25 Werke 2,076 Mitglieder 77 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 6 Lesern


I loved this as much as the first. It picked up right where the other left off. The humor was definitely upped in this one! Glory's dog Valdez gets to be a hero and so does she! We get to learn al lot more about the crazy world of the Austen vampire world. Who knew vampires made Vampire Viagra, lol!! We get more sexy men, more crazy stunts and lots more laughs. I say full size has its advantages!
Bring on book 3!!
Zombimomi | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2024 |
This book was so funny. I fell in love with the main character Glorianna St. Claire immediately ! She is a real sized woman, who is sassy, snarky, clumsy, independent and a 400 year old vampire that could pass for a college gal. She finds herself in some crazy situations with her talking labradoodle bodyguard and a hunky Scottish man friend.
This story was hard to put put down. Lively, fast paced, and full of colorful personalities. It wasn't just crazy vampires running around Texas in this tale. The curves in the book left me smiling and laughing out loud.
Can't wait to see what the next adventure will be.
Zombimomi | 24 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2024 |
Wow! Glory is growing up to be a force to be reckoned with. She's been the tender hearted, kick butt, independent woman, but now having saved a human and turning Lucky... Glory has found her inner vampire strength and is even more impressive on this book. Of course now we have another hot male, new vampire to boot, that she gets to babysit. The laughs are great. The intensity of this book really thickened and the story seemed to develop much deeper than the other two. Real relationships cemented, esp. for Flo, and histories began to unfold.
This book has become my favorite, yet I was disappointed in the behaviors of some of the people. The dark sides exposed. But I can't wait to see what will come in the future books.
Zombimomi | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2024 |
I picked this book up to read as filler before starting my february reading challenge. I loved it! It was more satirical then I originally planned but written well. You become familiar with the characters very early on, and understand all the interpersonal conflict. Wasn't the best book I ever read, but it was a good book in its own right.
clove311 | 24 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 9, 2020 |
Texas Reckless by Gerry Bartlett
Lone Star Suspense #3

Author Rhett Hall has a bad day that becomes a whole lot better when he meets Sierra MacKenzie. Her life also improves when the two of them meet. Rhett iis researching his next book and staying on Sierra’s ranch is where he lands to suss things out. Little does he know that not only will he pick up small town Texas characters, dialogue and ideas but also fall into helping solve a mystery that might also threaten his and Sierra’s lives.

What I liked:
* Rhett – nice guy in more ways than one
* Sierra – a woman with a dream to fulfill – rich but not clueless
* Finding out who was behind the troubles being caused for Sierra’s
* Sierra’s brother Dylan (is there a story for him in the future?)

What I did not like:
* The meanness of some of the people in the town
* The problems Sierra had to face in the past and later on in this story
* That some of the bad guys got off easier than I would have liked them to.

Did I enjoy this book? It grew on me
Would I read more in this series? I think so.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Lyrical-Liaison for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars½
CathyGeha | Dec 25, 2019 |
This series is humorous and very light reading.
Karen74Leigh | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 4, 2019 |
Texas Trouble by Gerry Bartlett
Lone Star #2

The story begins strongly with Scarlett Hall entering a tattoo parlor to cover a scar incurred while she was held as a hostage. She is suffering panic attacks and experiences one almost immediately and that is when she meets the man who will be her main squeeze in this book. From there the plot became a bit too much for me with both Ethan Calhoun and Scarlett dealing with huge issues that probably would have been better dealt with in two separate books. Ethan’s mother is on the lam from a mental institution with a sidekick and both of them are over-the-top unbelievable characters while Scarlett is soon dealing with the fact that t he criminal creep that scarred her has also escaped and might be out for revenge against her. Sure, there is romance of sorts and there is some time together for the main characters but this book really felt more like two or three stories in one with the main characters almost taking the back seat. That said, I did manage to finish the book by skimming quite a bit...and I see that I gave the previous book four stars so would give another book by this author a read in the future though this book did not rate as high for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington - Lyrical Liaison for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars½
CathyGeha | May 31, 2019 |
If you don’t know the story about Glory thus far please allow me to elaborate on her character. Glory St. Claire is a 400 year old vampire who considers herself to be more or less fat. She is envious of some of her other vampire “girlfriends” who are less than a size 10 because she is a size 12 give or take a size or two. Anyway, she has been overtly obsessed with her weight since she was changed way back when. Her on-again, off-again love and maker, Jeremy Blade, thinks she’s perfect. Not to mention her pretend fiancé, rock star Israel Caine, also believes she’s perfect. When Glory hears that a vampire insists he has created a combination of potions that can help a vampire lose weight and keep it off...she jumps at the chance. Her only problem is that he is Jeremy’s family’s enemy. In order to look great for the Grammys on the arm of Ray (Israel Caine), Glory plots and comes up with a plan to get the elixir while keeping Jerry (Jeremy Blade) in the dark. Of course it’s not as simple as she thinks it will be!

As always, Gerry Bartlett delivers a light and whimsical storyline that’s guaranteed to make you laugh out loud a time or two. I am on the small side so I can in no way understand what Glory is going through, but her qualms are so realistic while reading you can’t help but to feel sincerely sorry for her and hope that, in the end, she gets exactly what she wants. Of course, it has been rather hectic on her relationship with Jerry because she has been having to pretend to be Ray’s fiancée. While reading I just knew she would have it up to here with the both of them and their constant bickering where she is concerned. The only plus that Ray has is that he wants Glory to be happy no matter what so he will bend over backward to make that happen instead of ordering her around like Jerry does. Join Glory as she races to get the weight off, keep the weight off, and satisfy a siren turned disgusting fish monster all before Grammy night!
ecmross | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 19, 2019 |
WOW, talk about on the edge and rapidly reading! I fell in love with the tiny Anna Delaney, a computer geek and transplant from Boston sent to Austin, Texas! She never learned to drive as there was a bus to take her everywhere she wanted. It was over eighty degrees and she had wool pink sweater on as she left her apartment and seated herself to sight see. Too bad it was so hot here in JANUARY! I loved tall, dark, and handsome billion, King Sanders who was a gentleman and saved Anna from a face plant in the Rotunda. Someone is after her program that would save lives and will not stop until he or she gets it. This is my first time reading this author and I can't wait to read the series!
HOTCHA | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 14, 2019 |
Texas Lightning by Gerry Bartlett
A Lone Star Suspense #1

Action-packed romantic suspense that caught my interest from the beginning and held it to the end.

Anna Delaney has taken a break to get outside away from her computer job for a bit only to find that January in Texas is MUCH warmer than it is in Boston. With heat stroke and fainting likely she is saved from face-planting by none other than King Sanders. Soon after they meet it becomes apparent that there is someone out to get their hands on the computer program Anna has been working on for years. With her safety in mind and her boss’s agreement she is taken to King’s home. As the book unfolds at least one of her brothers is called in, her friend is kidnapped, her life and others as well as the software she is working on are all imperiled. Who is behind the dastardly deeds is eventually found out and by the end I was satisfied but then eager to find out what will happen with more than one of the supporting characters.

This is the first book I have read by this author but do look forward to reading the next in this series as soon as it is written.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing-Lyrical Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4 Stars
CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 31, 2018 |
Received an ARC for my fair review for netgalley. This was the third book in the series, and I do not know if the series is going to continue, but I got the vibe that it was ending, and I kind of hoped to read about Ethan, and also to know what happened with their crazy mother, and read about Cass and Mason's wedding. So this is Shannon's book, the oldest sister next to Cassidy. Shannon has turned into a drunk after her father died and hearing the terms of his will and also the devastating news of the criminal activity that he and her mother did to secure their company at the start of it. She has to work closely with a previous lover Billy Pagan, whom she is strongly attracted to but feels she has to fight it because he is all wrong for her. However, Billy is not going to go for that, he is balls to the walls, going after her, and she does give, many things happen, betrayals, lies, excitement, and family unity, and a surprise!!! I wont give you spoilers my friends so please read, and I hope this is not the end..
NelisPelusa | Aug 25, 2017 |
This is second book in the series, I did not like it as much as the first one, but it wasn't bad. I did like Rowdy, I had felt sorry for him since the last book, he was a nice guy, and deserved happiness to. I am glad that he admitted to himself that his relationship with Cass had run its course and that he knew that they should have moved on, but it still hurt me understandably. I still did not like the fact that it was with Megan who he ended up with, they were sisters, I don't care that they did not grow up together, from now on he will always see Cass, that is just my opinion. Still, will continue to read the rest in series.
NelisPelusa | Aug 14, 2017 |
I bought this trash because it was in the 75% off bargin bin at Books-A-Million and I can never pass up a 75% off bargin bin at a book store. I absolutely have to buy something. Books that cheap, it's like crack cocaine.

Well, it's a good thing I didn't spend any more money on this book. I think even the $3.97 was too much. The writing wasn't bad but the rest of the book was just...trash. There's just no other way to put it.

I guess if you like romance novels this might be a fun book for you to read, but I hate romance novels. I hate the put on "strong, independent woman" characterization that most romance novels contain. For instance, "I'm a strong woman. I don't need a man, but that man makes me soooo hot! I just have to have him." She sleeps with him - it's all lusty and good - and then she gets mad because he's infringing upon her independence again. What? ugh, vampire, please!

Also, there was nothing new in this. Nothing at all new in the vampire - romance - fiction genre. Rich vampires. Vampires that love sex. Boys fighting over girl. The only thing even close to being new is that the heroine, Gloriana St. Claire (or Glory to her friends, ugh) is a woman with some extra curves. Which she goes back and forth loving her lucsious curvy figure and hating it. ENOUGH!

Only read this book is you absolutely have to read all the absolutely awful vampire/romance/chick lit/silly vampire books out there. It's along the same lines as Dead and Unwed (although that was even better than this!)
wendithegray | 24 weitere Rezensionen | May 1, 2017 |
I received an ARC for honest review for netgalley. Totally enjoyed Cassidy and Mason. I was glad that Mason dumped his idea of acquiring Calhoun oil fairly quickly, it was not to read about their growing relationship as it progressed even though it was quick, but there chemistry was pretty hot. I liked Cassidy, a smart woman and how she wanted to learn of the company and actually made a point to, and she was not backing down from doing what was right. I felt sorry for Rowdy, he was a good guy, but they did admit that there relationship was stagnant, but were still able to remain friends. As I was reading the book at the beginning, when they mentioned that they were not spending much time together, or that he was working a lot, that they were going to have him cheating on her, my overly cynical mind, it just seems that most books tend to go that route, so it was a nice change that this was not the case. I have to say that even though Cassidy and Megan did not grow up together, I still do not want her to end up with Rowdy, I find that nasty. However, I would still want to keep Rowdy around, too many years together and friendship to just abandon his persona. Loved HEA, even though find unrealistic to think they really fell in love that quickly.
NelisPelusa | Nov 27, 2016 |
Great story lots of action. The new characters really add to the story. Loan shark vampire, with a need to hurt, fun. V is still the man/dog and has his hands full keeping Glory out of trouble. There may be Daughter drawing Blade to another ? Can't wait to read the next book...
TheYodamom | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2016 |
Glory is still trying to get her store up and running. Bombs, Vamp Hunters , EV's and sexy mne all conspire to stop her. She gets another furry friend to help guard her, a vamp dog with a smart mouth. Blade is sexy and the man of her dreams if she let him. Lots of drama, sex, drugs and loyal dogs make this story fun to read.
TheYodamom | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2016 |
I love Gloria, she never fails to bring on the wit and charm !
TheYodamom | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2016 |
Poor Glory still hates her weight. She meets Blades arch enemy an he just happens to have a weight loss med. that works on vamps. Only this weight loss miracle makes her have really strange reactions. Blade thinks he is trying to kill Glory to hurt him. Israel is really into the Glory and him "engagement" they are pretending to have, things get interesting there. He is also interested in a med that Blades enemy is offering, one that may end his life. Ah, it gets even more complicated with the arrival of Blades Glory hating family, maybe a war ? Valdez still the cute cuddly bodyguard, has many "human" moments and is bringing a new aspect to the Glory saga. This book started out a bit slow, but quickly got rolling. The pace was just what I needed, to be able to just sit back and enjoy it for the story, not the unending action. My favorite character, I love Valdez, so snarky and sexy at the same time. Least favorite...Ma !
TheYodamom | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2016 |
Glory has been through it all with Blade, hundreds of years and they are still together, nothing can tear them apart, right? No, a new and very painful change stabs pain at more than these two. Many hearts break in this novel, many truths are finally told. The Ev are still after Glory, and someone truly awful comes back from the dead. Rafe/Val the shifter is main part of this story and we get o learn about him and some of his past.
I loved this book I cried, laughed and cheered throughout it.
TheYodamom | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 29, 2016 |
Lucifer has taken and interest in Glory. Valdez needs Glory to help save him from Lucifer. Lucifer's minion's torment everyone. Glory gets a fledgling to train and live with. Ian comes into town brings his special treatments. Ray, goes to the bottom of the barrel. The Fledgling gets revenge. Blade is a hot burning love muffin.....and it ends with a HEA. : )
Phew, there is a lot going on in this one. It was a satisfying edition to the Glory saga.
TheYodamom | Jan 29, 2016 |
Glory, she has three wonderful men circling around her. Now, she knows why, and it's not what she thought. She is faced with a truth that drives her to some serious soul searching. Is that all that is really was ? Her background before Blade is in question, who and what was she ? She finds a whole new world opening up to her.
Her three men-Blade, he has always been there. He would give his life for her. Why can't he let go ? Was it some form of manipulation ? His pain as realization hits him is painful to read.
Raffe-the man makes a growl sexy. He does not believe it. It is more than what has been believed. He stands with her, her true friend
The Rock Star Ray- He finally gets his shot with Glory. Wahoo it is steamy. But, will she turn away ? He shines in this book. He takes control and gives more than he takes.
I loved this new installment n the series. It was a roller coaster ride of screams and thrills. I am very excited to read the next one. There will be groveling, familiar discoveries and travel.
TheYodamom | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 29, 2016 |
- Ancient being takes away memories, brings on the fire and tears.
Glory finally meets her mother and she isn't exactly mom of the century. She causes trouble and mayhem all with a not so hidden agenda. She wants Glory by her side and does not want her to be a vile vampire. Blade gets a jolt of "forget all about Glory" and boy does it get worse than that. Let's just say things get very hot for our boy Blade. Glory gets stuck with an enemy, her past is nipping at her heals, and she still holds onto some pretty dangerous secrets. Blade comes out with one huge secret that carries over into the next book- cliffhanger
I enjoyed this story, not as much as previous books. I just didn't care for the new character, or the conditions her mother set. It seemed a little silly.
TheYodamom | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 29, 2016 |
It was the same old people doing the same old things as in all the other books.
Belles007 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 17, 2016 |
I like Aggie as an unpredictible additon to the Austin Paranormal family.
bookjunkie57 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2015 |
As usual Glory and her crew kept me entertained and on the edge of my seat. Oh and a human Valdez....YUM!
bookjunkie57 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2015 |