
In Koli Jean Bofane

Autor von Congo Inc.: Bismarck's Testament

7 Werke 128 Mitglieder 9 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Werke von In Koli Jean Bofane

Congo Inc.: Bismarck's Testament (2014) — Autor — 56 Exemplare
Mathématiques congolaises (2008) 49 Exemplare
De schone van Casablanca (2018) 15 Exemplare
Casablanca Story (2018) 5 Exemplare
Bibi en de eenden (2000) 1 Exemplar





FILBO | May 2, 2024 |
Brilliant, Profoundly Moving, Witty

At the beginning of this storyline we meet the main character twenty-six year old Isookanga from the Ekonda clan living in the vast resource-rich forest area in training under his uncle, the Chief, to be the heir and protector of the land. He is a Pygmy, who is ten centimeters (4 inches) taller than all Ekondas, as his father was not a Pygmy, and spends his time as one of the top player in online game, Raging Trade, where players compete to ruthlessly exploit natural resources.

As Isookanga clashes with the Chief on the future direction of the forested land, he leaves his village for Kinshasa to make his fortune as a “globalist.”

Here in the cast of characters quickly expands to highlight not only the present conditions of the citizens and foreigners harmed/displaced/exploited under the guise of globalization but how the legacy of colonialism has influenced the current direction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Bofane conjures of the lives involved with wit and heart-breaking vividness.

The translation is fluent and the translator has kept the Congolese sayings where it makes sense with the translation as a footnote on the page. This did not disrupt my reading pleasure as the literal translation would often not seem to be in flow with the characters voices.

The Forward provides the necessary background information to help center the reader in keeping in the present and helped refresh my memory of the history of DRC.

While at times it was a disquieting read, it is the balance by the humor and resilience of the characters that makes this a very worthwhile book.

TW: There are graphic scenes of sexual violence.
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bookmuse56 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 4, 2022 |
La vicenda segue Isookanga, un pigmeo della tribù ekonda, troppo alto per i pigmei e troppo basso per il resto del Congo. Fermo (e un po’ ingenuo) sostenitore della globalizzazione, Isookanga decide di lasciare la foresta equatoriale e tentare la fortuna a Kinshasa. Arrivato nella grande città Isookanga incontra il cinese Zhang Xia – con il quale “entra in affari” mettendosi a vendere sacchetti d’acqua fresca – e una teoria di personaggi grotteschi, terribili e incredibilmente reali attraverso i quali viene dipinto un vero e proprio quadro del Congo contemporaneo e dell’eredità del colonialismo e del precolonialismo. Il testamento di Bismarck appunto.

Congo Inc è uno di quei libri che ha la grande capacità di dispensare in ugual misura sorrisi e pugni nello stomaco: è scritto con ironia, con sarcasmo e credo, in alcuni punti, con sofferenza. Quello di Bofane è uno sguardo decisamente lucido e disincantato che non risparmia niente e nessuno: sono straordinariamente sarcastiche le pagine dedicate alla chiesa (La chiesa della Moltiplicazione) e ai suoi sacerdoti, così come è straordinariamente ironica la figura dell’antropologa Aude Martin, tutta compresa nel suo populismo buonista e caratterizzata da un “senso di colpa occidentale” con cui guarda il Congo e i Congolesi.

E poi, mentre si sorride, mentre si ride, arriva anche tutto il resto. Arrivano gli shé
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kikka62 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 20, 2020 |
Het boek beschrijft het leven van een migrant die gestrand is in Casablanca. Maar tegelijkertijd worden ook nog diverse andere verhaallijnen er doorheen gewerkt. Dat maakt het boek onsamenhangend.. Eigenlijk jammer want de diverse thema's zouden apart een mooi boek kunnen opleveren.
Pieter_Goldhoorn | Aug 14, 2019 |




½ 3.5

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