Discover Books Using Filters: Filter by Genre, Average Rating, Number of Votes

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Discover Books Using Filters: Filter by Genre, Average Rating, Number of Votes

Apr. 22, 12:07 am

Is there a way currently on LibraryThing to basically just do a mass filter to discover new books?

For example, I want to see all Non-Fiction Books, with a rating of 4.00 Stars or Above, with Minimum 50 Votes on Rating. Then, sort descending from Most Votes to least.

Is this possible on LibraryThing in it's current form? I think it would be cool way to discover new books many others have enjoyed that I've never heard of before.


Apr. 22, 6:53 am

You're able to go to tags for nonfiction, Non-fiction, etc and discover books in that form.
Stars are so subjective that the site ignores them in almost all filtering features.

You can also go to the new recommendations engine and sort by a specific genre:

Bearbeitet: Apr. 22, 8:34 am

I suspect that if any recent nonfiction works had over 50 ratings and they averaged over 4.0, and you haven't heard of it, you haven't been in a bookstore or a library for a long time. And you don't spend muchtime in talk.

Sorry, found one in my recently read books. The rise and reign of the mammals I discovered that one in the thread of the 5 best books people read in 2023.

Filtering based on ratings is a nonstarter as Gilroy said.

ETA. Your list would be full of various Bibles.

Apr. 22, 9:11 am

>3 MarthaJeanne: Your list would be full of various Bibles.

So much for "discovery." Buried under "witness."

Apr. 22, 1:34 pm

The Talpa Search seems pretty unhelpful in meeting the OP's request. Maybe my paranoia about the power of AI is ill-founded.