
Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)

Autor von Pensées

401+ Werke 9,142 Mitglieder 62 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 35 Lesern

Über den Autor

French Mathematician Blaise Pascal did much to set in motion what is known today as modern mathematics. An unusually creative mathematician, he developed a number of theorems and mathematical structures, including the beginnings of probability theory and a more sophisticated understanding of the mehr anzeigen geometry of conic structures. At the age of 16, Pascal wrote a brilliant paper on conics; the paper consisted of one single printed page on which he states his major theorem - the opposite sides of any hexagon inscribed in a cone intersect in a straight line. This theorem led Pascal to develop several hundred related theorems in geometry. Pascal's activities, however, were not confined to pure mathematics. When he was about 19 years old, he built a calculating machine that he demonstrated to the king of France. It worked well enough to allow him to build and sell about 50 of them over a few years' time. His work on problems in atmospheric pressure eventually resulted in an early version of the gas law. At the age of 25, Pascal entered a Jansenist monastery to begin an ascetic life of study and argument. However, he continued his mathematical work. With Pierre de Fermat, Pascal laid the foundation for the theory of probability. In 1654, Pascal's friend, the Chevelier de Mere, had asked him to analyze a problem arising from a game of chance. Pascal in turn exchanged a number of letters with Fermat about the problem. This correspondence became the starting point for a theory of probability. However, neither published the ideas developed in the correspondence. The letters did inspire one of Pascal's contemporaries, Christian Huygens of Holland, to publish in 1657 a short tract on the mathematics of games involving dice. Pascal's name is now attached to "Pascals' Triangle" of binomial coefficients which plays and important role in the study combinations and probability. The triangle was known at least 600 years before Pascal became interested in it, but because of his contributions to its study, the triangle eventually became associated with his name. A sensitive and temperamental man, Pascal was obsessed with religious philosophy, a subject on which he wrote extensively. In his general philosophy he was very much taken with the concept of the infinite, which unsettled him and inspired in him a sense of awe. Over a period of years, he wrote on many religious, philosophical, and mathematical subjects. His notes and letters were edited and published posthumously as his Pensees. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
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Werke von Blaise Pascal

Pensées (1669) 4,902 Exemplare
The Provincial Letters (1952) 441 Exemplare
Logik des Herzens (1670) 435 Exemplare
Britannica Great Books: Pascal (1670) — Autor — 361 Exemplare
Thoughts ; Letters ; Minor works (1910) 277 Exemplare
Pensées; The Provincial Letters (1941) 233 Exemplare
Human Happiness (1670) 124 Exemplare
Ceuvres completes (1954) 81 Exemplare
100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 1 (2017) — Mitwirkender — 58 Exemplare
Pensées et Opuscules (1927) 50 Exemplare
Oeuvres complètes (1873) — Autor — 39 Exemplare
The essential Pascal (1966) 34 Exemplare
The Living Thoughts of Pascal (1940) — Autor — 27 Exemplare
Gedachten (1997) 26 Exemplare
Pascal (1954) 24 Exemplare
Pascal : Oeuvres complètes, tome 1 (1998) — Autor — 21 Exemplare
Pensees: No 1 18 Exemplare
Da Arte de Persuadir (2003) 17 Exemplare
Pascal : Oeuvres complètes, tome 2 (2000) — Autor — 16 Exemplare
Düsünceler (1932) 14 Exemplare
Tankar. 2 11 Exemplare
Frammenti politici (2000) 11 Exemplare
Les Provinciales (2004) 10 Exemplare
Myšlenky : výbor (2000) 7 Exemplare
Provinciais, As (2016) 7 Exemplare
Œuvres complètes (1964) 7 Exemplare
Brev och småskrifter (2012) 7 Exemplare
The works of Blaise Pascal (2013) 7 Exemplare
Thoughts, Selections (1949) 6 Exemplare
Pascal 6 Exemplare
Dusunceler (2005) 5 Exemplare
Pensaments i opuscles (2021) 5 Exemplare
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal (2012) 5 Exemplare
The Wager (1995) 5 Exemplare
Pensamientos (2018) 4 Exemplare
Die Vernunft des Herzens (2010) 4 Exemplare
Pensieri: antologia (1981) 4 Exemplare
Pensées, tome 2 (1977) 4 Exemplare
Pensieri, opuscoli, lettere (1978) 3 Exemplare
The Heart of Pascal (1945) 3 Exemplare
pensees, opuscules et lettres (2011) 3 Exemplare
Mysli (2019) 3 Exemplare
Pascal's apology for religion (1942) 3 Exemplare
Great shorter works of Pascal (1948) 3 Exemplare
L'Oeuvre (2023) 3 Exemplare
Pascal 3 Exemplare
Pensieri. Scommessa su Dio (1995) 3 Exemplare
Provincianes (2023) 3 Exemplare
uvres compltes / 3 Exemplare
Opuscoli e lettere 2 Exemplare
Les provinciales II 2 Exemplare
Escritos Escogidos (2016) 2 Exemplare
Oeuvres Completes, l'integrale (1966) 2 Exemplare
科学論文集 (岩波文庫) (1953) 2 Exemplare
パンセ (中公文庫) (1973) 2 Exemplare
L'œuvre de Pascal 2 Exemplare
Thoughts [Part I] 2 Exemplare
Gedanken 2 Exemplare
Pensées et opuscules (1934) 2 Exemplare
Oeuvres Completes 2 Exemplare
Thoughts [Part II] 2 Exemplare
Pascal's Thoughts (2018) 2 Exemplare
Of the Geometrical Spirit (2015) 2 Exemplare
Oeuvres complètes, tome 2 (1992) 2 Exemplare
Risaleler (2017) 2 Exemplare
Pascal : Oeuvres Completes (1954) 2 Exemplare
Selections From Pascal (2017) 2 Exemplare
Opuscoli e lettere 2 Exemplare
[Pensieri] 1 (1996) 2 Exemplare
Pensees et opuscules (1914) 2 Exemplare
Pascal 2 Exemplare
Een gedachte voor elke dag (2005) 2 Exemplare
Pascal Pens̩es 1 Exemplar
De Store tænkere: Pascal (2000) 1 Exemplar
Oeuvres choisies 1 Exemplar
Denken mit Blaise Pascal (2006) 1 Exemplar
Thoughts on Religion (2016) 1 Exemplar
Opúsculos (1964) 1 Exemplar
Œuvre 1 Exemplar
Cugetări (2013) 1 Exemplar
LES PROVINCIALES, 2 TOMES (1962) 1 Exemplar
Pensees and The Provincial Letters — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Les Provincials (1970) 1 Exemplar
Les provinciales I 1 Exemplar
Misli 1 Exemplar
Variety 1 Exemplar
Sentez 1 Exemplar
Les Provinciales 1 Exemplar
The Penses / 1 Exemplar
Pense¿¿es 1 Exemplar
Myšlenky 1 Exemplar
Obras (1981) 1 Exemplar
Pensieri 2 (1996) 1 Exemplar
Pensees - Gedanken (2016) 1 Exemplar
PENSEES -Poche- -1990- (1969) 1 Exemplar
Worte, die befreien (1985) 1 Exemplar
[Pensieri] 2 1 Exemplar
Spisi o milosti (2012) 1 Exemplar
Scrieri alese 1 Exemplar
provinciales, Les (2011) 1 Exemplar
Œuvres, tome IV 1 Exemplar
Œuvres, tome V 1 Exemplar
Opuscules philosophiques (1980) 1 Exemplar
Tankar : II 1 Exemplar
Pascal. Choix de pensées (1965) 1 Exemplar
Pascals Breve 1 Exemplar
«Il faut parier» (2009) 1 Exemplar
Pensées sur la justice (2011) 1 Exemplar
Oeuvres completes 1 Exemplar
Pensieri scelta 1 Exemplar
Philosophie Jetzt! Pascal (1997) 1 Exemplar
Js (1998) 1 Exemplar
Tankar 1 1 Exemplar
PENSEES 2 1 Exemplar
Pensieri. Blaise Pascal (2009) 1 Exemplar
Hairspray (2000) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

The European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche (1960) — Mitwirkender — 440 Exemplare
Western Philosophy: An Anthology (1996) — Autor, einige Ausgaben189 Exemplare
Man and Spirit: The Speculative Philosophers (1947) — Mitwirkender — 173 Exemplare
Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (2010) — Mitwirkender — 143 Exemplare
God (Hackett Readings in Philosophy) (1996) — Mitwirkender, einige Ausgaben59 Exemplare
The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy (2005) — Mitwirkender — 28 Exemplare
The Middle Ages to the 17th Century: Literature of the Western World (1961) — Mitwirkender, einige Ausgaben23 Exemplare
Philosophical Issues: A Contemporary Introduction (1972) — Mitwirkender — 17 Exemplare
Pascal Selections (The Great Philosophers) (1989)einige Ausgaben16 Exemplare
Reading Philosophy of Religion (2010) — Mitwirkender — 10 Exemplare
The Analog Sea Review: Number Three (2020) — Mitwirkender — 10 Exemplare
Profil d'une oeuvre : Pensées, Pascal, 1670 (1973) — Mitwirkender — 9 Exemplare



Rechtmäßiger Name
Pascal, Blaise
Andere Namen
Montalte, Louis de
Saint-Étienne-du-Mont, Paris, France
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Paris, France
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Paris, France
Rouen, France
Port-Royal Abbey, Paris, France
at home
Périer-Pascal, Gilberte (zuster)
Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont-Ferrand, France. His parents were Antoinette Bégon and Étienne Pascal, a local magistrate and presiding judge of the tax court there. He had two sisters, Gilberte and Jacqueline. Their mother died in 1626, when Blaise was three, and a few years later the family moved to Paris. Étienne Pascal, also a mathematician and natural philosopher who was proficient in Latin and Greek, devoted himself to the education of his children, who all showed exceptional abilities. Although often ill and in pain, Blaise proved to be talented in mathematics and science from a young age. In 1640, at age 16. he published an essay on conic sections, Essai pour les coniques, which won praise as an important contribution to the relatively new field of projective geometry. Between 1642 and 1644, Pascal conceived and constructed a calculating device, known as the Pascaline, the world's first mechanical calculator. In 1646, Etienne fell and fractured his leg and seriously injured his hip; he received medical treatment from two brothers who were disciples of Jean du Vergier de Hauranne, abbé de Saint-Cyran and director of the abbey of Port-Royal in Paris. The abbé Saint-Cyran had introduced an austere moral and theological creed known as Jansenism and the whole Pascal family converted. Pascal became devoutly religious and his sister Jacqueline eventually became a Jansenist nun. Over the next few years, Pascal tested the theories of Galileo and of Evangelista Torricelli. In a famous experiment in 1648, he had his brother-in-law take barometric readings at various altitudes on the Puy-de-Dôme, the highest mountain in the Auvergne, so he could test Torricelli's ideas on atmospheric pressure. During this time, Pascal invented the syringe and the hydraulic press. The years 1651–1654 were another period of intense scientific work for Pascal, during which he composed treatises on the equilibrium of liquid solutions, on the weight and density of air, and on the arithmetic triangle. Together with Pierre de Fermat, he created the calculus of probabilities. Pascal had a carriage accident in November 1654 in which he narrowly escaped death, and considered this a summons to begin a new life in seclusion from the world. He entered the abbey of Port-Royal and remained there until his death at age 39 in 1662. The two works for which he is chiefly remembered, Lettres Provinciales (1657) and the Pensées (1658), date from the years of his life at Port-Royal. Pascal's contributions to science have been honored in a variety of ways. In 1972, Nicklaus Wirth named his new computer language Pascal. The Pascal (symbol Pa) is the unit of pressure designated by the International System of Units.



100 PAS 1
luvucenanzo06 | 33 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 8, 2023 |
100 PAS 2
luvucenanzo06 | 33 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 8, 2023 |
master works of religious thought
SrMaryLea | Aug 22, 2023 |
Os pensamentos do senhor Pascal começam bem, como uma coleção de aforismos pré-Nietzscheanos e com observações interessantes e de boa pena, mas descambam rumo ao seu objetivo, aparentemente principal, e de modo insuportável ao final - a defesa apologética do cristianismo. Não que não se possa defender em argumentos o cristianismo, mas aqui há uma enorme quantidade de petições de princípio e acenos para aqueles que já estão convencidos da importância dessa religião, muito mais que qualquer outra coisa. As certezas que a aceitação acrítica da fé trazem, acabam então engolindo as observações sobre a importância do hábito e dos costumes na formação da cultura, e há ainda a decepção do episódio da "aposta de Pascal" ser assim, no original, tão simplório.… (mehr)
henrique_iwao | 33 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 18, 2022 |



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