
Alle Sammlungen (9,573), Read 2024 (106), Prior to 2019 (164), Read 2023 (382), Read 2022 (187), Read 2021 (129), Read 2020 (157), Read 2019 (382), Deine Bibliothek (2,192), TBR List (346), Goodreads (8,154), To Buy (266), Fanfiction Zines (155), Favoriten (2), Wunschzettel (20), Gave Away (41)
harlequin-romance (2,023), cosy-mysteries (1,358), sci-fi-fantasy (1,157), bio-memoir-letters (823), to-read (823), historical-romance (528), supernatural-paranormal (378), to-buy (337), humour (318), cartoons-comics (301), zines-fan-fiction (259), historical-sea (180), classics (175), cops-detectives-spies (159), children-youth (134), graphic-novels (128), nec-not-elsewhere-classified (115), tv-movie-connection (115), contemporary-novel (111), humanities-social-sci-politics (109), information-lists (79), review-essays (76), animals (74), quotations (70), diet (61), self-help (58), poetry (56), feminist (48), the-saint (47), cookbooks (45), sexuality (44), sword and sorcery (42), western (33), books-on-books (31), language (30), mystery (28), B/D (27), gay (26), photography (24), war (23), celebrity-writers (22), short-stories (22), historical-fiction (16), The Professionals (16), humour-reporting (15), historical-war (15), Can-Lit (14), anthology (14), hell (14), AU (13), how-to (13), odds (13), historical-characters (12), racy-novels (12), readers (12), roman-de-clef (11), scotsislanders (10), fandom-related (9), dr-who (8), horror (6), bloomsbury (4), religion-atheist-point-of-view (4), gothic-romance (3), true-crime (3), numbers-filed-off-fan-fiction (3), gonzo-reporting (3), tragi-comedy (3), religion-humor (2), sci-fi thriller (2), dictionary (1), Poetry (1), currently-reading (1), dysfunctional-family-novel (1), script (1), D/M (1), political-humour (1), cartoon (1), politics (1), cartoons (1), philosophical-fiction (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 17, 2019
Über meine Bibliothek
My Library contains every book I have owned or read in my lifetime, which includes TBR which only contains books which have already been purchased.
Goodreads contains every book I have read and kept and are actually in my current possession.
TBR contains every book I own but haven't read.
To Buy is my wish list for future.
Read 2019 contains books I read in 2019
(set up a collection for each year)

Über mich
My rating system:
One star * Yawn
Two stars ** Readable, maybe, but not worth keeping.
Three stars *** Good enough and a keeper.
Four stars **** Let's read that again, soon.
Five stars ***** Brilliant and worthy of awe.

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Karen74Leigh hat hinzugefügt, bewertet und rezensiert
Karen74Leigh hat folgendes rezensiert, bewertet und hinzugefügt
Karen74Leigh hat hinzugefügt, bewertet und rezensiert
Karen74Leigh hat folgendes rezensiert, bewertet und hinzugefügt