warn you of the reality of hell. Take a visionary pilgrimage to the glorious City of God and the wretched inferno of Satan. Find out how to equip yourself for spiritual warfare so that you can one day enjoy the indescribable pleasures of heaven.
phoovermt | Mar 28, 2023 |
žánr : pro ženy
"Pokračování" alegorického popisu hledání Boha - Poutníkova cesta.
ackoprivnice | Mar 27, 2023 |
Pilgrim's Progress is in the top three most read Christian book of all time, It is a religious allegory published in two parts in 1678 and 1684. The work is a symbolic vision of the good man’s pilgrimage through life. Spurgeon name it his favorite book and claimed to have read it more than one hundred times.
JourneyPC | 172 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 26, 2022 |