Can I have a private collection within a public library?

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Can I have a private collection within a public library?

Apr. 8, 9:27 pm

Hi- It seems like the privacy settings are all or nothing. Is it possible to make your library public, but reserve one or more collections to remain 'private' or vice versa - have a private library, but make one or more collections public i.e. shareable/linkable for others?

I have some extensive collections on specific subjects I would be happy to be public, but don't necessarily want all of my library to be public. I'm thinking the only way around this is to create separate accounts - one public and one private. ????

Apr. 8, 10:01 pm

That is correct -- public/private is all or nothing.

At the bottom of each "edit book" page there is a checkbox that says "Private book (this is a beta feature)". Don't use it. That feature either does not work, or is buggy and may hide the book even from yourself.

Apr. 8, 11:16 pm

It would be too complicated, because books can be in multiple collections.