
David Archer (4)Rezensionen

Autor von The Grave Man

Andere Autoren mit dem Namen David Archer findest Du auf der Unterscheidungs-Seite.

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Team Camelot is still processing Moose's death (except for Noah) when they receive a new mission. A new twist of rescuing an American valuable to the government from a foreign prison. They will infiltrate by having Sarah arrested on a drug possession to get in and befriend the asset. Researching and planning with new team member Marco has the team a little on edge, but the mission always comes first. the mission is going well until Sarah and the asset are whisked out of the prison and kidnapped into the sex trade. Team Camelot loses track of Sarah and the asset and gets an assist from Team Cinderella which includes psycho assassin Jenny. The teams meld well together as they scour the country from the asset and Sarah.
LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
Noah and team are still recovering from the attack and tragedy at Neverland when they are cleared for a new assignment. Their job is to take down the leader of a terrorist organization that is planning an event that will have a worldwide effect. The problem being that no one knows who the actual leader is. Noah must impersonate an assassin that was hired for the job to find out the target and the top dog in the organization to eliminate them. MI6 has the actual assassin under arrest and he escapes causing a cat & mouse game with Noah that will have deadly consequences for the team and the world. The council that represents the top dog has Neil, Sarah, & Moose on task running drones and tracking satellite telephones to help Noah find the actual location of leadership and the assassin who is stalking Noah. The tight team works well together and makes for an enjoyable read except Sarah gets a little overbearing at times because of her "romance" with Noah. The man has no emotions which makes him the best at his work and she wants more. Also the camaraderie between Moose & "little brother" Neil is endearing and it balances the tough military men attitudes with the emotionless Noah.
LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
A "prequel" or "memoir" of sorts by Noah Wolf explaining how he came to be as a requirement to his "government" job. I would read this book after reading "Code Name Camelot". He starts with the murder/suicide of his parents that triggered the lack of emotions to his human condition and continues the story through various foster homes and his small circle of fellow foster kids who helped him mimic behavior and emotions. The book ends with when he joins the military which is where "Code Name Camelot" starts. This was a quick read to better understand Noah Wolf as you continue reading the series
LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
Noah & team are shutting down a major drug cartel & are heading back to base to celebrate. A messages comes through that base has been attacked and to stay away and on the run. Piecing together what little information they have, it's determined that Noah's nemesis Andropov is the cause and is hunting Noah for retribution. Delving deeper into Noah's past it's discovered that his childhood friend Molly might be in danger. Since Noah joined E&E he was declared dead and his new identity created for ops work. Does the emotionless man let Molly know he's alive and will it help the team better know him? What will Noah do to eliminate Andropov once & for all? Noah, Moose, Neil, & Sarah have to plan an op with more than death on their minds.
LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
Team Camelot is on the case to retrieve a kidnapped daughter of a foreign president. Not their usual purview and it goes unusually smooth. Unfortunately it was a setup so the Russians could get a look at E&E and the team. The team heads back and Noah is in the cross hairs of an assassin as lethal and cold blooded as he is. Noah pours all of his energy into finding the assassin to eliminate him first but things take a turn when teammate Sarah is kidnapped. Still having no emotions, Noah will either save her or eliminate her depending on what happens with the rescue. Assassin against assassin in a fight to the death or deaths.
LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
A solid start of a series. Noah Foster is an Army Sergeant over in the sandbox when he witnesses his commanding officer and others murder and rape innocent underage civilians. When his commanding officer and platoon members try and kill him for not participating he responds with deadly force and eliminates them files his incident report. He faces a court martial and is imprisoned for murder and is swiftly sentenced to death. A visitor provides him with a way out. Noah possesses a rare form of PTSD from childhood that makes him an ultimate soldier. He's emotionless and without a conscience other than those he imposes on himself, possesses a photographic memory, & is used to being a wolf in human's clothing. Perfect candidate for a secret agency that recruits him as an assassin. Well written & can't wait to read the next in series
LaneyLegz | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 29, 2023 |
Tough to finish. A lot of repetition that didn't need to be. It took forever to get from induction to the mission and all they did was eat dinners. The ending was lackluster at best.
jpbronco | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 5, 2023 |
I got the audiobook version of this, and it was pretty well done. It's a good story for that format, as it's simple, not too many characters, and no problems with the reported bad editing, so I wasn't distracted by that. It took me only a day to read, kind of like a short story. It was an enjoyable, feel-good story, but lacked depth. It sounded good from the description, and I will probably try at least one more in the series (the first two Kindle versions are free).

From the description, it compared the protagonist, Sam Prichard, to Jack Reacher. I could see some similarities in some fairly superficial ways, but Reacher seems edgier to me, and if you've read his books, he's really not that edgy. But I suppose Reacher may be a bit too edgy for some, always seeming to want to get in a fight to prove how tough he is. Sam Prichard is more the opposite, it seems. But they both like to help others, and they do what they believe is right.
MartyFried | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 9, 2022 |
I don’t know where the problem came about. It could have been in the proof reading, or lack of proofreading. The story itself was fine. Actually, it was a great plot; as well as great characters... but for some reason it just wandered off into way too many things that had absolutely nothing to do with this story. If you are just looking for a love story, then you won't mind all of the useless information; but if you are reading this because you want a mystery, then you may find yourself turning pages without reading all of the unrelated sections. The first book in this series was not like this at all. Too bad because David Archer is a really, really good writer.
Carol420 | Nov 9, 2021 |
Fresh out of high school and off to college, Cassie thought she had the world by its tail, and then she met Mike. Tall, handsome and a police detective to boot, he swept her off her feet and into a whirlwind relationship that led to an engagement ring.

But things aren't always as they seem, and Cassie comes to discover that Mike has a dark side. When she learns just how dark it can be, she comes face-to-face with the greatest forward she could imagine, and it leaves her burned and scarred for the rest of her life.

Cassie isn't one to wallow in misery. She takes her experiences and a degree in psychology and sets out to help other women avoid the kind of thing that happened to her, but then one of her clients comes to her in desperation. Her abusive husband has kidnapped her daughter, and it's up to Cassie to find the girl before it's too late.

Of course, then the only trick is how to survive.
Gmomaj | Aug 26, 2021 |
A Decent, Feel-Good Book, But Not My Style

The Grave Man is the first book in the Sam Prichard Thriller series, introducing us to Sam, a private investigator and former police detective, now medically retired due to an injury sustained on the job. We also meet Indiana (Indie) Perkins, a computer hacker of extraordinary skill, who I suspect is a recurring character. Her skills have as much or more to do with Sam’s success as a PI as he does.

I have to admit I’m not a big fan of the down-home, somewhat macho, and trite-heavy tone of the book. For example, early in chapter 1, Sam says, “Excuse me, sir, I ain’t no politician! I prefer to be honest and work for my livin!” The book plays on social stereotypes and urban myths to a significant degree. And what’s with all the exclamation points? It seems like the characters are always shouting. The investigative procedures Sam uses are a bit simplistic as well. If he thinks he has the upper hand, he threatens the witness/suspect, who then gives up everything he knows. If Sam doesn’t have superior abilities, he tells the witness/suspect the gravity of the situation, and he caves anyway. Don’t look to this book for a good police procedural.

As characters, both Indie and Sam strain the limits of believability. Indie, for example, is the beautiful, single mother, educated at MIT but unable to find any job except working the counter at Dairy Queen. Really? She’s also the perfect cook and housekeeper, game for anything even when it involves having a gun put to her head. And it’s truly amazing how in a matter of minutes, hacking primarily Facebook and email accounts, she can discover information on crooks that have eluded law enforcement for years.

While it may sound like I hated the book, I didn’t. As a somewhat simple, feel-good, change of pace, it wasn’t bad. And if the homey, slightly macho, too good to be true tone is what you seek, look no further. You’ll find The Grave Man a worthwhile read.
BMPerrin | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 17, 2019 |
Murder, intimidation, a search for a killer and a strange informant. Plenty of action and suspense kept me turning the pages to the end. I plan to read more of this series.
Bettesbooks | Feb 1, 2019 |
Sam Prichard starts out the book as a broken man. Due to an injury at work, he's been released from the police force--the only job he wanted to do. Eventually, his neighborhood starts sharing their expertise among each other. Sam is a fair mechanic so he trades those services for things like lawn mowing etc. Eventually, one of his neighbors comes to him with a tale of a missing granddaughter and asks Sam to track her down. Thus is born Sam's PI career.

Sam decides he needs the help of a computer hacker. Indie applies for the job. I admire the author for not having them fall into each other's arms from the get go. At the same time, I hope a relationship develops between the two as the series progresses. I like the two of them together.
JenniferRobb | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2018 |
Not much action and needed the services of an editor. The characters are formulaic and rather bland. Will not bother with the next one in the series.
Omegawega | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2018 |
This physiological thriller had me flipping the pages trying to find out what was going to happen next!

After Sam got shot on the job in a police shootout, his career was over. He had no idea what he was going to do now. That is until an elderly neighbor asked him to find her missing granddaughter. Her father had taken her for the weekend but didn't bring her back. Sam said he'd try to find the child, but no promises.

Once Sam learned that the child's father, Allen Rice, was trying to move up in the drug dealing world he hired Indie, a computer whiz to help him track Rice. This story gets more thrilling as it moves along. Once Sam finds the girl and returns her, Rice's boss hires him to find Rice. Apparently, Rice has a very valuable product that has to be returned. Sam finds Rice but learns he didn't have the whole story before. Now Rice's boss - who actually is a bad guy - is after both of them.

I really liked this incredible story. It was so well written that even with all the twists and turns in the story I easily followed it. Not only was the story riveting but the characters were good too. Sam was a great PI. Even though it was his first case he had so much experience as a cop that he knew how to find the information he needed. So we've got a tough, seasoned cop/PI who was also very kind and caring when it came to Indie and her 4-year-old daughter, Kenzie. Indie was the absolute best computer hacker I've ever seen. She was a wonderful mother who did just about anything to provide for her daughter.

The only thing I had any kind of a problem with was that I felt there was too big of an age difference between Indie and Sam for them to have a romance. I liked this book so much that I'll definitely be reading more in this series.
JoAB | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2017 |
Entertaining and fast-paced with just enough twists and turns to keep me off balance and wanting to read more. The characters are slightly simplistic which opens this for the enjoyment by many age groups for reading.
Bettesbooks | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 3, 2016 |
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