
Werke von Benjamin Abelow



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There is something that makes a nation or group of nations sharing the same ancestry or worldview extremely dangerous. And that is messianic syndrome. And this is something entire West is suffering from at the moment, although they self flagellate for oh, so horrible, so horrible, errors of the past (ad nauseam if I might add).

And yet these same nations continue to carry the "burden of the civilized humanity" in bringing light to "those primitives". And they do think of others as primitives, unfortunately they think of their own people when not agreeing not just as primitives but as dangerous and something to extinguish. How can they then treat other nations as worthy if they do not share their own views of the world.

Because they are the only ones who can start the conflicts because they only start just wars, of course. They will cruise on tanks all over Africa carrying French flags but it is for the benefit of that same Africa. Say, move half a world under Union Jack to the West to wage war around the islands so remote from the country claiming it that it took them weeks to get to the bloody place but they fought it because they are on the right side of the Good and Virtue. They blew away country continent and a half away, under stars and stripes and compass flag, because it made chemical weapons and made total ruin of it, no weapons found. Oh they did mea culpa, made critical motion pictures, lots of book written how bad, bad politicians were..... but mentioned country went kaboom and never came back and never will. Another country in north of Africa was also blown to smithereens, and just left to die out in interwar of truly "democratic" forces. Another country in area of Levant was also almost broken down but somehow still resists the democratic movements riding half-trucks with guns and spraying everyone with high caliber bullets. Country (also on the other side of the world from Angels) looking like SF scenery with deserts and humongous mountains covered with hard rocks and snow was also liberated and turned into continuous battlefield for almost two decades (whole generation mind you) only to be returned back (after hundreds of thousands of deaths of all - military, civilians, you name it) to the very same group of people that were cause for liberation.

All of the above are justified actions by this Angels on Earth, carriers of such good will and love that I think most people (those uncivilized of course) on planet Earth pray they do not turn their gaze towards them for this or that reason because they might get liberated and they have feeling they would not like it.

All of these justified actions - not always wars, but actions lasting for decades and including hundreds of thousands of soldiers (on rotation or directly deployed) - were always in a very very remote areas. One might even say they were not an immediate threat but they were challenging strategic goals of the Angels. Did people, civilians, die here? Of course, but people were spared and again it was very very far away, average Angel could not see at that distance. But Angels did their mea culpa because it is right thing to do. After couple of years (when things could not change for an iota) there were again books and motion pictures and notes how it was not thought out well, how they were mistakes, but Angels will help, because they always help, and these are not wars, no, but police actions that bring liberty and progress (especially in that desert/mountain country I mentioned above) (anybody not involved and observing this would be really fooled about this mind you).

And so Angels started approaching this country, covered in mist and mystery in the East. And for Angels it was their Anathema, bad meaning people would even say raison d'etre for the Angels union. And they started building bases on the very border with this country, executing large scale military exercises simulating war with given country, creating political turmoil around this country and finally got so close that Angel's missiles got under thousand miles from the heart of this country. And this country, strange strange country, containing tremendous potential to blow up planet several times over, this country Angels scorned and dehumanized as backwater, for at least 15 years asked the Angels to stop, stop with massive military exercises, stop with putting launchers so close, but Angels said why worry this is all benign, we are training to fight you but only if you attack us (not that any war started after "mass exercises", it is not the same .... khm), don't worry. And they laughed, and with them all the others laughed, because this strange, strange country was acting truly strangely. Why all that military might is there just for the defense against that very country - and they are worried, ha! Worried were the Angels, nobody else had the rights to worry.

Then for last 8 years this country, strange, strange country signed sh*tload of treaties with Angels and Angels were selected to guarantee for the same, and this country asked please dont escalate, we need to de-escalate. And Angels said OK, but looked at this strange, strange country with sad eyes and wandered how backwater they are because they do not even understand that all these treaties are not worth paper they are written on, because they, Angels, are always right and they see justice, goodness and right to do what they do.

And so 8 years pass and finally pushed to the wall (since this strange, strange country had a capitol not 400 miles now from the Angels position on its border) started a war. And Angels were astounded because this strange, strange country decided to fight the war, for their own national purposes and goals (how dare they! only Angels have right to start and end the wars and this war is not approved by the Angels; and national goals, why only Angels have national goals or can grant others license to fight for their national goals). And now Angels and this country, strange strange country are at war (although Angels so far say they are not, because they never start wars or conflicts, oh no, never, they are just helping their friends). Weirdly Angels are not so united, because for some Angels this is happening oh so very near, even one single nation between them and this strange, strange country, but for those important Angels it could as well be on a different planet so they are not that worried and they say let us continue.

And so here we are, Angels, those virtues, regal and proud, led by your average clerks as politicians, raising stakes every day. For the rest of the world, not living in Angel countries hope remains that there will be tomorrow but with Angels you never know, their wisdom is unparalleled and they fight for every civilian in the war zone like they did in Africa, Middle East and wherever justice had to be served.

This book proves that (same as War is a Racket) facts dont need hundreds of pages. Author is very blunt and says things as they are. Actions cause reactions - whether intended or not (we will have to wait for those mea culpa books and movies in couple of decades, if ever) - but party prodded to act by striking first is not always the one to point the finger at (for those talking about diplomacy I think that recent statements from Germany and France said enough about those diplomatic missions and how they were viewed - on the other hand Angels from the above could have solved lots of their conflicts politically and not through deadly and nation extinguishing blockades or through force of arms - but they never need to justify themselves dont they).

Condescension and unwillingness to communicate are death to personal relationships let alone when it comes to nations and their survival. And in here deadly play is in progress, one that could ensure that for next few millennia we wont have to worry about lack of Internet and make us go back to the roots (literary).

Most disturbing book I read.
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1 abstimmen
Zare | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 23, 2024 |
This is not a book so much as an 88 page propaganda pamphlet published by a press that has no website and has only ever published this one title. The author's only credential is that he has a BA in European History and his sources include Youtube videos, RT and Fox News commentators. The argument and premise is straight out of Putin's mouth, that NATO started the war by encroaching on countries that Russia considers within their sphere of influence. There's no understanding that countries, including formerly captured nations of the USSR, have the right to self-determination. There's also no acknowledgement of broken Russian promises, aka, the Budapest Agreement, or that Russia's actions are that of a gangster state. If Russia stopped fighting, the war would end; if Ukraine stopped fighting, Ukraine would end.

Putin counts on his useful western fools. Don't be one of them.
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mskrypuch | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 25, 2023 |


½ 3.5