60 Werke 663 Mitglieder 93 Rezensionen


I loved this. It was so good I wish it was a little bit longer. Was enjoying every second of this read.
m19arta | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2023 |
Good read.....very exciting and enjoyable! The story flowed nicely while the main characters were both kick ass.
DebJack | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2023 |
I want to make this clear, I do not like leaving poor reviews. However, this book is just one big story about a masquerade party. With little increments here and there of a different person perspective. I found it tedious. I wanted to connect with the author's, but it was extremely hard to do so when all they keep talking about is this masquerade ball. It was like masquerade, masquerade, masquerade , sex. Honestly this is not appropriate behaviour for a 16 year old's birthday party, but I can look past that. Who knows, maybe her parents are freaks. I wanted to read this book because two of my favourite authors are included in this book. And their stories are further on inside the book. On my tablet it shows it to be over 600 pages long. I'm sorry but I do not want to read 600 pages of a masquerade ball. We get it. It's an overly sexualized teenage girls birthday party. And it's disgusting. There's only so much you can do and get away with at a 16 year old girl's birthday party. I feel horrible writing this. But honestly, I wish that they had just touch base on this party... And then moved on to something else. Maybe they met up at the party and then left. Unfortunately I've read three stories into it and so far they're all the same. The first story was confusing, because it implied that the girl attended Columbia and yet they start making NYU references. So that confused me right off the bat. that almost threw me off the book completely but I decided to give it another chance. And it's still lost me with the Morgan situation. Because honestly I thought Morgan was a guy. Yes in a dress, but hey it happens. For now I am going to skip ahead, read the two authors that I wanted to read in the first place, and then leave the book alone. I tried to recommend it to my sister-in-law but even she agrees with me. Something not right about this book. I commend all the authors that got together for this book, but at the same time I think a little variety would have been a lot better.
Morgie99 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 7, 2023 |
I don't think I've read something so dark. Oh my god. Some scenes were so disgusting I wanted to put the book away When Brianna's mother died and the scene from the fourth trial with Stella's punishment and the people were so horrible (sometimes they are like this in real life - caring only about money, power, sex). But this whole thing made the book completed. It was rough, but it was real, so twisted and wrong. When I picked it up, I couldn't put it down - well written with a lot of drama and passion (exactly how I like it).

Stella was a strong young woman, who made me proud. She grew so much. At the beginning of the book, she was kinda selfish, but in the end, she definitely won my heart with what she did to save Teddy. She took so much pain and transformed it into something so beautiful as love and so ugly as vengeance.

Sinclair was so cold at the beginning, but so attractive - mysterious and dark. He was hurt as a young boy, but he found the way back to love. I loved his loyalty to his family and the power he showed to protect them (even when he had to hurt his love). A complex character, but really well made.

The ending was perfect. At first, I was crying Because I thought Teddy died, but then I felt such a relief. I am so happy that they stayed together and glad that they had their HEA. Cause they definitely deserve it.

Heroine - 5/6
Hero - 5.5/6
Plot Twist - 5/6
Ending - 6/6
Storyline - 6/6
BitchQueenHsgirl | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 1, 2023 |
This book! Holly shit!

"The bad guy" is a romance novel told from the perspective of the bad guy - a psychopath, who kidnapped a woman. However, it is a lot lighter for a dark romance and a whole lot of wholesome!

The story is told from three POVs - Sebastian (the kidnapper), Camille (the victim), and Link (Camille's boyfriend).

The writing was absolutely phenomenal, the spice was scratching hot, and the chemistry was sucking you into their world. I loved reading every chapter, every page, every word. The plot was absolutely brilliant, and the end was as enjoyable as they come.

Sebastian is a clinically diagnosed psychopath, who doesn't feel anything, however, he was far away from broken, scary, or gross. I loved every second in his head. I think the portrayal was perfect - neither too stereotyped nor over the top. I loved him. Totally jumps into my favorite heroes list. The fact that he wasn't cruel or mean, and only wanted to have her, made me adore him so much more!

Camilla - she was a strong and feisty heroine, not naive, but not annoyingly stubborn. I loved how she tried to escape, but that wasn't all that was on her mind. Her kindness and compassion were the perfect combination for Sebastian, and I devoured every interaction between them.

Overall, I couldn't get enough of this book, and I wished there was more. I'd love to reread it in the future, and I strongly recommend it to everyone, who isn't prejudiced.
BitchQueenHsgirl | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 1, 2023 |
3.75 Stars

I liked it but the pace of the story moves way to slow. There were many times the story could have moved forward quicker to keep me invested. The author chose to S T R E T C H this out.

I will read #2 eventually, but I hope things move a lot faster.

I need a lot more action and connection than what I got here. But! The story is well written, other than the pace and lack of actual action.

100% a Cult story.
Not much of a romance. The mc's needed to connect more and faster than what they did.
bodebeabay | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2022 |
3 stars due to all the overthinking and little Doing

Yes, I started skimming and still couldn't get through it fast enough.
bodebeabay | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2022 |
bodebeabay | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2022 |
Dark Fairy Tales is, a collection of stories that are suppose to be similar to fairy tales.

I would give Dark Fairy Tales by C.J. Roberts a one star review because, these stories aren't fairy tale retellings nor are their dark sure their is, some facts that are a little dark but this book is, purely erotic stories with a little background. I was truly disappointed by this book.
Lillys | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 3, 2022 |
Sadly, I DNF this

Celia Aaron’s writing is always superb! I love Nates character too. He was awesome in the Dark Protector. However, I did not finish this book. As much as I love Nate, I couldn’t get pass the female protagonist or the story line in general.

I think Nate deserved a much more Interesting story line.
mybookcafelife | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 25, 2021 |
Really?? How come everyone liked this book so much while I found it so annoying?

First of all, right from the start, the main characters didn't win me over and I just couldn't get into them as a couple either.
Mostly though what annoyed me so much was the rushed way their relationship could you be in love with someone you pretty much don't know? They didn't talk at all during their brief (and mostly sexual) encounters!! Come on..

Lara-IT | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2021 |
izzied | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2020 |
izzied | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2020 |
Run, Red, run

OMG, what an exciting book! Very fast paced, nice and dark. Garrett certainly had some issues, and Elise was very curious. Definitely a good read.
tetisheri | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
OMG, what an exciting book! Very fast paced, nice and dark. Garrett certainly had some issues, and Elise was very curious. Definitely a good read.
tetisheri | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
Celia Aaron specializes in writing stories that take place in the South, particularly Alabama. I think that puts a pretty unique flavor on her books. To me, they are like Flannery O'Connor meets dark romance meets thriller meets suspense. It's a really interesting mix, and one that I will stand in line to read each and every time. Along with all of that, Celia writes mindfucks really well. I mean, really well. And in the Maiden, we get to see that.

In The Maiden, we get to see a really interesting look at religion and cults and beliefs, and how all of that can get mixed up together. We get to see how things can look perfect on the outside and yet be rotted on the inside. It's a view I really enjoyed reading.

Delilah has joined Heavenly Ministries so that she can become a Cloister Maiden. They are one of the holy virgins that the Prophet has picked to be choice among women. She's supposed to be there for a year, and then move on. The problem is that Delilah knows better. She's there for one reason and one reason only. She's there to find out what happened to her sister Georgia, and she knows that this "church" has something to do with it. What she doesn't know is what happens in the Cloister and to the Maidens.

Adam is the older son of the Prophet. His father used to just be the pastor of a local Baptist church until he decided that God talked to him and he created Heavenly Ministries. Now, it's a huge church with its own compound and police force and a reach all through the South. Adam doesn't believe in his father's teachings, but he does what his father says. That includes being a Protector to a Maiden and training her in all the things that she will need to know to be in perfect obedience to the Prophet and any future husband. Adam knows exactly what will happen to the Maidens in the Cloister because this isn't his first rodeo. He's had several other Maidens. But when he sees Delilah, he knows that there is something about her, something different from all the other Maidens, even if she seems to buy into everything his father says. That's why he trades his brother so that he can be her Protector.

This book will set off every trigger you may have and some that you might not have even imagined. But, if you can get through all those triggers, what you are going to read is a book that is incredibly layered and nuanced. There are plots and plans and machinations. Every time I thought I could figure out what was going to happen, Celia Aaron took it a completely different direction and sent me spinning around. I would get my balance, try to figure it out again, and she would pull the rug out from under me. I was perfectly happy with that. I stayed up way too late reading this and read until I was cross-eyed because I couldn't put the book down because I just couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next.

I can't wait until the next book comes out. I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to wait, but I guess I'll try.
tetisheri | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
Celia Aaron is pretty much evil. That's all I have to say. I am pretty sure that when she writes a book, she not only sets out to do terrible things to her character, she wants to figure out how she can traumatize her readers as well. Not that I won't keep reading her books, because I really like the brand of trauma that she inflicts on me. It leaves me gagging for more. I mean, I have to have it.

Prophet picks up after the last one left off. Delilah is being tortured in horrible ways and is being drugged. Adam has told her to be strong and not to break, but between the torture and the drugs, it's hard to keep her mind her own.

Meanwhile, Adam is trying to figure out what to do about Delilah. He knows that something awful is happening, he just doesn't know what. It isn't helping him with his rage and virulent hatred of his father.

There are so many things happening in this book. Celia Aaron wants to mindfuck us, and she does it so very, very well. We are never on balance from this book, from the very beginning, Celia sends us spinning like a top and leaves us spinning and tumbling and reeling. I was dizzy. I am going to have to read both books back to back now. I am not sure how I can make it through the time between now and the next book.
tetisheri | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
This is the final installment in The Cloister series. And wow, is it a book worth waiting for. I was so looking forward to reading it because I knew it would be intense, and I wasn't disappointed at all.

Adam has been left hanging due to his father's punishment. While Noah thinks that their father might spare Adam, Adam knows otherwise. He's going to be left there to die, however that death may happen. As long as Delilah is safe, he's OK with that. He does everything he can and makes deals with as many people as he can to make sure that she is safe. When he gets taken down and hidden away, his father goes even crazier than he was before.

Meanwhile, Delilah is panicked about what's happening to Adam and is worried about him and what's going to happen to him. She still plans on burning Heavenly to the ground, metaphorically speaking, and will do everything she can to make that happen. She's terrified of marrying the senator because of the things that he's said that he will do to her and told him that she will kill him.

There are at least 3 separate plans and plots going on at any one time during this book. There may be more, but it can be hard to tell because the plans are all wrapped up in each other and they split and come back together and diverge and meld over and over again. Watching all those plans and trying to figure out what the ultimate goal of each of those plans is really interesting. They all have some of the same goals, but the reason for those goals is different for each plan, and the reasons aren't necessarily all that sane. In fact, most of the plotters aren't necessarily sane. But, can you be sane in the situation that all of these people have found themselves in or do you basically have the not sane and the more not sane? Really interesting questions, and ones that will stay with me while I reread the entire series.

Celia Aaron is so good at what she does and I can't ever wait to read what she's done.
tetisheri | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
What would happen if Paris of Troy didn't die but became a vampire instead? If that's a question you've always wanted an answer to, then Celia Aaron is your lady and she will more than happily tell you.

Paris and Helen were happy in love, but then Menelaus came and sacked Troy, looking for his wife. He killed Paris and Helen killed herself to get away from him.

Flash forward several centuries and Paris is now a playboy vampire prince who is cavorting with Artemis because he found out that his beloved Helen, who he thought was dead, was actually one of Artemis' warriors and chief strategist. The problem is, she doesn't remember him because Artemis took her memories. When Menelaus takes Helen from the streets of the City of Lights, Paris rescues her. Then, they decide they need to do something about it.

Elena/Helen is a BAMF. She is fierce, a fighter, intelligent, wily, and tricksy. She knows who she is, at her core, even if she doesn't remember Helen, she still knows that she is a strategist and is extremely magically powerful in her own right. Paris isn't threatened by her. He knows that the best place for her is at his side, for so many reasons. Together, they can be an unstoppable force.
tetisheri | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
Oh, Celia Aaron, what have you done to me? I know that I'm going to get a good read everytime I pick up a Celia Aaron book, and I know that I will have all the feelz, but this one really hit me hard. Lots and lots of feelz. Crying kind of feelz. Happy kind of feelz. Angry kind of feelz. Alllllll the feelz.

As a teenager, David did what he could to make sure that he and his brother Peter were OK, and had the money that they needed so that they could plan their escape. At 16, David was working as an enforcer for a mafia family. While he's out and about, he sees a beautiful girl, and he tries to track her down. When he finally does, he meets Angel.

Angel is 15 and trying to make sure that she has enough money to escape her father. She breaks into house, picks pockets, breaks into cars, does what she can to pick up money here and there. When she runs into David, she starts to talk to him and they connect in important ways.

OMG, Angel and David. David and Angel. They take star-crossed to a new level and to levels I would never want to go to. Their connection though, that's nearly magical. Everything they have to go through separately seems like it should break them down.

I love these two characters so much, and Celia Aaron does what she does so well with them, she puts so many layers on them and makes them broken and whole at the same time.
tetisheri | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
I love reading Celia Aaron's books. She puts so many wonderful layers into things and you have to dig down to find the truth of the story and go on the same adventure and journey that her characters have to go through to find the truth. It makes for some delicious stories to read.

Benton King opens the door to his father's office at their shared law firm to find that his father has been shot dead. When he calls the police, he gets Detective Arabella Matthews. Their small town of Azalea only has a few police officers, and of the 2 detectives in the police force, she's the senior. Benton has a significant stick shoved up where the sun doesn't shine and he's just positive that she won't be able to solve the murder of his father.

Arabella has worked really hard to get to the point where she is now. She's a good cop and she knows it. When she gets called to the King and Morris law firm to handle a murder, she knows that she can run the case and find the killer. It doesn't matter what the lawyer has to say or his mostly incompetent yet oddly lovable brother, who is the county sheriff, or their sister has to say. None of the Kings are going to stop her from finding out what's going on. Benton keeps trying to shove his way into her case, but she's not going to let that stop her either.

There is so much intrigue and suspense in this story. I never knew who was going to do what or why they were doing it. That's so awesome. I love reading mysteries, but sometimes I end up figuring out who did it and why they did it before the big reveal. I prefer to find out the who and why organically. So, the fact that Celia Aaron can keep me guessing that way is just awesome. The connection between Arabella and Benton is great, even though he kind of got a little overprotective sometimes, trying to get in between Arabella and her duty. But other than that, it's a good connection.
tetisheri | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |

Love Celia Aarons work and as what I have read previously is of a contemporary nature (The Acquisition series) I was excited to see what she would produce in regards to a paranormal offering.
"Incubus" was a really great start to a new series.
It did initially take me a short while to get into the groove with this, but when I did this was magic in motion.
I really do feel this may have been more to do with the fact that I have not read this genre for a while so I was a bit out of whack overall.
So anyway incubus is about Roth de Lis an Incubus and Lilah, once the warrior of the goddess Artemis, expelled from her home on Mount Olympus after falling for and succumbing to the charms of a male.
Lilah will do anything to earn her place back at her goddesses side.
Including making a deal with the god of war Ares (despite him being a psychotic nutter) to bring him said Incubus, Roth de Lis. using herself as collateral (so not smart.)
After locating and tricking her way into Roth's home which he shares with his delightful butler a jealous harpy of a succubus and an enchanting Nymph and With a totally biased stereotypical opinion of Roth, Lilah soon learns her preconceptions regarding the incubus are way off base.
So I found Incubus to be a delightful tale that once I got into my stride made for some very easy enjoyable reading our two main characters were both extremely likeable and along the way, we are also introduced to some very intriguing secondary players.
This was so very different from what I have read of this author previously and let me just say, Celia Aaron, can so do paranormal, she didn't disappoint here and she so rocked this genre, throwing the ball right out of the field.
I also was really digging the fall hook line and sinker for each over vibe that Incubus gave off it made for such a refreshing change.
Don't get me wrong this is no insta-love tale but when these two eventually connect I got tingles down to my toes, every time Roth whispered Carissima I melted into a puddle of goo.
And when he chased after Lilah wanting to save her well let's just say my heart was pitter-pattering like a big ole softie of a girl. (which I so am )
So it's safe to say, I have absolutely no problem recommending this to my fellow paranormal lovers.
Overall I found this to be a really enjoyable and positive experience and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Should just mention that Incubus is available free on KU.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |
Brilliant Finale.

Wow the best of the three, couldn't put down in sovereign everything consolidates into an explosive finale that was so worth waiting for, no sympathy for the corrupt individuals that make up this society from me. In this installment we see the trials continue and in the most case (except for a few misunderstandings) we see Sinclair, Stella and Lucius putting together a united front to win the acquisition trials, whatever it takes, brilliant ending that wrapped up everything and gave me a sweet satisfaction that the evil monsters got exactly what they deserved, its so nice when the bad guys get outwitted so expertly and with such style bravo Celia Aaron on A job well done.
carpathian1974 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |

Now this second book I much preferred, I am now warming more to sin after some of his actions in magnate, especially with the big cliffhanger at the end of book one. We now understand why the trials for sovereign are so important to him and he will do anything to win, the stakes are that high. but then he has to spoil it with his stupid big gob and say something super mean to Stella , Yeh Yeh Mr multiple personality disorder stop giving me whiplash. Lucius is strange still can not decide about him he's seems a lot colder than sin Teddy well he's adorable a real sweetie and a lovely friend to our poor acquisition. Dylan the stepbrother grrrrr total douche can I throw things at him like hard , he made me want to commit bloody violence. I am now looking forward to the next installment to this series I have a feeling little Stella is gonna kick some butt, I hope the whole high society gets there just dessert's bunch of privileged overindulged scum bags the lot of them, and I for one will be chuckling gleefully when it happens.
carpathian1974 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |
Not for the faint of heart .

Not quite sure yet what I think of the first book in the acquisition series, it was well written and a page turner but I found the violence of the ball a hard pill to stomach, I will read most things and not get upset but I found the whipping to an extent that it took weeks to heal and that Stella was permanently scarred very disturbing it was not consensual and was more a form of torture , I also can't suss out Lucius is he a sleaze or genuinely liking Stella and don't get me started on Sin Mr multiple personality , I realise there is some deep dark reason pushing him to compete for sovereign, but that he could stand there and also permanently scar Stella for this astounds me, am so not warming to him and can't get my head round how Stella is, he also had the nerve to ask her at the ball if his brother had hurt her when he knew what was in store for her. I'm in shock, and its only gonna get worse, i will read the next book because I want to see what happens with Stella and in my opinion she should have thrown her dad to the wolves, still should she needs to run fast and far from these psycho's.
carpathian1974 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |