Sorting Title Alphabetically

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Sorting Title Alphabetically

Jan. 11, 2:16 pm

I clicked the blue "Title" column but it keeps showing my books out of order.

You see here it goes from B's to A's then to H and ".H"

Even if I sort the other way it still has the A's at the beginning.

Am I missing something?

Link to image of my issue.

Jan. 11, 2:27 pm

LibraryThing skips "A" and "The" (and a few other common words in some languages) when it is alphabetizing. A lot of other places do, too. If you don't want it to do this, you can go into "edit your book" and there's a dropdown next to the title that will let you select "start" to tell it to sort from the first letter even if it would otherwise skip it. But it's usually a good idea to leave it the way it is, otherwise half your library will go under "A" and "The"!