
Whitney BarbettiRezensionen

Autor von Ten Below Zero

14+ Werke 200 Mitglieder 14 Rezensionen


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Gave me "Feels". this one will stick with me for a few days.
lbrychic | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 9, 2023 |
A very cute little story that packed more of a punch than I was anticipating. The blurb of this and the first few interactions of the story made me think this was going to be more Rom-Com flirty than anything. I was surprised at the depth that was in parts of this story. It was so much more than flirty. There is a message here for Liam and Tori.

I would have liked more of a resolution at the end of the book instead of a HFN and I also wanted more resolution in regard to Tori's family, primarily her brother. I just wanted those areas expanded and this would have ranked higher. Especially, because I liked the connection that they shared.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
This was a book club choice, and although I shelved it under 'Romance', I'm not quite sure this is the accurate genre. Then again, I have no idea what genre it fits.

It is the story of Everett and Parker: he, a dying man, she, a shell-shocked woman (though not from war).

They get to know each other by mere chance, and each seems to find something in the other they need.

While I listened, I wondered just why the hell I had agreed to listen to yet another story with a dying protagonist. This book and audio being on Kindle unlimited helped me with my decision, because at least I wouldn't feel that I wasted money in case I disliked the book, or was so upset that I never finished it.
However, I actually liked the unfurling story, I even liked the protagonists, although I have to say I'm glad I don't have to deal with them in real life.
Both are scarred (physically and mentally), and their behaviour is accordingly.

It's impossible to say more without giving away the plot, but I have to say that I did not regret listening to this story. Natasha Soudek does a good job at narrating the story, unobtrusive, so you can lose yourself in the story.
It's not a sweet romance in any way, but it certainly is touching.
Belana | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 15, 2021 |
Lara-IT | Feb 3, 2021 |
Lara-IT | Feb 3, 2021 |
4.3 stars

This was a definite slow burn romance. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. That sounds bad but what I mean is that I expected it to just be cute tried and true typical romance. However, there was more to it then that. There was depth and layers to the story. I liked Hollis and Adam. I liked that they brought out a certain sense of vulnerability and openness with the other. I liked the dynamics with the secondary characters (especially Tori, that girl needs her story told ASAP).

My biggest issues with this story were how things ended between Hollis and her parents. It felt unresolved. I felt that if her mother had such a connection with music and saw the whole piano scene that it would've influenced a different outcome. It also seemed to end at a really weird HFN moment. That being said though, still a great story and a great start to this series of standalones. Looking forward to Keane's story.

Off topic, this cover is one of my favorites ever. Stunning.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
4.8 stars

This book socked me in all the feels. It posits whether or not we have more than one chance at love. Especially, after one might have already experienced that once in a lifetime love. The characters were top notch. You felt the full gamut of their emotions and showed the many stages of how to deal with grief.

I'm looking forward to reading about Lotte and Samson
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.8 stars

Holy hell. This conclusion in the duet was my favorite of the two couples. The author did a PHENOMENAL job of showing how addictions come in many forms and how debilitating it can be to show who you truly are, flaws and all, when something like love is involved. I appreciated how the author gave insight into how this love first started.

The author was able to have each character see the world through their various art. For Lotte, everything was seen through the eyes of music, movement, rhythm, and dance. For Sam, everything he encountered (especially Lotte and seeing things a thousand feet in the air) were seen through the eyes of an artist. You felt the curve of the hand, saw things through the eyes of another, or even felt how the wind moved someone's hair. The author should be commended for her ability to do this and to make it seem effortless. Together the H and h were the perfect balance.

MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Sweet holy hell. This story just sucked punched me. All the emotions and the grieving process. The beginning hurt. The middle of the book not as much but the whopper of a conclusion followed by a glad the next book is out.

Go in blind like I did. You can thank me later.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.7 stars.

This book deals with some pretty heavy issues that are so often not discussed but should be. The other was respectful in how she portrayed it.

This book had amazing characters and phenomenal storyline. The poetry in this duet was remarkable. I'm glad I discovered this author.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
This book was awesome!! The two main characters are so flawed and so screwed up that this works wonderfully. Lucy...what a hot mess that girl is. Former drug user, dealer, klepto, and liar. She has to get her life together or its back to prison for her. X...anxiety ridden mess. While he is built and looks like your typical hero in a book, he is a anxiety riddled mess.
Together these two work, and it's a beautiful thing. Lucy pulls X out of his shell, and makes him realize things are not so bad, and X makes Lucy put back all the crap she tries to steal. Together they have to deal with former drug dealers, and worse...his mom, who is the worst type of helicopter parent. This story is a delight, and if you want to read a light, funny, with a few serious twists thrown in, then this is for you.

KGarner | Aug 4, 2018 |
This book is simply amazing. The author has a way with putting together a story, and making it come to life. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, and the story itself. This story has love, angst, feelings galore, I want to live in this book it is that amazing. Told in dual POV.
KGarner | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 4, 2018 |
A story about two broken characters coming together to mend one another....

Wow! This book took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Parker is a broken young woman who has dealt with many struggles in her life. She carries emotional burdens and physical flaws. She has sass and basically takes life one day at time. When she meets Everett her life is turned upside down. She finds herself questioning her feelings and slowly letting her guard down.

Parker and Everett's relationship is not an insta-love which I loved!

They pick on one another and begin their journey as friends who are brutally honest. Everett tells her when she is being cold and she tells him when he is being rude. As time progresses though Parker becomes Everett's addiction. He will do anything to see her smile. He wants her to start enjoying the life she was given. When Parker finds out that he has Cancer though her thoughts are all over the place. She can't understand why he won't get the surgery, but does everything she can to better understand. Together they travel and learn to confide in each other. They build a romantic connection and embark on a journey full of heart ache, confusion, hope, and love.

This book did not disappoint at all! I was instantly sucked into the storyline and captivated by the characters. Yeah, they weren't always lovey dovey.... but that's what made this book that much better! It was so much more romantic to watch their relationship slowly progress. We got to feel and understand exactly how the love came about. It wasn't the intimate connection... It was about the emotions and unspoken understandings. At times I felt my heart squeeze... I was pulling for them throughout the entire book and towards the end I was going crazy. My mind was all over the place trying to guess what was going to happen. I felt my heart race and at times drop. The real factor was there and I can honestly say that the ending felt like a perfect fit!

All in all it was truly a beautiful story that had hints of light and shadows of dark.
It showed that love isn't always easy... It takes time, understanding, and lots of work.

I Loved it & would Recommend it to all mature readers!
ReadersCandyb | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 7, 2016 |
A story about two strangers accidentally coming together. Parker and Everett are both living day by day but for very different reasons. After an attack, she doesn’t want to feel anything anymore and he just wants to find one sweet moment in his life. This is their journey where Everett pushes Parker to simply live and with each passing moment we watch her come more and more to life and she lets him experience some treasured moments too. Nice read.
Ingstje | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 18, 2016 |
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