Adding Catalog Fields?

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Adding Catalog Fields?

Apr. 3, 12:14 am

Hello All!

I am cataloging a collection of books that includes both English and Japanese language texts. The English books are no problem. But for the Japanese titles, it would be great if we could enter the English translation under Title, but then have two additional catalog fields - one for the title in original Japanese characters as well as one for the "Romaji" pronunciation. Is it possible to add custom catalog fields?


Apr. 3, 2:05 am


Apr. 3, 3:59 am

Although there is little chance that you will get the catalogue fields - for a variety of reasons - there is Common Knowledge. Where you can enter the "Original Title" as well as a "Canonical Title" and "Alternative Titles". The Title in your catalogue is yours to do with as you will (enter English if you like). The Japanese title might be in "Original Title" if originally published in Japanese, or it might be an "Alternative Title".

You can show these CK fields on "Your books" catalogue view if you like.

Apr. 3, 5:58 am

I typically add things like that in Comments so I can search them in my own catalogue. ("like that" also includes variations as numbers/text, i.e. 3 sisters / three sisters) but I mostly add them when having searched for something in vain :-)

Apr. 3, 10:43 am

Re >3 andyl:, just wanted to point out CK fields are site-wide fields, not personal data and should be used accordingly, meaning Original Title only for the title of the work in the original language of 1st edition, Canonical Title only if needed because the calculated one needs correcting and then in the language of the site you're logged on, so English one on .com site and Japanese on .jp

Personal data fields for info that does not have a dedicated field are comments and private comments. Summary is also freeform and searchable. It auto-populates with 'title by author (publication year)', but you can edit it to whatever you want, so you can use it for multiple titles if you want to keep the comments fields for something else.

Apr. 3, 2:56 pm

>1 sokusho: I have seen other users put both titles in the title field, e.g. "Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince)", particularly with non-Latin alphabets

Apr. 3, 3:02 pm

It really helps if people who enter translations enter original titles (Whether or not they combine the books.)