Drop-box for covers

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Drop-box for covers

Sept. 6, 2023, 2:01 pm


I am having a problem uploading covers. The fault lies with my computer, obviously; though, I cannot imagine why. Just before the bot-mess, I scanned some covers to upload. Whenever I try to upload them to LT, I cannot find them. Finally, I found two- but they are "lighter", as though they are unavailable/ unclickable- and indeed they cannot be accessed.

It would be so much easier all around- if I could just drop-box them into place from my screen- where they are clearly available and accessible.

This is my newer computer, so cannot imagine the problem. But I cannot get them over to my old and failing one as the scanner is attached to this one


Sept. 6, 2023, 2:03 pm

When you use "drop-box" as a verb, I take it you mean drag-and-drop?

Sept. 6, 2023, 2:06 pm

Drag-and-drop is what you're talking about, I think. Dropbox is a specific website.

Sept. 6, 2023, 2:11 pm

I imagine much of your present problems lie in the fact that Tim and Company have not brought all systems back online. Photos take a lot of bandwidth so I suspect that uploading might still be down.

I'm not sure what you mean by drop-box something. Drag and Drop maybe?

Sept. 6, 2023, 2:12 pm

>2 paradoxosalpha: yes what ever it is called. I don't speak computerese.

I guess I did use it as a verb- but I have seen it used as a noun- and assumed it was a known thing. in my genealogy, ( the best one). I just click on an image, be it photo or document, - drag as you say- place it into the box- and the magic happens. I like things that are effortless and don't waste time. I drove to all those courthouses/cemeteries, decades ago. It is nice that I dont have to spend an equal amount of time sharing my hard work.

Bearbeitet: Sept. 6, 2023, 2:18 pm

>4 gilroy:
I truly do not believe it is an LT/ Tim issue. it began before I was aware of the bots. I don't know how LT would prevent my scanned images from appearing in my search engine????

I can see them on my screen, waiting to be uploaded, but when I try to them find them in the search function- they are not appearing- and I know that as the last things on my desktop- they should be the first thing in my search. it is something I have not liked about my newer computer- because my older ones were never this challenging; but still...I cannot even find them by typing their name/title- which makes no sense at all.

Sept. 6, 2023, 3:03 pm

>6 EGBERTINA: Oh. Okay. So what you're suggesting wouldn't actually help your problem in the least.

Sept. 6, 2023, 9:04 pm

What format are your pictures in?
Do the file names say ".jpg" or ".tif" or ".png" or something similar at the end?

Sept. 6, 2023, 10:12 pm

>7 gilroy: I'm confused by your response and hesitant to inquire about your thought process.

in what way would a drop box- not solve my problem? i wish to take my scanned images and DROP them into a BOX that receives them instantly. One step; instead of click on change photo; click on choose selection; type name of selection. click on selection; click choose selection; click upload selection. which is 6 steps.

Sept. 6, 2023, 10:14 pm

>8 norabelle414: these particular ones say pdf. but i have used others, such as jpg.

sometimes, i take my pdf's and run them through i-photos to remove blurs or scratches etc. but these are just straight scans. pdf and they have uploaded before.

Sept. 6, 2023, 10:47 pm

I'm surprised that PDFs have worked for you before. Although they can contain images, PDF is a file format for documents, and is generally not used for image files like the covers in this site.

Sept. 6, 2023, 11:23 pm

>10 EGBERTINA: PDFs are not an image format and cannot be uploaded as book covers to LT. It does not matter if you use the file-picker or if there was drag+drop (which is what >7 gilroy: was talking about).

If you run them through iphotos that likely changes the format from PDF to something else. I would suggest doing that and/or figuring out how to change the format on your scanner.

Sept. 6, 2023, 11:28 pm

>12 norabelle414: I will try; but i dont always run through i-photo - it is a lot of time and uncomfortability when not necessary.

also- then adding to my request that when you make the drop-box (lol)
that you make it support pdf. because my genealogy drop-boxes dont differentiate between photos, or pdf. in fact many times i have had to pdf my newspaper transcriptions .(yes- just verbed that, too, lol)

Feb. 7, 1:11 am

>13 EGBERTINA: Did you resolve this? If you're using your computer to upload covers you can 'grab' the file name (which should end in .jpg or similar) from your pictures folder (or wherever it sits). An easier way might be to use the LT app and your phone to take a photo of the cover, crop it to size and save it.

Feb. 7, 1:30 am

No, I have done nothing further. I haven't uploaded or attempted to upload any covers lately..I've tried to be comfortable using images others have offered. I cannot seem to focus on multiple tasks anymore. Ive been hardcore reading the last few months and doing fewer extra things.

Feb. 7, 1:33 am

>15 EGBERTINA: Reading is always good :0)