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Terrific enemies to lovers story. Morgan and Ryan have known each other for years and can't be in the same room without finding something to argue about. But underneath their antagonism is a simmering attraction neither wants to admit. Then the night of the TCC Halloween ball (Cinderella Masquerade), each overheard a conversation about the sparks between them and decided that one night together would get it out of their systems.

This book starts a month later with Morgan's discovery that she is pregnant with Ryan's baby. She is shocked and overwhelmed by the changes facing her, but she knows she wants the baby. She also knows she must tell Ryan, which won't be easy. Despite their agreement that they were one and done, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about their night together, so she has avoided him. Fate being what it is, Ryan chooses to stop by Morgan's store that day to ask her why she's been dodging him. Like Morgan, Ryan hasn't been able to forget that night either.

Ryan immediately notices something is wrong because she won't look at him. He is persistent and finally gets her to confess that she's pregnant. Ryan's first reaction is that they get married. This goes over like a lead balloon, as Morgan has no interest in marrying anyone. Even though her siblings have all found love, Morgan believes that so-called love fizzles out more often than not. While Ryan proposes marriage, love doesn't enter into it. He was burned years ago and has closed off his heart. He wants a family to pass his ranch on to but prefers a more practical relationship. Morgan is adamant that she will not marry him, while Ryan is determined that she will. He challenges her to move into his home for a month, and if she can walk away at the end of the month, he'll let her go.

I loved watching the relationship between Morgan and Ryan develop. Morgan knows she's risking heartbreak by moving in with Ryan, but she does it anyway, determined to show him she is right. Ryan is equally committed to showing her how good they can be together. Neither can deny their attraction, but Ryan plans to resist the pull. He wants to convince Morgan without using their attraction to overwhelm her objections. For a man who has put love behind him, Ryan has an amazingly romantic nature. I loved his effort in caring for Morgan, making her feel at home in his house, and showing her what they could have together.

I enjoyed seeing Morgan do her best to wreck Ryan's control over his attraction. She wants to enjoy every minute if they're only going to have a month together. Once she succeeds, she realizes that she's made things harder for herself. Between the intimacy and his attention, her heart is in serious jeopardy. She finds herself wanting more than he's willing to give. Can she show him that love will make both their dreams come true? It takes nearly losing her for Ryan to realize she's had his heart all along. I loved his big moment at the end and seeing him open his heart.

The series arc involving Heath Thurston's claim against the Grandin and Lattimore ranches advances significantly in this book. The final report from the private investigator is in, but Heath refuses to take the information lying down. His book is next, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.
scoutmomskf | May 2, 2023 |
It 's a wonderful story. One in which i could relate too. What i read through this story captured my heart fully. It also spoke of the experiences which i am going through.

two best friends, whom had a bond like no other. A friendship which was and is unique. The chemistry is so true and pure, a relationship that outshone other relationship and marriages. prince Stefan relied on the person whom he knew he could trust and who always had his back. the person who was there for him no matter what. She sacrificed everything for him and would assist and help him in anyway which could make him achieve what he wanted. Victoria thought she had gotten over her feelings - her love - for him but it was just dormant until faced with the person whom she loved for years.

The love didn't rare it head to her then but just a brief touch of lips and it was at the forefront. Even if it took them a while to actually accept and see that they were meant for each other just as friends and soo much more they found their way.

Love this story, its been a good influence and help. Also a good inspiration for my book which i'm working on
serlinarose | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 28, 2023 |
Good enemies-to-lovers story combined with a fake engagement. Lana and Carson are among the younger generation of two families that have been feuding for a hundred years, though no one can recall how it started. Each family's members have been raised to hate the other side, though the younger ones are ready to move on. Most recently, the feud has been front and center because Lana and Carson ran against each other for the presidency of the Texas Cattleman's Club. The race is over, with Carson coming out on top, but Lana refuses to melt into the background. The story opens as she approaches Carson with her proposal for a dedicated area for the women of the TCC.

Carson has plans for the TCC, and Lana's proposal falls far down the list. Both are stubborn and determined, and neither is willing to give in. The sparks of attraction between them are pretty obvious under the antagonism. When circumstances cause them to visit Carson's great-grandfather, Harmon, together, he mistakes a moment between them for something entirely different. He wants the feud between the families to end and believes what he witnessed is Carson and Lana's precursor to announcing their engagement. With his promise of a large donation to the TCC in celebration, Carson and Lana decide to fake an engagement until the money is safely handed over.

I enjoyed seeing the development of the relationship between Carson and Lana. They are so much alike that it is no wonder that they constantly butted heads, though neither was willing to admit it. But now that they are working together, they can no longer deny the similarities or the attraction. Their conversational back and forth is fun to watch. Their chemistry is explosive, and giving into it is irresistible. Carson and Lana agree that it's only for the duration of their engagement, and no emotions will be involved (HA!). The more time they spend together, the more it feels right, but the guilty feelings over the deception start to weigh on them. I loved how everyone around them could see they belonged together, but Carson resisted the idea. It takes a conversation with Harmon for Carson to see the light. Lana also has fears that hold her back from admitting her feelings. I liked Carson's big moment at the end and how he helped Lana overcome her fears.

Two mysteries have been running through the series. First is the question of who the father of baby Micah is. He is known to be a member of the TCC, but that is all. This mystery is briefly addressed when the DNA results clear one of the members. The other thread has been Harmon Wentworth's search for the identity of his birth mother, which may be linked to the origins of the Wentworth-Langley feud. A journalist has been busily investigating, but the answers come from an unexpected source.
scoutmomskf | Sep 9, 2022 |
Good second chance romance. Cassie and Luke knew each other years earlier but parted ways when their dreams seemed incompatible. After months of waiting for them to begin their lives together and constantly feeling that she came in second to Luke's work, Cassie left Beaumont Bay. Rather than go after her, Luke buried himself further in work to hide his heartbreak, eventually ending up with a successful string of breweries and brewpubs.

As the book opens, Luke feels hunted. Recently named Nashville's most eligible bachelor, he is the unwilling quarry of a multitude of marriage-minded women. Having been burned once, he avoids relationships and doesn't intend to marry. So picture his shock when Cassie walks into his office and asks him for a favor.

After leaving Beaumont Bay, Cassie went to work as an event planner. After several successful years working for someone else, she began her own wedding planning business. But she needs a high-profile wedding to give her the edge over other planners. When she hears about Hannah and Will's engagement, she decides to ask Luke to recommend her to them.

I loved seeing the rekindling of the relationship between Luke and Cassie. From the moment she appears in Luke's office, it is evident that the feelings between them never went away, though both try to deny them. Though disturbed by his reaction to her, rather than agreeing to her request and saying goodbye, Luke demands a favor in return. He wants Cassie to pretend to be his fiancée to discourage his pursuers. While Cassie doubts the wisdom of agreeing, she doesn't see that she has a choice.

I enjoyed seeing Luke and Cassie spend time together. They quickly realize that their attraction is as strong as ever, and they have no trouble remembering the good things about each other and their prior relationship. There are sweet scenes of them together and some very steamy ones when their attraction flares out of control. Both try to deny the growing feelings between them. I had to laugh as Luke's brothers do their best to make him see the light, and he stubbornly refuses to admit the truth. Even when Luke and Cassie can admit the truth to themselves, old fears and insecurities keep them from believing they have a future. It takes facing the impending end to their fake engagement for Luke to finally confess his feelings to Cassie and them to realize the misunderstandings that drove them apart eight years earlier. I loved seeing Luke's vulnerability as he took a chance and Cassie's shock as she realized she misinterpreted Luke's actions all those years ago. They still have details to work out, but their future looks bright.
scoutmomskf | Dec 3, 2021 |
Sweet small-town holiday story with a bit of heat and a whole bunch of Christmas spirit. With the death of the town's leading citizen, William Jackson, Violet is wholly in charge of planning this year's Tinsel Tour. Violet is determined that the fiftieth-anniversary tour will be the best ever, especially since a magazine crew is documenting every step. She needs the Jackson mansion because of its importance to the tour. She doesn't need gorgeous but Grinchy Brady Jackson getting in her way.

Attorney Brady arrived in Peach Grove on a forced vacation after a public blow-up with another attorney. A workaholic with no idea what to do with his days, Brady intends to clear out the house and put it up for sale as quickly as he can. He doesn't expect a steamroller disguised as an elf to upend his plans.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Brady and Violet. Brady arrived in town exhausted, dejected, and riddled with guilt over not visiting his grandfather as often as he should have. Keeping the old homeplace makes no sense with his busy life in the city but facing the memories steeped in every room increases the guilt and pain. Violet's appearance in all her antler-wearing Christmas perkiness rubbed him the wrong way, and he flat-out refused her plans for the house. I loved his confusion as she rolls right past his objections, and within a couple of days, finds himself agreeing not just to her plans but also to helping her.

Over the next several weeks, Brady and Violet work together to stage his house for the tour. I loved seeing Violet's capacity for fun rub off on Brady. He has been so focused on work for so long that he's forgotten what it is like to enjoy life. I loved seeing Violet bring out that side of him with the help of an adorable puppy and reminders of small-town life. With the amount of time they spend together, it's no wonder that the sparks of attraction between them grow stronger and deepen into something more. Though both of them realize that Brady will return to the city by the New Year, it doesn't stop them from taking advantage of every moment they have together. There were so many fantastic scenes of them together, from stargazing to reading his grandparents' letters, from teasing to kisses, that it was easy to see Brady undergo something of a transformation. Though he's still focused on his return to Atlanta, it's also apparent that Violet and the rest of the town have gotten under his skin. I ached for Violet when he left, her pride keeping her from telling him how she felt. However, Christmas magic being what it is, I loved the ending. Brady's big moment was romantic, emotional, and beautiful.

The secondary characters were fantastic. Violet's best friends, Robin and Simone, were an excellent blend of support and common sense. I loved how the three of them were so determined to breathe life back into their town, though Violet seems to be the engine driving that train. It was fun to see them rein Violet in when she would fade out or get carried away. I would love to see them get their own stories. I also liked Violet's mom. They have an excellent relationship, and the additional activities of planning Lori's wedding added to Violet's life at a dead run vibe. I also loved Brady's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Brady, who had several sweet scenes with him.
scoutmomskf | Dec 3, 2020 |
Terrific conclusion to the series. Jade was happy to leave her snooty family behind and return to her hometown with her two best friends. She's much happier in Haven than she was in Atlanta. In Haven, Jade teaches yoga and does public relations for the airport that she and the others are renovating. If she butts heads with Cash now and then, well, that keeps life interesting. Cash is one of the pilots and cousin to Jade's best friends' husbands. He is quite the flirt and has a reputation with women. Jade isn't too happy when he's the only pilot available to get her to a family wedding, but she'll put up with him if she must.

Engine trouble and a crash landing have Jade seeing a different side of Cash. And when he offers to stand in as her "plus one" for the wedding, she takes him up on it. Cash may not fit in with the rest of the crowd at the wedding, but he has his own set of standards. One thing he doesn't put up with is anyone putting down his friends. When Jade's mother starts in on her, Cash can't stop himself from standing up for her.

I loved the development of the relationship between Jade and Cash. The sparks have been flying between them since the beginning of the series, and in this book they burn out of control. The weekend in Nashville brings those sparks to a head, and the fire between them is nearly out of control. Both of them are shocked by the strength of their passion and agree that what happened in Nashville, stays in Nashville. That doesn't last more than a couple of days after they return to Haven and can't stop thinking about each other. However, neither wants a relationship, nor do they want their friends thinking that something is going on between them, so they agree to keep their time together secret.

There were times I wanted to shake them both. Both have issues that make them hesitant to open their hearts to another person. Jade's recent breakup with a cheating boyfriend has her reluctant to trust another man. Her upbringing has made her wary of strong emotions. Cash was lied to and cheated on by his ex-wife affecting his willingness to trust. Besides Jax and Tanner, the only family Cash has is his alcoholic father, with whom has a difficult relationship. Both of them keep their emotions buttoned-up, reluctant to share those things that show their vulnerabilities. When they feel the other person getting too close, each finds a way to push the other away emotionally though their physical closeness continues to grow. Jade also has trouble believing that anything between them will last, and Cash believes that the gap between them is too wide.

Nothing can stop the feelings that continue to grow between them. I loved Jade's worry over Cash when he got sick, and Cash's appearance at Jade's hot yoga class was a riot. Things move along quite well for them, and Cash is ready to take the next step when trouble appears in the shape of Jade's mother. I ached for Jade, as in her panic, she says things that hurt Cash deeply. Cash's pain was evident as all the dreams he'd been spinning came crashing down. I loved how their friends helped them work through their troubles and see that they belonged together. The ending was sweet and romantic and perfect for both of them.

I liked seeing more of the couples from the previous books, and also from the Monroe brothers series. The relationship between Cash and his cousins is a good one, and their support of each other is terrific. Jade's relationship with her two friends is as close as sisters, and I loved the scenes they had together. There are some funny times as Jade and Cash try to keep their activities secret and their friends stumble on things that make them suspicious.
scoutmomskf | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 28, 2019 |
I am not understanding why the main character Jade was so bitchy, I noticed that in the last book in this series that I had read Melanie was also bitchy which made me wonder why these guys who apparently could have any woman they wanted wanted these woman. I get you had a difficult past but that did not make it right for you to act this way, so I disliked these woman tremendously and wished Cash had dropped her a long time ago.. Cash saved the story for me..

Rcvd and ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) Voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions
NelisPelusa | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 19, 2019 |
Good second chance story. Will and Cat have quite a history. Four years earlier they dated, in spite of the differences between their stations. Will was the son of a billionaire businessman, on the fast track as his father's heir. Cat was a maid in his brother's house. They enjoyed their friendship and found it easy to share their dreams and goals. Then his father forced Will to choose between Cat and his career. Will's cruel breakup with her broke her heart. Four years later, Will wanted Cat back and will stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

I'll admit that I really didn't like Will much at the beginning of this book. He wanted Cat in his bed, and he wasn't interested in her objections. He had just escaped being trapped in a marriage of convenience orchestrated by his father (The Princess and the Player), and he is tired of being manipulated. But as the book went on, I realized that there was more to the breakup than was initially known. I liked seeing Will take back his life, and thwarting his father was very satisfying to see.

Cat was devastated by the breakup with Will but refused to let it ruin her life. Instead, she followed her dream of fashion design and worked hard on her designs. She continued to work as a maid to earn the money to leave Alma and her memories behind. She wasn't happy when Will began to pursue her once again.

I liked the development of the relationship between Cat and Will. Will was determined to get her back in his life, but Cat doesn't trust him. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing her push back against his advances - the scene with the flowers was marvelous. Unfortunately for Cat, the sparks between them were still as strong as ever, and she found it harder and harder to resist him. Will was determined to show Cat that he had changed, but she fought him at every turn. It was fun to see the changes that Will went through as he realized that he wanted more than just Cat in his bed. The strength of those feelings scared him, and he tried to convince himself he imagined things. I liked the protectiveness he felt toward Cat when he saw the way his father treated her and loved his plan to give her a day of relaxation. Cat tried very hard to protect her heart from being broken again. She wanted to believe that she could be with him without getting her emotions involved. Their time on the island gave them a chance to be together without outside interference. But it couldn't last, and as soon as they got back to Alma Will managed to stick his foot in his mouth and drive Cat away. I loved that Will realized his true feelings and that he had to find a way to make it right. I loved his big moment at the end and how he showed Cat how important she was to him. Cat's wariness was understandable. I loved that she refused to give up her dreams and cheered for the way it worked out.

I liked seeing the changes that Will went through during the book. As the truth came out about his father's manipulations, Will's determination to seize control of his life grew stronger. I detested Patrick and loved seeing all of Will's plans come together. Patrick got exactly what he deserved, especially when Will discovered the truth behind his mother's death. I also liked seeing the continued growth in the bond between Will and James. The support of each other, which began in the previous book, took on greater importance in this one. I especially liked James and Bella's arrival at the island, and then the way they helped Will at the end.
scoutmomskf | Apr 19, 2019 |
4 in 1 short stories: 1. Christmas Kisses (Fern Michaels) 2. Blue Moon Harbor Christmas (Susan Fox) 3. Second Chances (Jules Bennett) 4. Finding Colin (Leah Marie Brown)
BByrnes | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 25, 2019 |
Pain does not take a break just because we're happy. What makes us aware of the strength we possess and the fighter that we are is the ability to face life's surprises, good or bad head on. Fighting for His Wife is about having the faith to fight courageously in times of adversity. Tucker is in for the fight of his life. His marriage is falling apart. His wife, has disappeared and he wants answers. Cara pledged forever but a heartbreaking secret has her rethinking that vow. Love is more than pretty words. It's about weathering the rocky road and the stormy winds together. A powerful story of conviction and wisdom.
Lashea677 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 16, 2019 |
Taming the Texan takes a look at love from all sides. From the heartache and grief that shadows loss to the fear, guilt and inspiration that finding new love can bring. What begins as a meeting between strangers morphs into a merging of souls. Hayes and Alexa have both struggled with survivor's guilt. Alexa has had two tragic loses in her young life and is slowly bouncing back from the most recent one. Hayes is a man haunted by events of war and comrades lost. Can a twist of fate not only help them heal, but create a family? Jules Bennett comes at love from a different angle and delivers moments that are priceless.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
ARC Review: Caught Up In You (The Monroes) by Jules Bennett

The motivation behind Jules Bennett's Caught Up In You is inspirational entertainment with an informative voice. Cora is a force of nature. She let's nothing hold her back even when the odds are stacked against her. A phenomenal trait to have, when the biggest nay sayers are the people who should have the most confidence in you. Through a world of darkness, she manages to enlighten the one person that has the power to heal her heart. Braxton has seen his share of sorrows that has left him frustrated and weary in mind and body. Can a mysterious stranger with a magic touch be the balm to mend his broken heart? Just from the blurb I knew Cora and Braxton would proved to be something special and their story proved be as hypnotic a journey as I hoped it would be.
Lashea677 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 16, 2019 |
Be With Me by Jules Bennett

Contemporary romance. Surprise baby storyline. 2nd in the Return to Haven series but can be read as a standalone.

Mel is recovering from emotional domestic abuse. Because of her past, she holds herself back from trusting Tanner.
Tanner is strong in his convictions and a protector. Significant to the storyline, he works with a team helping women and children escape from abuse situations.
As they get to know each other, the histories of both intrude. They must overcome their current obstacles and well as the past.
Family and friendship play key roles.

A heartwarming, feel-good romance.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley.

“His hands covered her stomach as he placed another kiss on her. “I know this wasn’t planned, but I’m not even going to pretend I’m sorry. I can’t wait to meet our baby.”
Melanie’s heart tumbled. They were most definitely not in the right place to have a child together. They knew little about each other, but she wasn’t sorry, either. If she was honest with herself, she’d much rather have Tanner as the father of her child than any other man she’d ever known. Each day she felt she uncovered another layer of what made up this remarkable man.”
Excerpt from Be With Me by Jules Bennett
Madison_Fairbanks | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 28, 2018 |
Good book. Melanie came to Haven with her two best friends, Olivia and Jade. She has been putting her life back together after escaping from an abusive marriage. She now has a successful motivational blog where she helps other women and is settling comfortably in Haven. Determined to avoid putting herself in that position ever again, Melanie has pretty much cut men out of her life.

Tanner is a police officer in Haven and very protective of the town and its people. Besides his work as a cop, he is also part of a group that helps rescue abused women. He likes women but avoids relationships having lost his fiancée and baby years earlier.

I loved the development of the relationship between Tanner and Melanie. It didn't start well, as Tanner gave Melanie a speeding ticket when she first came to town (Stay With Me), something she still hasn't forgiven him for. In the seven months since then, they have seen each other often and continue to bicker and argue. One night, while out with their friends, all those sparks take a different direction and they have a steamy, intense encounter. Six weeks later, Melanie discovers that she's pregnant. She knows she needs to tell him, but she's been so shaken by the feelings he stirred up that she has been avoiding him. Meanwhile, Tanner hasn't been able to forget that night either, something that has never happened to him before. To say that he is stunned by her news would be putting it mildly, but he immediately makes it clear that he will be involved in the baby's life.

I loved seeing Melanie and Tanner's determination to give their baby a good life. Tanner is quick to realize that he wants Melanie in his life permanently, but also smart enough to see that it's going to take some convincing. I loved his sensitivity to her past, knowing that it's going to take some time and effort to get her to trust him. Tanner also has to fight his own fears for her and the baby's safety. It was sweet to see all the little things that Tanner did to show Melanie that he was nothing like her ex. I especially loved the scene where he went to the doctor's appointment with her. Melanie was a harder nut to crack. She was certainly attracted to him, but trusting him is another matter entirely, especially with her ex making a nuisance of himself. I wanted to shake her a few times for not telling Tanner about Neville's actions. In spite of the progress she has made in regaining her strength of will, she did a couple of pretty stupid things at the end. I really liked Tanner's reaction and the steps he took to protect her. I liked their big moment at the end - it was fun, sweet, and romantic.
scoutmomskf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2018 |
Very good book with a nice mix of deep emotion and humor. Olivia has reluctantly returned to Haven after the death of her father. She had left at the age of eighteen, along with her mother, when her parents divorced. She hasn't been back since then. Instead, she's made a good life for herself in Atlanta, and is up for the promotion she's been working her butt off for. Now she's discovered that she is half-owner of her father's airport - what she sees as the cause of all her family's heartache. She plans to buy out her partner, then sell the land as quickly as she can - "Get in. Get out. Get the job done." Olivia soon discovers that it isn't going to be that simple.

The last time Jax saw Olivia, he was a thirteen-year-old boy spending every free minute at the airport. Her dad was like a second father to him, and responsible for Jax's love of flying. After leaving Haven for the Air Force, he came home when he became the sole parent of his daughter, Piper. He has no intention of giving up his share of the airport. It isn't just his livelihood; it's part of who he is.

The sparks flew between Olivia and Jax from the moment she appeared at the airport. I have to admit that Olivia did not make a good first impression on me. Her condescending attitude toward the town and Jax grated on my nerves, and I hated her attitude that all it would take was to offer Jax enough money. I loved seeing Jax stand up to her cynical attitude and refuse to even consider her offers. And, yes, I got a teeny bit of satisfaction out of his stunt with the greasy handprint. But underneath the antagonism is an attraction that neither one can deny - though Olivia certainly tries to.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Jax and Olivia. Both of them have issues that keep them from wanting a relationship. Olivia has no intention of staying in Haven. She has a job in Atlanta she wants to get back to, and memories from Haven that are painful. Jax has been burned by a woman before, and opening up to that kind of hurt again is not what he wants. But they are bound together by the airport and have to find a way to make it work. Their chances to do so improve when Olivia's friends, Jade and Melanie, come up with an idea to improve and expand the airport, giving Jax a more secure future and Olivia the ability to go back to Atlanta and forget about it. However, first Olivia has to pin Jax down long enough to convince him of the feasibility. As they were forced to spend more time together, the attraction between them continued to build. I also enjoyed seeing the way that they were constantly being nudged together by Olivia's friends and Jax's daughter. I loved how they gave in to the passion, even though they knew that Olivia still planned to leave. She was willing to give Jax a chance, and he was determined to remind her that there were just as many good memories for her in Haven, if she would let herself remember them. With 20/20 hindsight, Olivia realizes that there were things about her parents' relationship that she had been unaware of, and that now have her reassessing what she believes about her relationship with her father. This is reinforced by a few things that Jax lets drop. As Olivia's time in Haven comes closer to its end, both she and Jax realize that their feelings are stronger than they want to admit, but neither one is willing to risk rejection by talking about them. I was so frustrated with them both at the end because they allowed their fears to push them apart. I also ached for them because they were hurting so much, both for themselves and because they knew the other was hurting, too. The ending was very emotional, as Olivia's friends found a way to force them to face each other. I loved that Jax, even though he wanted Olivia to stay, supported her need for her career. I ached for him and how much it hurt to see her leaving, and cheered when he finally opened up about his feelings. I ached for Olivia, too, because she was so conflicted over what to do. She had worked so hard for her promotion, but she also didn't want to leave. I loved how her feelings burst out of her, how she confessed her fears and admitted her love.

The secondary characters were great. I loved Olivia's friends Jade and Melanie. Both of them had come to Haven with Olivia, to support her as she dealt with her father's estate. Each also has her reasons for wanting to leave Atlanta for a while, though we don't get too much of their backstories yet. As they are the stars of the next books, I'm sure we'll get them then. I loved the way that they teased Olivia about Jax but were also there for her when she needed them. They also had no trouble telling her when she was being an idiot. It was neat to see that they were the ones who came up with the plan for the airport and that they were just as invested in making it work. I laughed out loud at some of their conversations with Olivia, especially when it came to Jax. It was also easy to see that both Jade and Melanie were striking sparks with Jax's cousins, Cash and Tanner. I loved the close relationship that Jax had with both Cash and Tanner. They had been there for him through all his marriage troubles and really stepped up when Jax took on being a single parent to Piper. They teased Jax a lot about what was going on with Olivia, but they also had no trouble showing him that he couldn't deny his feelings for her. I also enjoyed their interactions with Jade and Melanie, especially what was going on between Tanner and Melanie. I laughed at the whole ticket issue.

My favorite secondary character was Jax's daughter, Piper. I'm not sure that I bought that she was only four years old, but overall she was a great character. I loved the close relationship she had with Jax. The love they had for each other was obvious. It was sweet to see some of the things he did with/for her - I laughed out loud at the reason he didn't take his boots off around his cousins. I loved how quickly she connected with Olivia, and the effect she had on Olivia and her views of her future. It was especially sweet to see the parallels that Olivia saw between her relationship with her father and Piper's relationship with Jax. The birthday party scene with Piper, Olivia, Jade, and Mel was sweet and fun.

My only disappointment was a lack of attention to what happened between Olivia and her father. There were a few nuggets of information, such as the few things that Jax told her. Olivia also began to see that maybe she hadn't had the full picture of the relationship between her parents. A fairly big deal was made about Olivia finding her dad's journal, but we got practically no information about what was in it. A few excerpts would have been a nice touch. I did like the way that being back in Haven helped Olivia remember the good times with her dad.
scoutmomskf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 18, 2018 |
3.5 stars
Overall good; the pace felt sluggish at times and I wanted to slap Zack frequently! Full review on The Book Disciple
thebookdisciple | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 9, 2018 |
I didn't like this book much. They have sex and of course it is wonderful. Kate tries to compartmentalize and organize her private life, which of course doesn't work.½
nx74defiant | Sep 30, 2018 |
Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) This book was a little depressing. Melanie had went thru hell when she was married to a politician, and she was able to get out of that relationship and start over but with emotional scars. Here we are 2 years later and he is still contacting her and he wants her back to further his career. On a night out with friends she succumbs to the chemistry she had with Tanner and gives in having a hot one night and now she is pregnant. Tanner only has one nighters but there is something about Melanie that keeps him intrigued and interested. They both claim they do not want relationships due to their heartbraking pasts but now that they have the baby they are going to try to be friends for her, he still not sure if he wants more he is afraid of giving his heart. Tanner is a really good man, and sweet and so loving. As they get to know each other they fall in love and then the ex causes more trouble, now what? I am assuming that this is the second book, with some of the things that I have read and I think we are also getting Jade and Cash;s book which I do hope we do. All in all it did keep me intrigued.
NelisPelusa | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 31, 2018 |
Stay With Me by Jules Bennett
Return to Haven #1

Olivia Daniels has gone home to liquidate her deceased father’s home and business then brush the dust of town off her shoes and head back to the big city. Little does she know that her plans will be thwarted by Jackson “Jax” Morgan. The two, as expected, eventually develop a romance BUT with her desire to return to the big city and his desire to stay right where he is there is not much chance of them having a HEA together…not in real life…but perhaps in a romance like this.

I have to say that I did not think much of Olivia. She seemed cold and more into herself and her career than much of anything else. I had trouble believing that an 18 year old girl would so totally believe what her mother told her and turn her back on her father as she did. In her mid-thirties she came across more like a spoiled teenager than a career woman but eventually she did warm up a bit…I guess I just had trouble seeing her with Jackson and still am not sure how their happily ever after would work long term.

I am curious to find out what will happen with her friends and who might be in the rest of the series but hope the characters will have more in common than Olivia and Jackson.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington-Zebra for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars½
CathyGeha | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 26, 2018 |
Stay with Me is about Olivia Daniels & Jackson Morgan. Olivia's parents divorced & after the divorce, she moved out of town with her mother, rarely coming back to visit her dad. Now, her father has died & left his airport split between Olivia & Jackson. Olivia wants to sell it quick & get out of town. She doesn't count on Jackson being stubborn!

Jackson does not want to sell.He likes the airport the way it is. It supports him & allows him to spend time with his daughter. He's determined to make Olivia slow down & remember how much she used to enjoy the airport & flying. He knows there's no way she'll stay but he can continue running the airport like he has.

I enjoyed this story. It reminds us that the story we are spoon feed isn't always the entire story & we need to find the truth before it cost us. In this case, it cost Olivia time with her dad. The similarities between Olivia & Jackson's daughter make the reader realize how she grew up & makes the character reflect on her childhood. The support from Olivia's friends gives an added dimension to the story. Overall, this was a pleasant romance that I enjoyed reading.
Pam50627 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2018 |
Winter Wishes by Fern Michaels, Susan Fox, Jules Bennett, Leah Marie Brown
Christmas Kisses by Fern Michaels
Meredith is on her way to Nashville, KS after having left Las Vegas....
She was a dancer but there was always another younger one waiting to take over, especially after injuries.
She meets Noah who she might be buying his grandmother's house from.
She hopes to get a job and then she'd be able to afford the house. She asks what is next as he found her a house, job was marriage next?
She'll take the temp job. She selects his name for the secret santa gift and everybody goes to the town party.
They spend time together and she discovers what it is she wants to do with her life. Silly children's books, they'd be a hit.
So many misunderstandings...predictable for the rest of the book...

Blue Moon Harbor Christmas by Susan Fox
Michael, an architect had a baby with Jillian and he sent her support payments as she was going to get an abortion. 8 years later, Ontario and she's a pilot on the island.
He had never seen the baby and 8 years later he wants to learn about him and maybe try to bond. They were just a party couple in college and got caught up with her pregnancy.
Michael arrives and spends the holidays with the family as he stays at the inn nearby. He learns so much about not only his son Cole but his wife and her parents that they live with.
He sees himself and Jillian in the child and hopes to find toys for his interests. They try to work things out as they still like one another, very much...
He won't be staying long as the new year will bring him back home, to work....

Second Chance Christmas by Jules Bennett
Ruby has agreed to go on a blind date-she knows him-Knox. She was a nurse in charge of the terminal illness ward and his wife was her patient. She got transferred after her passing.
They agree to go ahead with the date and catch up another up to date.
He wants to make her Christmas a great holiday as she had lost her father last Christmas Eve and he decorates her house for her.
He is a pilot and he had joined the Navy so he's always on the move.
Sex scenes that help her understand how much he cares for her. Predictable ending, bit of a twist.
Plans for new series is included.
Finding Colin by Leah Marie Brown
Grace is an advertisement writer and she also writes romance. Her boss Roberta needs to discipline her as she is using the computer during business hours for personal use. 3 week unpaid leave, now she has time to write her book.
She is persuaded to go to Ireland and meet Colin-the main she is writing about in her book.
Liked the travel and places she gets to visit...
Colin, she does meet him, but there are many with the same name. Travel tips at the end.
Author bios at the end along with a featured book by each author.
Received a review copy from Netgalley via Kensington Books and this is my honest opinion.
jbarr5 | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 31, 2017 |
Jules Bennett writes so well, that I actually became annoyed at her heroine in the story! I don’t know whether it was intentional, but reading this story at first you feel compassionate about her heroine. As the story unfolds however, I got annoyed, wanted to shout : “wake up and grow up and don’t be so selfish“ to her. I love Jules Bennett’s writing style, powerful imaginary and intimate storylines, always a pleasure to read. Although I admire the good writing now I was a bit disappointed in how the story progressed. I have mixed feelings about this book and I’ve been mulling over and over about how to write this review.
About the book: Cara knew only one way to cope with the devastating news she had heard and what she truly believed that could end her marriage to Tucker. Maybe marrying after the whirlwind affair had been a mistake, but she intended to set her husband free by escaping to Barefoot Bay.
Tucker, a former soldier, had no clue why his wife had run away to Barefoot Bay, but he is not letting her go away that easy. He has never given up on anything and he certainly doesn’t want to give up his wife, the only person who completes him. He is very determined to save their marriage. Cara is about to discover that her husband is a stronger man than she ever knew, because he doesn’t want her to carry this burden all alone.
Rietpetite | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 14, 2017 |
I loved the story of Eve and Graham being unfolded. I read the first book of the series and it was mentioned that Eve and Graham were attracted to each other in a rather stand-offish way. And now the story unfolded. I loved how Ms Bennett describes the characters and to me the characters came to life. The big secret between the families is still a secret and remains a secret. All in all, I loved the story, admired the way Eve and Graham were written into life. I want to discover more about the Winchesters and the Newports now.
Eve Winchester is a driven businesswoman and she has big plans to take her father’s real estate empire global. She has a smouldering secret affair with Graham Newport, son of the Newport family which is also her nemesis in business. Then she discovers she is pregnant. Graham Newport has never had such a heated secret fling, and he feels the feelings are not going to subside soon. But suddenly Eve is pregnant and their feelings towards each other become stronger and stronger. The bond between the families however is still very strained.
Rietpetite | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 14, 2017 |
I loved reading about the “Mafia” O’Shea family and reading about Ryker, the last ‘brother’ was no exception. Ryker is a bad boy, but underneath all that badness there’s a fierce power of love and protection for Laney but also for the other members of the family. The chemistry between Laney and Ryker is highly combustable and where those two are not fighting each other they give in to their chemistry. It certainly was a hot read, except after a few chapters I found it petered out a bit. I liked it, but I was not completely convinced about what happened in the last chapters and I noticed my mind began to wander. After the two first very hot books I had hoped Ryker and Laney’s story would have a bit more sizzle and I think that’s a pity because Jules Bennett can write very well and engaging too.
About the book: Ryker Barrett was taken in when he was very young by the O’Shea family and he is convinced that he owes them everything. Which means that ‘his little sister’ Laney is off-limits, no matter how seductive she is. For him she’s the one woman he can’t have a fling with (casual or not), so how on earth did he end up in her bed? Laney knows that Ryker is the perfect man for her no matter how hard he resists. One night of unbridled passion leaves Laney pregnant with his child, she thinks she will need a Christmas miracle to convince him that loving her won’t destroy his place in her overprotective family.
Rietpetite | Sep 14, 2017 |
I am a bit hesitant in my praise towards this book. While I loved reading it, because Jules Bennett has an excellent writing style, I missed something quite elemental in this second-chance lovestory. I read about Noah and his wife, about his daughter but I missed the story about Lucy and her husband. All I read was that she lost him and that she went through her mourning period, but that part was so shallow that I thought that that part wasn’t thought through. Pity, for me the book lost a star by writing it this way.
When Lucy Brooks lost her husband, her dreams of a family went with him. Now her life is a busy balance of friends, work and the demands of her small ranch. When she meets handsome, brooding Noah Spencer, she recognizes the grief in his penetrating eyes. And yet she can't deny the feelings—and hope—that he has reawakened within her.
All widower Noah has in life is his little daughter and a fresh start as Stonerock's newest police officer. Right now this cowboy needs to keep his life simple and his heart guarded. Yet he can't resist the instant pull of sweet, selfless Lucy. This could be a second chance at happily-ever-after…if they can both let go of the past.
Rietpetite | Sep 14, 2017 |