Recent additions to 'My Books' have gone missing

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Recent additions to 'My Books' have gone missing

Mrz. 12, 10:15 pm

Recently I had been adding books at a rate of at least 2 a week, sometimes 2 a day. Then about a week ago, the recent entries (after 18th Feb) disappeared, and they haven't come back I was hoping this was a temporary hitch. I haven't yet tried to add more - but I shall soon.

Mrz. 13, 5:37 am

Can you give an example of a few books that disappeared? Title and author?
Can you tell us how you were adding those books? Website or app? If on the computer, what's your browser?

Mrz. 13, 9:09 am

>1 sefronius: I'm only seeing one book added (and subsequently deleted) after February 18, in your library... added February 25, and then deleted. (Plus one more title just added today.)

If you can provide the details asked for in >2 gilroy: that would be helpful, thanks! Also, please note if you saw any slowness or error messages during the adding process, and what method (aside from LibraryThing App or website / you used to add the books: did you run searches manually, did you scan by ISBN, etc.?

Mrz. 17, 7:23 am

Just in case (because I've done it myself), do you have more than one account? If so, did you add the books to the one you wanted to and not the other one?