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I remember reading this in high school and searching high and low to spoil the conclusion of the trilogy since I did not have access to the later books. I eventually got ahold of them a few years later and I still recall the events. I am not sure if I will continue my reread past this book or not since it does wrap up quite nicely.
libraryofemma | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
Seven years after the first time I read this book and it is still one of the best books I’ve read.
My heart
This book is amazing! It is one of the best book I have ever read!
libraryofemma | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
This book was just so satisfying. No over-gushy romance, just subtle friendship and a split time setting that had me captivated.

5 Stars

Content: loss of child, childbirth, spouse who cheated

*thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy of this novel. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.
libraryofemma | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
At first glance, this book appears to be a romance, but once reading, I realized that it is about a damaged relationship between a father and a son. The romance is the reason for the meeting between Jake and Riley, but not a main focus of the plot.

One of my favorite characters is Saul. He has a great personality and is very fun to read about.

The writing style is a bit different compared to Joanne Bischof's other books, so it was interesting to read. Also, there were a few predictable parts in the book. Despite this, I really enjoyed reading this novella.
libraryofemma | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
Sweet and heartwarming.

4 Stars
libraryofemma | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 18, 2024 |
As always with Joanne Bischof's book, I loved this one.
I enjoyed seeing a deaf character and learning more about sign language. There was a nice balance of Thor writing and signing.
While this book does not have a lot of Bible verses and such, the Christian theme is very evident throughout the book and it is so sweet. The relationship between the brothers was interesting to read as it changed. I really came to respect Thor for what he has gone through and what he did to overcome it. Much like all of Joanne Bischof's books, this is a book that will impact you. I loved the theme of this book and cannot wait until book two is released in the spring of 2019.

Personal Rating: 5 Stars
Content Rating: 3 Stars
libraryofemma | 17 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
Writer on the Wall is the second Suddenly Sadie Adventure book. In order to get the full “Sadie” experience, you should read the first book in the series, Sadie on the Rocks first. This book continues Sadie’s adventures into enjoying and enriching her life while being single. I loved how she gains new friends, activities, and hobbies while challenging and strengthening herself. Talented author Joanne Bischof has written a very encouraging and enabling series that is creative and embraces all women, no matter what their circumstances are.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | Mar 25, 2024 |
Sweet story set in Rocky Knob, Virginia in 1885. Sixteen year old Sarah Miller moves to Rocky Knob and starts school in a one-room school house like my mother went to. At first she is not sure that she likes the teacher, Mr. Davis, but changes her mind later on.

She had told the teacher that she has trouble with math and the first day, she was given a test and failed the math. The teacher has Sarah sit by Tucker O'Shay. Tucker gets permission to tutor her in math.

Tucker has serious illness and gets teased by the other boys for not being at school every day but when Sarah comes to class, he loves her, and that loves grows stronger everyday. Sarah cannot understand why he would pick her over the other girls but slowly a bond develops between them.

The story proceeds sadly but Sarah so grateful for having Tucker in her life.

This story is short but filed with meaning. Please read if you have the chance.
Carolee888 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 24, 2024 |
I am an unapologetic romance reader, but I’ve not lived my own real-life romance. I have learned to be content in my singleness, and that is the reason Sadie on the Rocks by Joanne Bischof resonated so well with me.

Sadie is a 30-something single gal who decides to stop looking for love and find her own adventure, which leads to rock climbing. I loved what a supportive friend Sadie was, how her rock climbing often mirrored her relationship with God, and that she is so willing to put herself out there—even if it means failing sometimes.

Being single in the church is hard, isn’t it? Sometimes it feels like we’re the forgotten people or that leadership just doesn’t know what to do with us (especially once we’ve passed out of our college and young career ages). But the reality is that there are more and more singles in the church, and I, for one, am so glad Bischof chose to write this character (even though I do kind of hope more develops with her and a certain someone).
Suzie27 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 12, 2024 |
Sadie on the Rocks is a charming book that follows Sadie as she has a change of attitude and awareness about her life as a single woman. She would still like to find a soulmate and have a family, but she decides that she should embrace and enjoy her life as it is. I enjoyed seeing her try new things, make new friends, and overcome her fears. I liked the idea of not letting life pass you by while you yearn for a different type of life, and finding contentment and joy in the everyday things.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 25, 2024 |
Genre: Historical fiction.

My Rating: 4 and 1/2 Stars

Recommendation: 16 Violence, romance, and attitudes.

My favorite character/s: Thor is my favorite character in the end of the book, and I loved how he changed throughout the book.
My Verse for Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; King James Version

My thoughts: This was my first book by this author, and I found it very interesting. I can say that I woud like to read more about the characters.
abigailkayharris | 17 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 1, 2024 |
Wow! More than 5 stars is deserved here! There is so much happening in this book. There's love, the pursuit of justice, revenge, healing, faith, and the true meaning of family. All of the characters are fabulous! For some reason, Haakon is my favorite! He's a complex man but he grows so much as the story goes on. A definite must read!
Sassyjd32 | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
The story of Juniper a mail order bride to a small mining town. When the mine proves empty, her husband disappears leaving Juniper with her small daughter alone. She does have a best friend, Edie who shares her joys and sorrows.
Modern day story of Johnny, a man trying to escape his failed marriage. He buys the old cabin that Juniper and John lived in. He gets caught up in the past and finds healing for himself and his children.
Sassyjd32 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
Lonnie being only seventeen is wishing she were eighteen so she can move out on her own away from her father. Then of all things to happen Lonnie Sawyer’s abusive father forced her to marry a boy that only stole a kiss from her as her father was watching through the window.

Too young to be married and know what real responsibility is, Gideon O’Riley who is the towns ladies’ man is angry about his forced marriage to Lonnie.

Lonnie has a faith and strength that can get her through most situations, but Gideon is a very immature self centered young lad with little or no faith and strength. They are two very different people caught in a marriage neither one wanted.

I enjoyed Lonnie’s character very much, her faith and strength became stronger with each struggle that came her way. Her character is very easy to relate to because the abuse and struggles she endures are believable.

I did like the book, but it did not keep my attention very well. I felt like I knew what was going to happen next, but I would recommend this book because with it being a series, I believe Bischof’s writing will only get better.

Disclamer: I recived a free copy of this book for review from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, for my honest unbiased opinion.
JKJ94 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 27, 2023 |
This novel touched my heart. Learning more about the deaf and how hard it is to live among the hearing was very enlightening. Reading about the Norgaard family and their struggles within themselves, their neighbors, and a newcomer…Aven Norgaard.

This book is set in the late 1800s in the hills of Virginia with all the beauty of the land, the horrors of racism, the struggles of a deaf man, the love of God that brought them together and held them throughout many trials and dangers.
cbcmedia | 17 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 5, 2023 |
This author marvelously allows readers to jump into the character’s skin, letting them experience the time period and its hardships up-close and personal. Much like the reenactments did for Johnny and his sister in the current timeline. Both periods in this novel have engaging and heartbreaking stories with brave and faithful characters. Juniper (historical timeline) and Johnny Cohen in (current timeline) are faced with incredibly difficult situations where they must make decisions that will affect the future of their families and everyone around them. I enjoyed seeing the growth in Juniper as she does what is required of her to survive, protect those she loves, and stay the course of fighting the good fight. She is courageous, loyal and does what she can to stay strong in her faith.

The novel opens in the years 1902. A woman and child are left in what is quickly becoming an empty community. She writes in her journal, “It’s paramount that my daughter and I survive the coming winter, yet ghost towns are not for the living. Still, this desolate place with its remaining miners and abandoned buildings is home.” She had to stay for the sake of her friend and the hope that her husband would return from the mine. But the situation and conflict of emotions are high as the characters face unbearable situations.

Johnny is a father who deeply loves his kids and wants to do the right thing by his marriage vows and his family. Johnny is captivated and encouraged by this historic house he’s bought to renovate and by the letters he’s found written by Juniper. He lives in the house that was part of the ghost town years ago. He remembers this house and the historical reenactments he and his sister went to when they were kids. Not only that, but he recalled how the “employees of the estate would dress up in olden-day costumes, and we kids gobbled down two-dollar hot dogs and cups of lemonade, then tried to pan for gold.” The realtor mentions that the owners want to sell the house to someone who appreciates its historical structure. Johnny feels a connection to the house. He pictures a swing tree and a woodland porch with room for two, it seems the rest of the story is about to begin for him and his kids.”

Both stories are filled with tender moments, and heartache but at the same time it is thought-provoking, vulnerable, and moving. It choked me up in parts. This is a novel that would work great for your next book club pick. The author includes a discussion guide to help create a lively discussion time for your group. There is so much to discuss. If you haven’t read a novel by this author, treat yourself to this one. It’s one you won’t soon forget.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog
norastlaurent | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 14, 2021 |
The Gold in These Hills by Joanne Bischof is the first novel I’ve read by this author, and I was completely blown away by the depth of this dual-time novel. I have come to love this genre, especially when the two timelines are intricately woven together. In this story, the characters are separated by a hundred years yet they are bound together not only by a historical farmhouse but by common hardships of heartache and rebirth.
Much like Johnny, I was captivated by Juniper and her struggles in the early 1900s. I could feel her strength, her determination to persevere at all cost, and yet I could also see how fragile her strength was. The author did such a beautiful job of creating vibrant and layered characters and drawing you to them. The many characters in this story (past and present) stayed with me even when I’d set my e-reader down.
This story deals with heavy, difficult topics, and yet it is beautiful from start to finish in how it shows the characters facing each difficulty head-on and forcing themselves to adapt, to keep living beyond each moment of trial.
Any Christian historical fiction fan will enjoy this story because of the history woven in both timelines. And all fans of dual timeline novels will enjoy Juniper and Johnny’s story. Just be prepared to feel a full spectrum of emotions as Joann Bischof whisks you into the story.
I was given a copy of this book by the publisher with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions are my own.
BlessednBookish | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 23, 2021 |
Told in two timelines, this story is set around the mining town of Kenworthy, California. At one time, the town was bustling with activity, but the mine yeilded no profits, the people moved on and Kenworthy turned into dying town with only a few people remaining.

Juniper Cohen was one of the residents who remained because her husband had disappeared and she was reluctant to leave in case he came back. Not knowing if he were dead or alive, Juniper prayed and wrote letters to him regularly, not knowing where to send them.

In the modern timeline, the story centers around John, a newly divorced young father who bought the historic home that Juniper Cohen once called home. As John remodels the home, he reads about the history of Kenworthy and about the Cohen family. He also meets a young woman with a family connection to Kenworthy. Soon they develop a friendship that looks as if it will be headed to romance.

I really had no idea about some of the things that happened during the mining era, so I enjoyed the historical aspect of the story. This is a very clean, Christian read with positive characters and a message of hope.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas-Nelson-Fiction for allowing me to read an advance copy. I am happy to give my honest review.
tamidale | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 30, 2021 |
The Gold in These Hills is a stand alone Christian historical fiction story by Joanne Bischof. This is a multi timeline story that take place near the 1900's and present day. In this story we see the loneliness Juniper suffers when her husband, John, disappears. We also see the regret John has for his part in falsifying the worth of the mine in the area. Fast forward to modern day, we see Johnny as his life is falling apart and he puts his energies into restoring the run down house.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. The story contains strong characters from both time periods. The writing is so clear it is easy to imagine being there watching the town empty leaving only a few strong people to carry on. I enjoyed reading how the characters worked together to survive. I also enjoyed reading how the modern day people connected to the house had an interest in the people connected to the homes past. This story focuses on devotion and second chances as well as going with your heart.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
eccl | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 25, 2021 |
Joanne Bischof has written a beautiful story of forgiveness, perseverance, love and loss. This is a dual timeline novel, both of which contain rich, extremely well developed characters. In fact, while most would simply call this a romance, I would suggest this borders on literary fiction as well. I strongly recommend this novel to readers who enjoy books focused on character development. Both plot lines literally revolve around this. Readers should not pick up this book looking for a fast pace or swoon worthy romance. This is a book about characters who feel real and relatable, giving readers the opportunity to walk the storyline with them, closely. If you are such a reader, I hope you thoroughly enjoy The Gold in These Hills. This gets a solid 3.5 from me.

I received a complementary copy of this book. Opinions expressed are entirely my own.½
Christine_D | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2021 |
Joanne Bischof is a fantastic writer who is a master at creating realistic, engaging characters and placing them in intriguing situations. In this dual-time novel of life in the mountains of Kenworthy, California in the early 1900s and then again at present time, I felt as if the ghost town was almost a character in itself. I loved the history included in the story. It took me a while to really get into the story, and as is sometimes the case, it was a little jarring to me to slip back and forth between time periods. However, I enjoyed the book and am looking forward to reading more from this author. She writes beautifully and always has obviously engaged in much research into the geographical setting of the book.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 6, 2021 |

This book tells an interesting story, it jumps around from mainly three different points of view, Juniper (June) [who was a mail-order bride] Cohen, her missing husband John Cohen in the historical part, and Johnny Sutherland, a century later who has purchased their historic home and much of the land that used to be the boomtown of Kenworthy, California. Johnny is going through a painful divorce as he tries to make the cabin into a nurturing home for his children for their visits and runs his remodeling business.

Johnny comes across letters that were written by June to her missing husband John. She stays true to his memory as she raises their 3-year-old daughter Bethany in what is becoming a ghost town.

I like the story that is told, it seems to jump around a lot, though. It is a nice Christian, inspirational novel. Highly recommend.

I am thankful for the complimentary copy of #thegoldinthesehills from #netgalley I was under no obligation to post a review.
HuberK | 9 weitere Rezensionen | May 2, 2021 |
The back cover says it so well: "A turn-of-the-century tale that delves deep into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains . . . and the courageous spirit and will of the mountainfolk." A story that stayed with me, even when I wan't reading.

Lonnie Sawyer was born and bred in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She will suddenly be forced to marry someone she doesn't love and is even a little afraid of. But Lonnie's Dad is someone you don't cross and so she marries Gideon O'Riley. Gideon starts out as a arrogant but talented musician who thinks lying can get him the girl of his dreams, which is Lonnie. Now the two must learn to make this marriage work. Lonnie has a heart of gold and what she goes through and endures in the first half of this book was hard to accept.

They will suddenly decide to leave their families and strike out on their own. Here is where you will meet Jebediah and Elsie Bennett; the best thing to happen to Lonnie and Gideon. Under this couples care, Lonnie will survive and heal and Gideon will come to understand what love looks and acts like; where he learns to put others ahead of himself. But just when life looks good for them, and the story is almost finished, you will endure another heartache and see this young couple's lives shattered. Can God work His wonders and bring this couple back together again?
judyg54 | Nov 21, 2019 |