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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke
Nov 2, 2005
Über meine Bibliothek
I like books :) I've been an avid reader since I was about four, starting with Enid Blyton and Noel Streatfeild and CS Lewis's 'Narnia' series. I still have most of them, although I had to replace a few that wore out after many re-reads.

As I grew up, Summer holidays were the times I would re-read my entire collection of books and January sales were where I bought more books with my Christmas money: Malcolm Saville mostly. My school had a wonderful library where I borrowed a large supply of Chalet School books - I now have the complete collection myself.

My father introduced me to 'grown up' authors such as Agatha Christie and PG Wodehouse when I was around twelve or thirteen, and my aunt gave me a collection of Georgette Heyer books a few years later. I fell in love with Jane Eyre when we had to read it at school.

In my twenties I discovered Rosamunde Pilcher and Terry Pratchett, and convinced my husband to stop saying 'we have too many books': the correct phrase is, 'We need another bookcase'.

I now read a mixture of new books (mostly bought by generous relatives from my wishlist on Amazon) and old favourites.
Über mich
INFJ. From the UK, living in Cyprus with one husband and two cats. Two adult sons, one daughter-in-law, two grandchildren. About three and a half thousand books, and several hundred on my Kindle.

I run blogs and websites sporadically, write in bursts of enthusiasm, cook pretty much everything 'from scratch', as they say in the US, including ketchup, and try not to get caught up in too many online forums.

I started writing down and briefly reviewing everything I read in the spring of 1999, initially on paper, then on 'Bibliophil' (now defunct), followed by Goodreads, and Shelfari (about to be defunct), and my own blog where I post longer reviews.

Trying out Leafmarks and finding it a bit slow... delighted to find LibraryThing welcoming refugees from Shelfari, and liking this site very much.

I aim to read about a hundred books each year.
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