Book not using chosen cover

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Book not using chosen cover

Feb. 29, 9:29 pm

Just added this book:

It came in with no cover. Went to edit covers and chose the third one (the one that looks like ).

The cover stays blank.

Mrz. 1, 3:44 am

Paste that image link into 'grab cover' on the work page and it will be hosted on LT and permanently available

Mrz. 1, 5:42 am

If you have Amazon covers turned off and you chose an Amazon cover, it will display your default cover. You'll need to take the link from Amazon that you posted, paste it into the grab cover box on change covers. Then it becomes a user cover and you can select it.

Mrz. 5, 1:47 pm

>3 gilroy: Yep, closing as not a bug.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 11, 10:29 am

I get that there's ways to work around it, but from a user point of view, I'd still call this a bug. How is the user supposed to know all these things without diving into the forums?

Also, if you have "show amazon covers" turned off, don't you think it odd that it... shows amazon covers to choose from?

Mrz. 11, 10:59 am

>5 brightcopy:

you have "show amazon covers" turned off, don't you think it odd that it... shows amazon covers to choose from?

Not odd! If there’s an Amazon cover and you use the image link to “grab one from the web”, the link converts to an LT link, and the cover becomes a “member-uploaded” cover.

So this:

becomes this:

I do this all the time.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 11, 7:03 pm

>3 gilroy: Can anyone else confirm this? The last I heard was that when you pick an Amazon cover LT changes the ISBN for the book to match the cover

Mrz. 11, 6:53 pm

>7 jjwilson61:

If you pick an Amazon cover that doesn't match the ISBN of your current copy, LT will offer you the option to change the ISBN, but it won't change it without your permission. At least, that's what happens to me when I can't avoid using an Amazon cover. :-)

Mrz. 11, 7:01 pm

>7 jjwilson61:

You don't choose the Amazon cover. You copy the image link and enter it in the "grab one from the web" box. As I noted above, doing so changes the link. It does not change the ISBN, and you won't lose your image if Amazon changes or deletes theirs.

Mrz. 11, 7:05 pm

>9 lilithcat: Sorry, I was referring to msg 3

Mrz. 11, 7:15 pm

>8 waltzmn: But I believe that if you don't accept the change that it won't change your cover since it uses the ISBN to tell Amazon the cover to pull

Mrz. 11, 7:27 pm

>10 jjwilson61:

>3 gilroy: said the same thing I did, but in a less verbose way. ;-)

Mrz. 11, 8:05 pm

>11 jjwilson61: But I believe that if you don't accept the change that it won't change your cover since it uses the ISBN to tell Amazon the cover to pull

Not when I did it yesterday. If it matters, you can try it yourself. The book is Ain't you got a right to the tree of life?. The ISBN I used is 0820311324. Just in case it matters, I added it using Overcat, not Amazon. This brought it in with a blank cover. Go to the Change Cover page. There are two Amazon covers -- one of which is not a cover, the other features a group of Black children walking along a road, with a green block below it with the title and author. Clicking that cover asks me if I want to change the ISBN. I said no; it brought in the cover but kept the ISBN I used.

A number of other details were wrong -- e.g. it didn't list the book as a hardcover, and it gave the date a "c1989" even though the copyright notice is explicit that this (revised edition) is from exactly 1989. But it left the ISBN alone.

Properly, I should have used the trick to import the Amazon cover into LT. But I won't do it now, just in case you want to try the experiment.

I repeated the test, just now, to verify that this works.