Favorite Authors

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Favorite Authors

Mrz. 5, 3:06 pm

I wanted to add an author to my list of favorites on my profile page. I checked the Wiki and it says to go to members on the author page and that there is a button to click to add to favorites. I looked at several author pages and I find no button. Has the way to add an author changed?

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 5, 3:15 pm

>1 dara85: On desktop - it is at the top right corner of the page (the top of the right column essentially).

On Mobile, it is all the way at the bottom, below Charts and Graphs.

Mrz. 6, 2:23 pm

Thank you Annie! I obviously was not looking there. I was sure the Wiki knew what it was talking about.

Mrz. 6, 2:28 pm

It is helpful to look at when a wiki page was last updated.

Mrz. 11, 9:59 am
