Ebook ASIN numbers not recognized

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Ebook ASIN numbers not recognized

Feb. 3, 2020, 3:17 pm

When I try to add new books using the ASIN number for the kindle edition I always get an error message. I have to put it in as a print edition and edit it. Why?

Bearbeitet: Feb. 3, 2020, 4:20 pm

For what it's worth, I just entered 7 or so ebooks using the ASIN with no issues. (Both Amazon US and Amazon UK sources.) Getting results back from Search has been extremely slow, however. (But then, so has loading my catalogue.)

Bearbeitet: Feb. 4, 2020, 9:30 am

>1 Her_Royal_Orangeness: Can you give some specific examples of ASINs you're searching for, and exactly what source/s you're searching, so we can test this more specifically? Also, what does the error message say? Thanks!

Feb. 4, 2020, 11:28 am

Have you double-checked that you're searching Amazon? Other sources aren't going to have Amazon's internal ID numbers available.

Feb. 6, 2020, 2:36 pm

I tried to find some books to use for examples and of course now it's working fine. I don't know.....it was a problem for several weeks. Thanks.

Feb. 7, 2020, 9:24 am

>5 Her_Royal_Orangeness: That's usually how it goes. :) Okay, if you come across this again feel free to re-open with specific details for me to test. Thanks!

Bearbeitet: Aug. 23, 2023, 3:41 pm

>6 kristilabrie: I'm not the OP but here's one you can test that I've been trying to add for a couple weeks now. Add books not finding a book on Amazon (ASIN search) has happened to me a handful of times in the past but it was a short term issue and generally resolved in 24-48 hours on its own so I assumed it was a caching issue. I've tried to add this title a couple of times per week since Aug 7, no luck.

This is the book page on Amazon of the title I've been trying to get added, via the main Add books page that I always use -> https://www.amazon.com/Perfectly-Perfect-Pixie-Peachess-Story-ebook/dp/B0CCLQ5YZ...

A search by ASIN for Kindle edition (B0CCLQ5YZW) returns zero results
A search by ISBN for print edition (9798988440611) returns zero results
A search by title or author or any combination does not return the correct book

A search on the Amazon website by any of the above returns the desired title. An external search via Amazon's API (associate account) returns the desired title. LT search can't seem to find it.

ETA: Okay...I found something that may be the cause but still not sure if LT or Amazon is the hiccup. So, when LT searches via Add books (not QuickAdd) and the source is set to 'Amazon.com books' are you specifying the seach index for the category of books, e.g. {"SearchIndex":"Books"}, leaving it blank which defaults to "All" or do you have a totally different API? I ask because in testing to isolate the problem just now, I found that the book in question is not indexed in "All" and is only found if you direct it to search the "Books" (or Kindle) index. That might explain why LT can't find it, but with the source set to Amazon.com books, I would expect the SearchIndex to be set to Books for the queries, yes, no?

Aug. 28, 2023, 11:25 am

>7 Taliesien: Hmmm, I'm not sure but I can verify that I'm not finding the book by ASIN/ISBN-13/title and author search on .com's "Add books" page, neither in Amazon.com's all media nor books sources.

I'll need to check with ccatalfo about this, but his plate is rather full at the moment. Can you please bump this within the next month or so, if you think of it?

Mai 9, 5:59 pm

I've run into this issue with two ebooks today - any idea what the problem might be?

(These are the books: https://www.amazon.com/Loyal-Pin-Vol-1-Mon-Maw-ebook/dp/B0CKY1HV4T and

Bearbeitet: Mai 13, 11:42 am

>9 AurumCalendula: I'm not even getting those by searching our "Amazon.com all media" source for the title and/or author. Let me check with ccatalfo.