Add navigation breadcrumbs to bottom of page as well

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Add navigation breadcrumbs to bottom of page as well

Mrz. 8, 2023, 11:55 am

I find myself getting irritated by the lack of a one click option to get back to the group topic list at the end of discussion topics. For example:

Go to the end of the following bug report discussion ->

There is no UI on the screen for getting back to

Can we get Talk > Bug Collectors (the navigation breadcrumb) at the bottom of the page as well as the top?

Mrz. 8, 2023, 3:45 pm

Back button works good...

Mrz. 8, 2023, 3:57 pm

>2 gilroy: There is no "back" when your links open in a new tab or window.

Mrz. 8, 2023, 4:34 pm

There is the "return to top" arrow on the right side of every post header that brings you up to the top of the page where the navigation breadcrumb sits, and/or the Home key on the keyboard that should also bring you up to the top of the page. It isn't a one click/tap solution, though.

Mrz. 8, 2023, 4:57 pm

>4 shadrach_anki: "It isn't a one click/tap solution, though."

Exactly. And I posted in 'Recommended Site Improvements' to suggest a usability improvement, I wasn't soliciting workarounds.

Mrz. 8, 2023, 5:13 pm

>5 Taliesien: I wasn't soliciting workarounds

But people will post them anyway because A) RSI are rarely implemented and even when they are it takes time, so a workaround in the meantime is useful B) You're not the only one that will ever read this thread just because you started it, so those workarounds aren't necessarily for your your benefit

Mrz. 8, 2023, 5:34 pm

>6 SandraArdnas: Well that's good information to have. I won't bother posting suggestions publicly here anymore since I'm not interested in wading through replies outside of +1 or LT staff comments.

Unstarred & Ignored

Mrz. 8, 2023, 5:39 pm

>7 Taliesien: Seriously? Only those who approve are allowed to post? If even workarounds annoy so much, I shudder to think if anyone actually opposed the idea. Unthinkable, I know.

Mrz. 9, 2023, 5:38 am

>3 Taliesien: So then you'd be clicking on the previous tab or closing the existing tab.

Mrz. 9, 2023, 8:16 am

>1 Taliesien: I agree, this would be nice

Mrz. 9, 2023, 11:40 am

>1 Taliesien: I find myself getting irritated by the lack of a one click option to get back to the group topic list at the end of discussion topics.
>3 Taliesien: There is no "back" when your links open in a new tab or window.

I always open threads in new tabs, but that leaves the message list in the original tab. I close the new tab (one click or ctrl+w) when I'm done reading the thread, and the list is where I left it in the original tab. So I'd have no use for this proposal (but it wouldn't bother me either).

Mrz. 9, 2023, 11:49 pm

>7 Taliesien: Peace, love and gratitude. People are just trying to be helpful even if they can’t give you exactly what you want. 🙏🏻

Mrz. 1, 11:36 am

New to this site and finding navigation through the site non intuitive - too but it mildly!
A breadcrumb panel, back buttons and the left hand navigation panel not scrolling off screen seems .. sensible.