Maria Kubin elected bishop of the Austrian Old Catholic church


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Maria Kubin elected bishop of the Austrian Old Catholic church

Bearbeitet: Mai 1, 2023, 2:47 pm is one of the German language articles reporting this.

Way back in the last century I was present as they ordained a woman priest.

Bearbeitet: Mai 2, 2023, 2:38 am

Ironic that the Old Catholic Church should be more open-minded and inclusive than the regular Catholic Church!

Mai 4, 2023, 9:58 am

Countless people have left the Catholic Church in the last 2000 years. History tells us most of these breakaway groups die away eventualy (most of them). The old Catholic Church is different their beef stems from issues with Vat l. The former bishop of Utrect took part in the schism so whether he maintains communion with Rome or not he always retains the faculty to ordain priests, also the power to consecrate other bishops (c1012) a renegade bishop can ordain priests. These episcopal ordinations are illict however since the pope has not approved them (c1013) nonetheless they are valid. The one acception : the old Catholic Church is now ordaining women whom the really old Catholic Church does not hold to be validily ordained clergy (c1024). The same controversy exists with the SSPX their priests are valid, and their Sacraments are valid accept Matrimony....JMJ....

Bearbeitet: Mai 5, 2023, 2:49 am

>3 brone: History tells us most of these breakaway groups die away eventualy (most of them)

"Most" is an unquantifiable term so I won't dispute it, but it's worth remembering all the "breakaway groups" which did not "die away". These would include the multiple branches of the Orthodox Church, which formally split from the Roman Church in 1054; Anglicans, Lutherans and Calvinists (16th century); the Old Catholic Church (1889) and various other "Independent Catholic" groups; Legio Maria in Kenya (1963); Sedevacantism (~1967); the Society of St Pius X (1970); the American National Catholic Church (2009); and various 20th and 21st century manifestations of the "Reformed (Roman) Catholic Church" in USA, Kenya and elsewhere.