Is the human mind the creator of your God?


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Is the human mind the creator of your God?

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Sept. 3, 2017, 11:47 am

According to Genesis 1:1, in the beginning there was God, no heavens, no earth. He appeared out of nowhere (most likely the result of evolution) and just started creating stuff – Bible version. Reality: He was created by man(kind)!

Humans are born with certain instincts; the same way other lifeforms are. We are instinctively scared of thunderclaps and lightning flashes; hurricanes, tornados, volcanoes and other natural disasters. People also fear the unknown because many consider it dangerous.

Since the advent of humankind, these fears and other powerful emotions have helped crafty minds realize there are benefits to creating gods to appease. This has led to the birth of religions and related gods. Even modern religions can be traced back to this principle.

Centuries see things change yet, they remain the same. Religions have become cleverer and more sophisticated. They evolved from human sacrifices into human worship (Jesus, Mohammed, Virgin Mary, and easily declared manmade saints) to curry favor with and to appease God.

This phenomenon will continue as long as there are vulnerable minds; pools of helpless, hopeless, mentally lazy or gullible humans available to be preys of the cunning. Once a person’s judgement has been compromised, they become willing participants – easy victims. Just like the poor, there will always be the foolish and the lazy in any given human population!

During the many decades of my lifetime, I have witnessed how religions have impoverished the lives and minds of too many people under the guise of saving their “soul”. Ignorance can actually be so blissful. You can see them drowning; you know why, but can do little to help, except to warn – they must use their minds, acquire knowledge, and free themselves.

In the beginning, there was the mind. Then, the mind created God! When you have to keep claiming, “My God is real,” you know you have a serious credibility problem!

Think carefully about these things. The life and resources you waste may be yours – unfortunately and in most cases, not yours alone! This is especially self-evident when a government becomes tainted by religion.

Bearbeitet: Sept. 11, 2017, 1:05 pm
