8 Werke 181 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Patrick Bet-David went from escaping war-torn Iran to founding his own financial services firm, raising tens of millions of dollars, and creating Valuetainment, the leading YouTube channel for entrepreneurs. His unorthodox approach to business as well as life has led to compelling interviews with mehr anzeigen Ray Dalio, Kevin Hart, the late Kobe Bryant, President George W. Bush, and a host of other luminaries. His content on social media has been viewed over a billion times. Patrick never obtained a college degree and went from the army to selling health club memberships before entering the field of financial services. At age thirty, he founded PHP, a financial services agency. He lives in Dallas with his wife and three children. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Patrick Bet-David






Did like the data driven decision making sections
ravco | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 15, 2023 |
Book title and author: Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bet-David 9-21 -23

Why I picked this book up: I’ve seen this author on YouTube who carries himself as a man that thought he had power, somebody that has power and money but didn’t come off to me as a man that had those things. I listened to this book on YouTube over 3 separate days.

Thoughts: he reads a lot, as I do, he gave ideas that line up with what is the life you want to live and who do I want to be? He gave a personal identity audit and gave many examples and is a good writer that makes us self focused, puts money into perspective as something we can do with it and decide how we want to go about getting it. He points out it is not all about money. I have been in a professional role as a Psychologist for almost 20 years, have the best wife and 6 amazing children. I am now disabled, still work two jobs, am responsible and I am figuring out what next step I will do next. He had panic attacks like I had in the past. He gave examples of data drive choices for business decisions. He is married gave examples from his own life, experience, wisdom and relationships, people he’s met, examples from other authors messages that I appreciated. Relationally he seems he is driven in the same was as his business that felt very cold to me and different than I would act.

Why I finished this read: this book was a good book that gave many examples and was broad and a good book because it challenged me throughout and that’s why I finished. In the end I walked away thinking he has an interesting way to make money that made sense to me but something I would not want in my marriage/relationally.

Stars rating: 3.5 out of 5
… (mehr)
DrT | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 21, 2023 |
Things to Know Before Facing a Goliath in Business
1. You'll be afraid. As scary as the thought of losing money is, it may be even more painful to your ego to put yourself out there and fail.
2. You'll have panic attacks and anxiety. If you don't, it's a sure sign that you haven't put yourself out there. Putting yourself out there means you have to devote everything you've got to deliv-ering. That's going to cause tremendous stress.
3. You'll be bullied and laughed at. This will result not only from trying to take on Goliath but also from even thinking it's possible. It will bring a lot of scrutiny, so you'd better brace yourself for negative attention.
4. You have to be delusional. In this case, being crazy will actually work in your favor. You'd better be a bit "off? if you think you can dethrone Goliath.
S. You'll have to work ten times harder than you think. Just When you think you are at your limit, it will take ten times that to defeat Goliath. Time with your family, of course, will der crease, and you can pretty much forget about hobbies, which is
why it isn't for just anyone.
6. You'll have to stay healthy to have the energy to compels.
Ive worked myself into exhaustion and hospitalization multiple times. Its helped me build a tolerance for hard work as each

To disrupt a Market ourthe tap into a market. That’s extremely competitive, a founder has to be comfortable breaking the rules.

A dozen ways to beat Goliath

1. Know your weaknesses. Knowing your strengths is easy, but knowing your weaknesses will enable you to be nimble and pivot when taking on your Goliath.
2. Know Goliath's weaknesses. You cannot fight Goliath where it is strong. You must find its Achilles heel and exploit it.
3. Master three things you do better. You set the terms of your battle in the marketplace. Use your strengths to master three things Goliath can't do and do them better than it can.
4. Don't try to be Goliath. You can learn moves and information from Goliath, but if you model yourself after it, how are you going to beat it? You have to take advantage of your own strength, not someone else's.
5. Focus on specializing. Goliaths tend to generalize in order to spread their influence and power. You must specialize to capture market share from them.
6. When you're small, make yourself appear bigger. Walk tall, and don't be intimidated by Goliath's size and strength. Embody your future truth and compete as though you're the one
with the advantage.
7. Keep a low profile initially. You are going to need a lot of help, and you will need time to get better. Don't waste your early years rubbing people the wrong way and making noise. Work on your business first before looking for a Goliath to fight.
8. Move quickly. Use your inherent advantages of strength and speed against Goliath. It can't move as fast as you can.
9. Partner with competitors that share an enemy. Goliaths create a lot of enemies. Look for your synergies with those ene-mies, and build strategic alliances.
10. Study history. History can give you context and strategies that you never even thought of in your fight against Goliath. Know-edge is out there for you to harvest and can only help you.

11. Let other competitors wear your opponents down. Goliaths must fend off a lot of competitors, and you don't always need to be on the front lines. Standing back and letting someone else take the spotlight can help you focus your resources better and give you an advantage over Goliaths.
12. Don't disclose every aspect of your strategy. To a grand mas-ter, this should be self-explanatory.

Outwork. It's critien to put in the time. But hand work alone wont
be enough.
Outimprove. 'Thie constantly gives you new ways to take your bust nene to the next level. It given you confidenee. If chere was an area I was always obsessed with competing in, it was improving fister than my peers.
Outstrategize. 'This means chinking five moves ahead. Le means figs uring out how to seale and having the patience to plan many
moves ahead before the y bear fruit
Outlast. You really learn abour people both when you schieve great
success and when you suffer tragie failure. It
to linow who
will keep going. To oudant, vou need enduranee, which comes from making choices that keep you alert and foeused on the game
… (mehr)
kvan1993 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 5, 2023 |
Was expecting a real strategy book that teaches you how to identify the next moves. But this is more of looking at 5 aspects of a business (not really moves per se). You'll learn:
• The steps and questions to truly get to know yourself: who you want to be, where you wish to go, what factors should drive your decisions, and what's your ideal career/business path.
• The formula, approach and skills to become a better problem-solver;
• How you can build a winning team, surround yourself with the right people, push your team to excel, and multiply your strengths.
• The strategic elements that will enable your business to scale up and achieve exponential growth.
• The art of power plays, so you can use strategic maneuvers to beat established competitors, frame your story, and promote yourself.

Book summary at:
… (mehr)
AngelaLamHF | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2022 |



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