
Wesley Banks

Autor von Hope In Every Raindrop

3 Werke 37 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen

Werke von Wesley Banks

Hope In Every Raindrop (2015) 20 Exemplare
In Her Eyes (2016) 15 Exemplare



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A powerful and inspiring tale of endurance, love, and finding oneself, Faith in Every Footstep will have you hanging on every word. Kyle's sled team are so much more than just dogs, even with a connection between a musher and his team, there is something deeper there. A connection that is almost primal. Kyle and King seem to almost share a soul. But will that be enough to get them through the hardest trial they've ever faced? Definitely a must read!

Received for review
LilyRoseShadowlyn | Feb 11, 2017 |
Title: Hope In Every Raindrop
Author: Wesley Banks
Publisher: W. B.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Hope In Every Raindrop" by Wesley Banks

My Thoughts....

This novel had a well written storyline, with well developed characters...Katie, Doc, Kyle..[the dogs....King and Biscuit] that will keep your attention till the end here in Bishopville, South Carolina. If you are a dog lover...this story would be for you as you will see a 'man interacting with training sled Carolina dogs.' The story involves drama, mystery and yes also a love. In the end will this novelist [Kate Price] get the story she needed for her novel after suffering from writers block? To get that answer you will have to pick up "Hope In Every Raindrop" to see how well this author presents it to the readers. I would definitely recommend especially if you a a dog lover.… (mehr)
arlenadean | Apr 20, 2016 |
After reading In Her Eyes by Wesley Banks, I finally understood the meaning of the title. But that is part of the slight mystique the man, Benson Wilder, carries upon himself. Ben is a college student at the University of Florida, a few years older than many of the other students, and an athlete. Parker, his roommate and quirky best friend, is almost the only one who knows all of Ben's back story. One day, while out jogging with Parker, Ben nearly runs into Casey. That is, he steps on her keys and key card she has dropped. He meets her eyes, and as he told Parker later, it was like the pull of gravity. He couldn't get her out of his head.

Casey Taylor was a first year resident at a nearby hospital. She was a busy person because she was also a single mom, a fact that most of her colleagues didn't know. And she didn't date, a resolve that ended when Ben stepped into her life. Somehow, he had tracked her down to the hospital she worked in and only a few days after they'd met without exchanging any information, he appeared at her table while she was eating lunch. She tried to laugh him off when he asked her to go out with him. But later that night she saw him again, purely by accident. Nikki, Casey's best friend, had needed her company that night. One thing and another happened, until Ben and Casey found themselves alone together. Ben wasn't shy; he asked her out again, and she was intrigued. Her only problem: at what point in their growing relationship should she tell him about her daughter?

My first impression after finishing the book was what a sweet story this was. But "sweet" is inadequate to describe the tale of two lives meant to be together. First, the story is a bit different because it is told from Ben's point of view, for the most part. He is not only a runner, but a record breaking runner, and the author gives us enough detail to authenticate Ben's role in that world. It becomes part of the mysterious aura that is Ben. During the tale, the author gives us additional clues to allude to a reason why Ben runs.

Second, the author artistically builds into Ben, Parker, Nikki, and Casey's characters elements the readers want to learn more about, feel comfortable around and care for. When Casey enters the scene and grows attached to Ben, we are right there with her, being drawn into their courtship and desiring that the relationship will be successful. Ben becomes so endearing, especially with the matter-of-fact way he accepts little 5-year-old Emma. There's even a bit of suspense when the doctor in Casey begins to suspect there is something medically awry with Ben. It is a topic he won't discuss with her, because it is a part of his painful past.

Third, the author has a great sense of humor. The humor is woven all throughout the book in just the right amount. Sometimes the laughs are goofy and absolutely ridiculous. Other times they are giggles, titters, slightly off color, and even tender. This is not a slap-stick type of book, but the light laughs are part of the character building that excels in it. Basically, this is the kind of book I like to read between heavy reads, long series or non-fiction. It's one that can be read quickly in just a few hours.

One warning: This is a contemporary book. There is some casual cursing (with the use of the "f" word) that some readers believe is necessary to make it relevant. In my opinion, the gist of the tale would remain just as dynamic without the colorful language. I highly recommend this book in spite of that.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
… (mehr)
Beverlylynnt | Mar 21, 2016 |


