Add Average Original Publication Date

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Add Average Original Publication Date

Feb. 1, 8:36 pm

Under Home >> Charts & Graphs >> Books >> Cataloging >> beside where states average publication date

I think there should also be listed the Average Original Publication Date

Reason: users may want to know the average date of their works in their collections not just their specific copies.

Feb. 2, 9:43 am

But there is only one original publication date, the first time the work was published. Right?

Feb. 2, 9:54 am

>2 al.vick: This is in Charts & Graphs, so it would be average across the whole catalog (or whatever filters the user has chosen)

I would definitely enjoy this as I don't particularly care about the publication dates of whatever edition I read

Feb. 2, 9:58 am

>3 norabelle414: So, are you looking to discover whether the books you prefer are written a long time ago or more recently?

Feb. 2, 10:31 am

>4 krazy4katz: It's just a stat, like everything else on the Charts & Graphs page

Feb. 2, 10:32 am

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what is desired, but isn't it just below the Publication Dates already?

Feb. 2, 10:36 am

>6 SandraArdnas: There is a chart of original publication dates down further on the page, yes. But at the top of the page on the right is the "Average Publication Date"

Feb. 2, 10:40 am

>7 norabelle414: Ah, the stats at the very top. ok thanks

Feb. 2, 1:34 pm

>1 BooksandMovies: I agree. I actually don't much care about the average publication data of my books since a lot of the books I read are from the library. But average original publication date would be interesting and useful.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 2, 3:15 pm

Yes, this would be a nice extra stat to have.