
Classical Studies > Rome (370), Classical Studies > Hellas (352), Biography (235), Spirituality (183), History > Medieval (145), History > Military (136), French Revolution (125), Classical Studies > General (109), 2007-10 (103), Church History > 19th century > France (98), 2008-04 (95), Series > Penguin Classics (93), Church History > Middle Ages (89), 2007-11 (88), 2007-05 (86), Papacy > History (86), Archeology > Roman (81), SEM 2008 (76), 2007-03 (75), Greek > Texts > Translations (74), Philosophy (73), 2007-12 (72), Church History > 1st-5th centuries (71), Drama > Texts (71), Church History > 20th century (68), Fiction > Historical (67), Papacy > History > General (66), 2007-06 (65), Maps (64), 2009-07 (64), 2007-07 (63), American Revolution (63), Renaissance (61), War > World I (60), SEM 2009 (58), Church History > 19th century (57), India > History (56), 2008-01 (55), Reference (55), Education (55), 2008-06 (54), History > British (52), United States > History (52), Church History > General (50), Latin > Texts > Translations (50), Church History > 16th-18th centuries (49), Monasticism (48), History > India (48), Veuillot Louis (48), Christian East (47), Tragedy (47), British Raj (46), Memoirs (45), Philosophy > Ancient (45), Founding Fathers (44), SEM 2007 (44), Liturgy (44), Series > BAC (43), Travel > Guides (43), India > Raj period (43), History > Intellectual (42), 2009-11 (42), 2009-04 (41), Travel > Narratives (41), Archeology > Guides (41), Guides > Archeology (41), Travel (40), TBR (40), British Empire (40), English Literature > Texts (40), 2009-09 (39), 2006-09 (39), Series > Veuillot (39), 2007-04 (38), 2007-08 (38), Councils > Ecumenical > Vatican II (38), Fiction (37), 2009-12 (37), Thomas Aquinas St (37), Poetry (36), Rome (36), 2008-10 (36), Political Science > History > Antiquity (35), Desert Fathers (34), Magisterium (33), Church History > French Revolution (33), Archeology > Greek (33), 2006-08 (32), Cities > Rome (32), Priesthood (32), Latin > Texts > Bilingual (31), 2007-09 (31), LCC_DG (30), 2007-02 (30), 2009-08 (30), War > World I > Literature (30), Art > Greek (30), Hagiography (29), Islam (29), Art > Medieval (29), 2010-11 (29), 2008-07 (28), 2006-10 (28), War > World I > History (27), Homer (27), Fiction > Historical > Middle Ages (27), Crusades > History (27), Theology > Moral (27), History > Ancient (27), Bible > Studies (27), 2006-12 (27), Guides > Travel (26), Church History > 18th century (26), Art > Romanesque (26), 2008-08 (25), Periodicals > Bulletin Bude (25), Great Books (24), Languages > Latin (24), Liberal-Catholicism (24), 2009-03 (24), Correspondence (24), India > Culture (24), Periodicals > Moyen_Age (23), SSPX (23), Drama > Studies (23), Political Science > Catholicism (23), Bible > NT (23), Church History > Renaissance (23), English Literature > Studies (22), Churches > Guides (22), 2010-01 (22), Travel > Greece (21), Vatican II > Texts (21), Fiction > Crime > Historical (21), Liturgy > Mass (21), Read 2009 (21), Savonarola Girolamo (20), Art > Renaissance (20), India > Mughal period (20), Periodicals > Roma Archeologica (20), 2011-10 (20), 2008-05 (20), 2010-03 (20), Religious persecution (20), Mughal India (20), Church History > 20th century > Crisis (19), Japan > culture (19), Apologetics (19), Music > Romantic (19), Foucauld Charles de (19), Aeschylus (19), Series > Fliche-Martin (19), Series > Bude (19), 2007-01 (19), Series > Oxford Short Intro (19), Liturgical Year (19), 2010-02 (19), Reformation (18), Retreats (18), Philosophy > History (18), Church History > Protestant Reformation (18), Liturgy > New (18), Series > Unam Sanctam (18), Essays (18), SEM 2006 (17), Read 2010 > Non-Fiction (17), Sophocles (17), 2010-12 (17), Sermons (17), Fiction > Clergy (17), Clergy > Fiction (17), Vatican II > History (17), Jefferson Thomas (17), Catalogues > Books (16), Books > Catalogues (16), Victoriana (16), Cicero (16), Ireland > Church (16), Jesuits > History (16), 2006-05 (16), Ethics (16), Plato (16), Archeology > Christian (16), Wagner Richard (16), Euripides (16), Modernism (16), Ireland > History (16), Spiritual Exercises (16), Art > Christian (16), Spiritual Direction (16), Museums (16), History > C16-18 (15), History > C19 (15), Socrates (15), Atlas (15), Eastern Orthodoxy (15), 2011-03 (15), Virgil (15), Catholic Traditionalism (15), Historiography (15), Biography > Ancient (15), Catalogues > Exhibitions (14), Books on Books (14), United States > Biography (14), SEM 2010 (14), 2010-04 (14), Literature > French (14), History (14), Inklings (14), War > World I > Fiction (14), 2008-02 (14), Councils > Ecumenical (13), Science-fiction (13), Shakespeare > Texts (13), Popes > Pius X (13), Bibliography (13), Oxford (13), Art > Roman (13), History > Ireland (13), 2009-10 (13), Travel > Maps (13), Read 2011 > Non-Fiction (13), 2010-10 (13), Memoirs > Religious (12), Rousseau Jean-Jacques (12), Romanticism (12), Patrology > General > Texts (12), 2008-12 (12), Japan > History (12), Terror (12), Central Asia (12), Pompeii (12), Islam > History (12), Latin > Texts > Original (12), Series > Solesmes (12), Liturgy > History (12), Liturgical Books (12), Tolkien J.R.R. (12), Art > India (12), India > Art (12), 2006-11 (12), Byzantium > History (12), Greek > Texts > Bilingual (12), Fiction > Crime (11), 2011-08 (11), Patrology > Exegesis > Texts (11), Athens (11), Adams John (11), Political Science (11), War > Vietnam (11), Theology > Dogma (11), Folio Society (11), Art > History (11), Revolution (11), Museums > Guides (11), Dictionaries (11), Counter-Revolution (11), Holocaust (11), Series > Doherty (11), Series > Durant (11), Fiction > Historical > Ancient Rome (11), Series > Loeb (10), Opera (10), Art > C19 (10), Liberalism (10), Enlightenment (10), Politics (10), Opera > Studies (10), Series > Opera Guides (10), 2010-05 (10), Mariology (10), Silk Road (10), France > History (10), Science & Religion (10), Church History > Ireland (10), American Revolution > Biography (10), American Revolution > Ideology (10), Weil Simone (10), 2009-06 (10), 2009-05 (10), 2011-09 (10), Democracy (10), Theology (10), 2011-04 (9), Religious Liberty (9), Patrology > General > Studies (9), NT > Studies (9), Late Roman Empire (9), Autobiography (9), Africa > History (9), Paul St (9), Gospels > Studies (9), Dante > Studies (9), Japan > Fiction (9), Political Science > History > United States (9), Raj > Fiction (9), Series > Daniel-Rops (9), Literature > History (9), Series > Ségur (9), Languages > Greek (9)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 28, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
I own all the items listed here. I have included periodicals, maps and catalogues, which are an integral part of my library. The book listing shows also other particular interests of mine, some of them clearly related to my teaching, but others that are no more than fascinating byways which, once discovered, I have felt compelled to follow, wherever they may lead...

This listing is a work in progress, not only because I keep revising and trying to improve it, but also because I keep getting books - far too many, to the point where the unread widely outnumber the read ones. Yes, that is the sad truth: I haven't read everything on my shelves. And yet, I have never acquired anything that I didn't intend to read - telling myself that one day I will finally read it, or search for something in it, or at least open it at random to snatch a bit of knowledge or of wisdom. Perhaps I have been too optimistic, because by now it looks as if multiple lifetimes will not be enough... My excuse ? That I try to follow the advice of St. Edmund of Abingdon to his monks : "Study as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow..."


UPDATE ( October 2018 ):

I thought that, as I advanced into old age, my book buying was to slow down. Alas, it has not happened... New interests pop up, and more books come in...

To avoid unnecessary confusion, I have separated my books into two libraries. Here will remain my books on history, art, literature, languages, etc. The ecclesiastical subjects (theology, patristics, spirituality, etc.) will be in my other page,

The separate listings will take a bit of time to be completed... Patience, my soul...


"'What shall I do with all my books?' was the question; and the answer, 'Read them,' sobered the questioner. But if you cannot read them, at any rate handle them and, as it were, fondle them. Peer into them. Let them fall open where they will. Read on from the first sentence that arrests the eye. Then turn to another. Make a voyage of discovery, taking soundings of uncharted seas. Set them back on their shelves with your own hands. Arrange them on your own plan, so that if you do not know what is in them, you at least know where they are. If they cannot be your friends, let them at any rate be your acquaintances. If they cannot enter the circle of your life, do not deny them at least a nod of recognition." [ Winston Churchill ]

"Disce omnia, videbis postea nihil esse superfluum" [ Hugh of St. Victor ]

"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated. Some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God's hand is in every translation; and His hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again, for that library where every book shall lie open to one another..." [ John Donne ]

"The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours..." [ Alan Bennett ]


Visitors since October 4, 2007 :

Über mich
Roman Catholic priest. Due to two different academic formations, in Late Roman History and in Theology, I have taught Ethics, Classical History and Literature, and Church History to future priests.
Auch auf
Beliebte Autoren
Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Avol's Bookstore, Blackwell's Oxford, Bouquinerie du plateau, Boutique de l'Histoire, Carraig Books, Dubray Books - Dun Laoghaire, Eleftheroudakis, Frugal Muse Books, Half Price Books - St. Paul, Harvard Book Store, La Procure, Librairie Mona Lisait, Libreria Huemul, Libreria Internazionale San Paolo, Libreria Leoniana, Libreria Stendhal - Libreria Francese di Roma, Loome Theological Booksellers, Magers & Quinn Booksellers, McIntyre and Moore Booksellers, Midway Book Store, Naughton's Booksellers, Oxfam Bookshop Oxford (St Giles), Powell's - Hyde Park, Powell's - Lakeview, St Philip's Books

Sonstige: Art Institute of Chicago, Minneapolis Institute of Arts


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