

I'm disappointed. The book comes off as friendly and encouraging, but when you start to investigate the urls included in the book you realize the book is just an infomercial to buy things from The Homescholar.

total transcript solution is currently priced at $47, but the comprehensive record solution is $147.

play your way to a great vocabulary link gives more suggestions for spending money; books, flashcards, and a few games.

the convention at home kit is $150, which information I wasn't able to obtain unless I "joined" the site (free)

record keeping samples is free for now; print immediately!

Overall, most of the information can be obtained online for free if you know how to manipulate your way around a search engine or a library. The book is cheap, but I'm still not happy what comes across as a scam.
VhartPowers | Dec 27, 2018 |