
Deborah A. Bailey

Autor von Hathor Legacy: Outcast

6 Werke 23 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen


Werke von Deborah A. Bailey



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*At my request, this audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review.

Nadira's unknown family history surfaces when Mikal, the man sent to the colony, escapes and is found in Nadira's father's old ship. The very ship her father was lost in twenty years ago. Jonathan's growing popularity with his club, Secrets, creates new complications that he and Nadira have to wade through, all about popularity and people's executive profiles. It's all politics of some sort and Jonathan is stuck in the middle, hating it, while Nadira is fighting to keep her people safe at Hathor.

The little extras that narrators do help make the book all that more interesting. Kristin has a talent of adding a bit of that flare to her work. Nadira and Jonathan have a psychic ability to mentally speak and in doing this Kristin does this in a way that you know it's not normal speak - there's a sound like it's dreamy or echo-y but clear to hear. Kristin does different voices for the characters, making them easier to differentiate when listening to all together.

We are reintroduced to the main characters, and those around them, in the first chapter. This is so well done as it's about now and how Nadira and Jonathan are living. But we see what had happened as there is a new worry as of today. Mikal has escaped from the penal colony he was imprisoned on, after the Burn Order was carried out.

I was hooked to the story. It was a growing mystery about Nadira's parents and more. There is some connection to them, their disappearances/deaths, and others. But what is it? What is the truth? I had to know! So much new information to take in! I was enthralled with the story!

Sometimes I'm so drawn into the story I forget to make notes for the review. It's a good thing! It happened with this story. I was so intent on listening to everything that happened and all the details, living with the characters and enjoying all scenes, that I didn't want to stop to make notes.

Deborah had me worried for Nadira and Jonathan in this book. I worried for their connection, their lives, and their well being. I was saying to myself, a few times, that just can't be...they have to....there's a hint for what I want, or am I reading to much into it. I love when an author has me question myself and what's happening, it's all done in a good way and keeps me guessing.

This book seems to conclude a period of Nadira's life that was stressful. But, in the end I heard about the next book that's coming. It'll be done with a character we got to see in this series. Cool beans!
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MelHay | Mar 5, 2017 |
*This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review courtesy of AudiobookBlast dot com, at my request.

Nadira is roused from her sleep, early, by Brant her Guardian Sentry Leader. There is news of an explosion and theft at a mine on a planet three days travel away. Serving as a Guardian for NovaCorp due to her powerful ability to read thoughts and emotions, Nadira is to be aware the thieves might come to Hathor, and she's to stop them. When Jonathan and his partner arrive at Hathor, Nadira is set to track him, expecting to find his partner and learn what happened at the mine.

Jonathan hears the news of the mines explosion and been robbery. He's worried about his father, CEO of the mining company, who is said to have headed to Hathor the morning the mines fell, yet no one's heard from him or can find him. Jonathan hears a hint on the thieves from a patron of his bar. He'll find his father, and hopefully the thieves too. Jonathan decides to help a friend escape threats from the thieves and look for his father at Hathor. Denying his mothers request to no go, due to him being in danger, he does take her request to tell no one that his mother is from Hathor.

Kristin has quickly become one of my favorite voices in audio books. I love the way she sounds as she's acting the parts and talking to me with such emotion. I feel she's taken on the part of the characters full tilt and draws me into the world the characters live in and the actions happening. She does different voice tones and persona's in the voice for the characters which makes it easy to get a personal feel for the characters and who's who while listening.

Nadira is the strong one here. The story feels as a flip of roles, in sorts. Nadira is the one on the hunt for the bad guys and protecting. Jonathan is kind of a pretty face. lol. I like this flip. Jonathan starts to fall into the dangerous field of the innocent person caught in the middle of the events happening around him. Jonathan does come to prove himself to be more than a pretty boy. I've come to enjoy reading/hearing Jonathan in the story. He grows greatly.

Jonathan is a sleek popular young man among the patrons of his club, and woman. Jonathan thinks he's quite the ladies man. Nadira is caught off guard, for some reason she's not sure of, with Jonathan at first meeting. She does find him physically attracting, even if she doesn't want to admit it. And Jonathan, who does admit it, finds Nadira attractive as well. It seems Nadira is the tough nut to crack in this couple.

Nadira seems to have a secret connection with another Guardian, and her mentor Zena. There is a whole world, or worlds, created here. Mostly we learn of Hathor as that's where the story takes place. Hathor has it's own rules to follow and the Guardians to protect. Stealing is one thing they are extremely strict on here. The mining world and businesses are seen as well. And NovaCorp is the top of the control chain.

There are a few moments in the story that I expected the characters to lie or decline in telling of information. But they don't! I loved that the characters realized they are to trust each other and do. This grows their relationship and shows they are smart in who to trust. You have to trust someone, so pick who's been trying to help you over all.

This is a quick story. But in being so, there is lots of pertinent information given. Each word is important here and has a meaning. What starts as a simple job order becomes so much more for Nadira. The corruption goes deeper than Nadira ever thought.

This book has a romance in it. But the best thing, there is a great deal of story here. This story is not only romance - girl and boy meet, girl and boy find way to hearts, girl and boy go to bed. There is a who story that Nadira and Jonathan work their way through and in doing so the romance blossoms. There is a steamy scene but not as many scenes as I had thought I'd get. Which is right in line for me.

I got a kick out of the first awkward close attraction moment. lol. Jonathan flirts with her something fierce, making innuendos that she understands but resists. Yet she is attracted to him, underneath and not wanting to admit it.

I found I fell for Jonathan and Nadira, their relationship and the search they are on and running to protect Jonathan. Along with the world they are in.
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MelHay | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 15, 2015 |
*This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review, at my request.

It's rare for Guardians to be called for fire cases but Nadira is called in by Lt. Tamara Lin to investigate a fire at a Service House that she finds suspicious. Elder Dakar has requested to see Nadira. He has plans for Nadira and her abilities, and a big future for her. Elder Dakar's assistant seems to know a few things about Elder Dakar and keeps presenting himself to Nadira. Jonathan has been staying on Hathor and wants to open a club here. He finds himself pulled into the Corporate world present on Hathor. Nadira and Jonathan learn that the connection she created between them is not liked by those higher up the Guardian chain. But when things get personal and the fires persist, almost harming Nadira. Jonathan and Nadira will have to make some hard decisions as Nadira tries to solve what is going on in the Guardian hierarchy.

Kristin, once again, displays why she is one of my favorite voices in narrating stories. She becomes the story and the characters. She starts with emotion in her voice for the opening scene and throughout the book. She easily performs accents to differentiate the woman and men speaking. Each has their own personality in voice, attitude, tone, and presentation. By doing this I can see the character as Kristin's presentation is paired with Deborah's words. This makes it so easy to dive into a new audio book and not get lost.

We get to see Nadira's abilities in action right off the bat. I like this as I'm one that's into abilities and powers. And there is no delay in getting into the story here.

There is so much more to the Corporate and Guardians in Nova City! Very interesting to see the inner workings of the Guardians and their work relationship with Corporate. The history come out in more detail here as well. Very interesting and I love the growth of it all here.

There is romance present, but it's not the center of the story. It's a lovely addition to the story and shows the beautiful connection our couple has. Even though I worry of Nadira and Jonathan's relationship, Nadira and Jonathan are adamant they are together. I'm so glad for this unwavering believe in them. There is so much going on in the world around them that it is nice to see a solid feel between them. They trust in each other and always give each other the open to make their own decision on if they stay or not, but that they both love each other is always there and we know the choice if it needs to be made.

I figured I knew who was behind the troubles in the city, but I wasn't exactly sure why. I loved the suspense and worry we felt in the circumstances Nadira, and Jonathan, found themselves in. The story built on itself and all the knowledge we were learning as we went. The systems here are so much larger than imagined, and things are going to change.

This book ranks among the top of the top. For the story that's written and the depth of the world with a touch of romance, belief in others, action, worry, and the narration. I could go on and on about the written story along with narration here. But I'll stop before I bore you with all the gushing.

But I'll leave you with one last loving sharing paragraph.

I can't express how much I enjoyed this story! The plot and events that take place in this story. The relationship with Nadira and Jonathan. I JUST LOVED IT ALL! Sure, it's a romance and there are rather intimate moments, but the plot and story line was so well done. Deborah Bailey is jumping up my favorite ladder with this story (series). And Kristin with the vocals. WOW! I felt like I was there listening to everything in person.
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MelHay | Nov 15, 2015 |
I found myself interested in the idea of the story and thought I would probably like this book. I was wrong. Between the extremely over the top narration, particularly in the romance scenes-which honestly sounded so breathy as to be sarcastic - like something I would jokingly say to my husband. I will be most likely avoiding the combination of this author and narrator. I'm not sure if it's just a bad combination and I would like both of their works, only separately. I feel like I probably would. This is why the overall rating is only 2.5 while I would rate the performance and story individually at 3. I will likely be checking out both the author and narrator again- just never together.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from the author, narrator or publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.
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littlebear514 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 9, 2015 |


