
fiction (2,426), science fiction (1,763), comics (973), fantasy (930), nonfiction (893), mystery (785), horror (785), Harlan Ellison (720), signed (640), crime (530), Mark Twain (350), pulps (346), reference (331), history (325), anthology (300), biography (283), art (235), Agatha Christie (202), hardboiled (202), movies (200), Americana (197), Doc Savage (194), war (188), humor (185), autobiography (181), television (172), D.C. (153), noir (148), poetry (144), magazine (140), numbered (138), Ray Bradbury (132), essays (109), Philip K. Dick (104), DAW (104), Hercule Poirot (104), Stephen King (103), Marvel (95), travel (94), H.P. Lovecraft (84), Ballantine (84), Frankenstein (82), science (80), slipcased (80), rare (79), philosophy (79), Leo and Diane Dillon (79), Robert Silverberg (77), Neil Gaiman (77), Sherlock Holmes (76), Batman (76), Western (74), Hard Case Crime (74), Doc Savage Bama covers (68), 451 (68), race (68), politics (64), Star Trek (62), Mary Shelley (62), Ed McBain (61), Fritz Leiber (61), Isaac Asimov (60), Philip Jose Farmer (59), Theodore Sturgeon (58), Greek (58), Richard Powers (56), Kyla's psychology library (55), presidency (52), James Bond (52), Robert Bloch (52), 87th Precinct (51), Larry Niven (50), the Shadow (50), religion (49), Penguin 60's (49), maritime (48), Beats (48), Subterranean Press (48), Robert E. Howard (48), Arkham House (47), theater (46), Joe R. Lansdale (46), Michael Moorcock (45), Ace (45), Doc Savage Nostalgia editions (44), Easton Press (44), Edgar Rice Burroughs (44), Poul Anderson (42), American History (42), Nostalgia Ventures (41), limited (40), Jim Steranko (39), race matters (39), YA (38), Clive Barker (38), Robert Heinlein (38), rock and roll (37), Pulphouse (37), Miss Marple (36), The Avenger (36), Reader's Digest (35), McSweeney's (35), Donald Westlake (35), Ian Fleming (35), Doc Savage Larkin covers (35), fanzine (34), Walter Gibson (34), Barry Malzberg (33), Rudyard Kipling (33), Superman (33), Civil War (33), Edgar Allan Poe (33), Dark Horse (33), Ernest Hemingway (32), Jack Vance (32), Frank Herbert (32), Jim Harrison (31), Gene Wolfe (31), music (31), Will Eisner (30), Golden Gryphon Press (30), Arthur C. Clarke (29), Doonesbury (29), John Brunner (29), Star Wars (28), prozine (27), Frederik Pohl (27), G.B. Trudeau (27), Alan Moore (27), Clifford D. Simak (27), Roger Zelazny (27), James Blish (27), Dan Simmons (27), space program (27), U.N.C.L.E. (26), children's (26), Peanuts (26), Samuel R. Delany (26), Lin Carter (26), Huckleberry Finn (26), food (26), letters (26), Arthur Conan Doyle (25), suspense (24), Cerebus (24), Heritage Press (24), cooking (24), Henry James (24), NASA (23), photography (23), vintage paperback (23), psychology (23), R.A. Lafferty (23), Dave Sim (23), Charles de Lint (23), T.C. Boyle (23), Fantagraphics (22), George Alec Effinger (22), Sue Grafton (22), Overstreet Price Guide (22), Brian W. Aldiss (22), Dune (22), Algis Budrys (22), Freas (21), Byron Preiss (21), graphic novel (21), Jack Reacher (21), Lee Child (21), Charles Schultz (21), erotica (21), Kurt Vonnegut (21), Apollo (20), Kinsey Millhone (20), The Spirit (20), film (20), Herman Melville (19), William Faulkner (19), books about books (19), Gabriel Garcia Marquez (19), Frank Miller (19), H.G. Wells (19), F. Scott Fitzgerald (19), sports (19), James M. Cain (19), Robert B. Parker (19), Shirley Jackson (19), Frank Frazetta (18), Spider-Man (18), classics (18), Charles Dickens (18), Joe Hill (18), Frazetta (18), James Ellroy (18), Conan (17), Jack Williamson (17), Tim Powers (17), A.E. van Vogt (17), J.G. Ballard (17), Alien (17), Patrick O'Brian (17), convention materials (17), William S. Burroughs (17), Jules Verne (17), Golden Age (17), Joyce Carol Oates (17), China Mieville (17), Doc Savage doubles (17), Richard Matheson (17), Dell map back (16), Norman Spinrad (16), Avon/Equinox (16), OZ (16), Flash Gordon (16), ARC (16), Peter David (16), Granta (16), Sanctum Books (16), journalism (16), Lawrence Block (16), Michael Chabon (16), DVD (15), California Press (15), Tarzan (15), Lin Carter Adult Fantasy (15), Ursula K. Le Guin (15), Michael Crichton (15), thriller (15), William Gibson (15), William F. Nolan (15), Gregg Press (15), John Gardner (15), John D. MacDonald (15), Tony Hillerman (15), Ellis Peters (15), V (15), Pocket Books (15), Penguin Classics (14), Dracula (14), J.R.R. Tolkien (14), John Steinbeck (14), Black Lizard (14), Tim Dorsey (14), Leaphorn Chee Manuelito series (14), Jack Kirby (14), Fredric Brown (14), Jeff Jones (14), space (14), Doc Savage Pfeiffer covers (14), Ace Doubles (14), Theodore Roosevelt (14), Boris cover (13), G-8 (13), architecture (13), Doc Savage Omnibus (13), Aubrey/Maturin (13), Alfred Bester (13), Jack Kerouac (13), Robert Sheckley (13), Walking Dead (13), Disney (13), (13), Andre Norton (13), Carl Hiaasen (12), Time-Life (12), Elric (12), Richard Corben (12), August Derleth (12), Borderlands Press (12), Thomas M. Disch (12), Elmore Leonard (12), The Avengers (12), Annie Proulx (12), newspaper (12), Richard Stark (12), Hal Clement (12), bibliography (12), Aldous Huxley (12), Avram Davidson (12), Shelby Foote (12), Edward S. Aarons (12), Henry Miller (12), Centipede Press (11), mythology (11), Parker (11), Calvin and Hobbes (11), nautical (11), Roman (11), Gahan Wilson (11), Garrison Keillor (11), Hunter S. Thompson (11), John Updike (11), James Lee Burke (11), Dell (11), play (11), Westward expansion (11), Gerald Kersh (11), Dashiell Hammett (11), Michael Whelan (11), PS Publishing (11), Cordwainer Smith (10)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Oct 10, 2005
Bürgerlicher Name
Barney Dannelke
Über meine Bibliothek
Well, I don't know you - but I have more books than you. I just haven't posted them all yet. Just you wait.
Über mich
Hello. I am a full time bookseller and part-time writer. Tags will reveal that Mark Twain and Harlan Ellison are my primary interests. The books here are not the books I sell, but rather my "private" library. This is very much a work-in-progress. Eventually the goal will be to have most or all of my 20,000 books on-line. If you're reading this and you have obscure Twain not already in my database that you're looking to get rid of feel free to drop me a line.

I'm currently at work on a two Act play about Mark Twain called THE TROUBLE BEGINS.

Thanks for stopping by.

Regards - Barney Dannelke [Any & All Books]

Allentown, PA.
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Dannelke hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
Dannelke hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
Dannelke hat hinzugefügt und bewertet


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